2024년 12월 31일 발행
회원 여러분, 안녕하십니까?
한국국제정치학회 영문학술지인 The Korean Journal of International Studies Vol.22, No.3 (December 2024)의 목록과 해당 논문으로 이동하실 수 있는 링크를 하단에 첨부하여 보내드립니다.
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KJIS Vol.22, No.3 (December 2024)
1. Chinese Structural Power in Central and East Europe : A Case Study of Hungary and Serbia
- Zeljana Zmire (Hanyang University) and Sang Kyou Kim (Gyeongi Research Institute)
2. In the Shadow of the Cold War : Structural Analysis on US-Russia Relations
- HyunJun Seo (Yonsei University)
3. Transition to a Friendly Neighbor : Saudi Arabia's Aid Odyssey
- Alanoud Aloufi(Yonsei University) and Hyojung Kim(Kyung Hee University)
4. The Double-Edged Sword of Chinese Official Development Finance : How Does Chinese Official Finance Affect Collective Labor Rights in Developing Countries
- Hyerim Kim (Yonsei University) and Seong Hun Yoo (Yonsei University)
5. Transpacific Integration and Open Regionalism : The Case of Singapore as Associated State of the Pacific Alliance
- Fabricio A. Fonseca (National Chengchi University) and Miriam L. Sanchez (Universidad Panamericana)
6. Partisan Politics and the Dynamics of Corporate Tax Policy in the United States, 1986-2012
- Mi Jeong Shin (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
회원 여러분께.
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