Submission Guidelines

Preparing the Manuscript

I. Requirements and Procedures for Submission

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Korean Journal of International Relations (KJIR) should not have been published in another academic journal or book and should demonstrate scholarly excellence that can contribute to the academic progress of the international relations field.

2. Only regular members and associate members currently in a PhD program are eligible to submit manuscripts. Other associate members and non-members may only submit articles by coauthoring with regular members.

3. Articles must be submitted through the KJIR online submission system ( The author should submit a similarity report using the KCI plagiarism prevention service and the 'Copyright Transfer Agreement'.

4. Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted for publication should make payments as determined by the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS): 100,000 won for regular articles, and 200,000 won for articles that have received research funding. To receive separate physical copies upon publication, authors need to pay an additional 50,000 won.

5. Once a manuscript is published, the copyright shall belong to the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS). Before publication, authors will be asked to sign and submit a consent form for copyright transfer.

II. Length of Manuscript

1. In principle, the length of a manuscript should not exceed 20 A4 pages, inclusive of footnotes, tables, figures, and bibliography. (Abstract and keywords are counted separately.) For manuscripts that exceed 20 pages, authors must pay 50,000 won for each additional page.

2. In determining manuscript length in terms of the number of A4 pages, the following default settings of the Hangul word processor serves as the basis.

Top 20mm/ Bottom 15mm/ Left 30mm/ Right 30mm
Header 15mm/ Footer 15mm/ Gutter 0mm

Font: Batang/ Size: 10 point/ Scale: 100%/ Spacing 0%/ First line indentation 10 point
Line spacing: 160%

Font: Batang/ Size: 9 point/ Scale 95%/ Spacing -5%/ Hanging indentation 10 point
Line spacing: 130%

III. Structure of Manuscript

1. The text of a manuscript should be written in Korean. Chinese characters and foreign words may be used when necessary (for example, for clarification of meaning) and, in such cases, should be placed in parentheses after the corresponding Korean word in its first appearance.

2. Numbers should be expressed in Arabic numerals. For headings and sub-headings, the numbering system in the following example should be used: II, 2, 2), (2), 나

3. Footnotes should be used only when necessary, and its format should follow the footnote style described below.

4. Bibliography should start with the heading “Bibliography” and on a new page. Its format should follow the bibliography style described below.

5. Tables and figures should be placed within text and in appropriate positions using the numbering style in the following example: <Table 1>, <Figure 1>. Sources should be specified immediately below the table or figure. (Example: Source: Bank of Korea, Statistical Yearbook (1985), pp. 1-2)

IV. Ensuring Anonymity of Authors

1. Authors must take the utmost care to preserve anonymity. A manuscript for review should not contain, except for in the cover page, any information that can reveal the identity of the authors—for example, name, institutional affiliation, personal website, acknowledgements, etc.

2. Authors should refrain from citing their own work in the footnote or the bibliography of a manuscript for review. When it is absolutely necessary to cite one’s own work, the name of the author should be changed to a fictitious one in the footnotes and bibliography. Once an article is accepted for publication the identity of the author(s) may be revealed.

3. If a manuscript has been presented with the same title at a conference or seminar less than one year prior to submission, the author(s) must inform the KJIR the name of the conference or seminar, along with the names of the panelists (chair, presenters, and discussants). If one of the panelists at such a conference or seminar ends up reviewing the manuscript due to the failure of the author(s) to provide KJIR information regarding the panelists, the result of review may be annulled by a decision of the Editorial Board.

4. Manuscripts which contain information that reveal the identity of the author(s) will be returned. For these manuscripts, the date on which a corrected version has been resubmitted shall serve as the new date of submission.

V. Footnote Style


In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the title of the book is indicated with 『 』, the author's name, 『Title: Subtitle』 (Publication place: Publisher, year of publication), page. Fill it out in order.
1) 박경서, 『국제정치경제론』 (서울: 법문사, 1985), p. 120.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the title of the book is italicized, the author's name, Title: Subtitle (Publication place: Publisher, year of publication), page. Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
2) Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1968), p. 12.

Journal Articles

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, "the title of article," 『the name of journal』 제0권(집) 0호 (issue year), page, and Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Fill it out in order.
3) 이범준, "베트남·蘇聯 同盟關係 分析," 『국제정치논총』 제29집 2호 (1990), pp. 10-11.
4) 신욱희, “동아시아 지역질서연구 시론: 보편/특수에서 전체/부분의 관점으로,” 『국제정치논총』 제61집 4호 (2021), pp. 8-10,

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, "the title of article," the name of journal Vol.-No. (issue month and year), page, and Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
5) Richard J. Anderson, "Marxism and Secular Faith," American Political Science Review 79-3 (September 1965), pp. 627-640,
6) Tae-Hyung Kim, "South Korea’s Strategic Relationships with Sub-Saharan Africa: Energy Security and Beyond," The Korean Journal of International Studies 8-1 (June 2010), pp. 120-135,

Ph.D. Dissertation

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, “Thesis title,” Degree-granting University (Degree conferred year), page. Fill it out in order.
7) 이용희, “국제정치에 관한 이론적 및 력사적 연구,” 서울대학교 박사학위논문 (1963), p. 7.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, “Thesis title,” (Degree-granting University, Degree conferred year), page. Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
8) Edmund J. Malesky, "At Provincial Gates: The Impact of Locally Concentrated Foreign Direct Investment on Provincial Autonomy and Economic Reform," (Ph. D. Dissertation, Duke University, 2003), pp. 8-10.

Conference Papers

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, “title of paper,” conference information (presentation date), page. Fill it out in order.
9) 최영종, “북한의 개혁개방 전략과 국내정치적 동학: 구속력 명제를 중심으로,” 한국국제정치학회 연례학술대회 발표 논문 (2018. 12. 01), p. 3.
10) 이진영·김석우, “아세안(ASEAN) 지역주의와 한국의 대 아세안 ODA 정책,” 한국국제정치학회 하계학술대회 발표 논문 (2020. 07. 02), pp. 5-6.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, “title of paper,” conference information (presentation date), page. Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
11) Jacques E. Hymans, "Between Principle and Self-Interest: Explaining Britain's Decision to Recognize the Sovereignty of Imperial Japan," Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Korean Association of International Studies (December 5, 2013), p. 5.
12) Hochul Lee, "Denuclearization and Peace Process with Regional Implications," Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Korean Association of International Studies (June 22, 2018), p. 4.

Research Papers / Working Papers

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, “Title: Subtitle,” 『name of Publication』 제0권(집) 0호 (issue date), page, at web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
13) 문정인, “침몰하는 발전국가의 ‘신화’,” 『시사IN』 351호, (2014년 06월 10일), p. 1, (검색일: 2014. 06. 11).
14) 오윤미, “대만의 코로나19 사태 대응과 시사점,” 『KIEP 세계경제 포커스』 제3권 18호 (2020년 06월 19일), p. 1, (검색일: 2020. 06. 20).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, “Title: Subtitle,” name of Publication Vol.-No. (issue date), page, at web address (search date). Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
15) Dongsoo Kim, "A Systemic Analysis of the U.S.-China Trade War: Origins and Prospects," RINSA FORUM 60 (February 28, 2019), pp. 5-7, at (검색일: 2019. 03. 01).


In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, “Title: Subtitle,” name of Publication (issue date), page, at web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
16) 청와대 국가안보실, “국가 사이버안보 전략,” 청와대 (2019년 04월 03일), pp. 8-9, (검색일: 2019.04.04).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, “Title: Subtitle,” name of Publication (issue date), page, at web address (search date). Fill it out in order. In the footnote, the author's notation is in the order of First Name Last Name.
17) Office of the Secretary of Defense, “Nuclear Posture Review Roport,” US Department of Defense (April 6, 2010), pp. 15-16, at

Edited volumes / Chapter in a Book

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name, “the author’s chapter,” editor’s name(eds.) 『Title: Subtitle』 (Publication place: Publisher, year of publication), page. Fill it out in order.
18) 이홍구, “마르크스와 정치이론,” 이홍구(편), 『마르크시즘 100년』 (서울: 문학과 지성사, 1984), p. 129.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name, “the author’s chapter,” in editor’s name(eds.) Title: Subtitle (Publication place: Publisher, year of publication), page. Fill it out in order. 19) Susan Strange, “IMF: Monetary Managers,” in Robert W. Cox and Harold Jacobson (eds.), The Anatomy of Influence (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1973), p. 277.

Internet Source Citation

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, original author, “Title,” website name (issue date), at web address (search date). Fill it out in the order. The access date should be specified.
20) 중소벤처기업부, “자영업자 현황,” e-나라지표 (2021년 05월 14일), https://www.index. (검색일: 2021. 09. 23).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, original author, “Title,” website name (issue date), at web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
21) Steven Pifer, “Nuclear Weapons: It’s Time for Sole Purpose,” Stanford freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (September 15, 2020), at (검색일: 2021. 12. 01).

Newspaper Articles

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, writer, “Title of article,” 『newspaper name』 (issue date), web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
22) 김경희, “중, 핵미사일 격납고 건설 빠르게 진척…‘역대급 군비 증강’” 『연합뉴스』 (2021년 11월 03일), (검색일: 2021. 11. 04).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, writer, “Title of article,” newspaper name (issue date), at web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
23) Nick Paton Walsh, “The Wuhan files: Leaked documents reveal China’s mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19,” CNN (December 1, 2020), at (검색일: 2020. 12. 02).

Second and subsequent citations

When want to re-cite the above-mentioned literature information, author name (year of publication), page. Fill it out in order.
24) 박경서 (1985), p. 125.
25) Richard J. Arneson (1985), p. 30.
26) 이범준 (1990), p. 15.
27) Samuel P. Huntington (1968), pp. 30-31.

VI. Bibliography Style

1. The reference includes detailed bibliographic information of all documents mentioned in the main text and footnotes, and does not include documents not mentioned in the main body and footnotes.

2. When writing references, organize them in the order of primary data, books, journal articles, internet sources, and other materials.

3. References are arranged in the order of Korean literature, literature written in Roman characters, and literature in other foreign languages (Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc.), and arranged 가,나,다 or alphabetically for each document.

4. In the reference, the author's notation is in the order of Last Name First Name.


In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the title of the book is indicated with 『 』, the author's name. 『Title: Subtitle』 (Publication place: Publisher, year of publication). Fill it out in order.
1) 박경서. 『국제정치경제론』 서울: 법문사, 1985.
In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the title of the book is italicized, the author's name. Title: Subtitle. Publication place: Publisher, year of publication. Fill it out in order.
2) Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies . New Haven, Conneticut: Yale University Press, 1968.

Journal Articles

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. "the title of article." 『the name of journal』 제0권(집) 0호 (issue year). and Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Fill it out in order.
3) 이범준. "베트남·蘇聯 同盟關係 分析." 『국제정치논총』 제29집 2호 (1990).
4) 신욱희. “동아시아 지역질서연구 시론: 보편/특수에서 전체/부분의 관점으로.” 『국제정치논총』 제61집 4호 (2021).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. "the title of article." the name of journal Vol.-No. (issue month, and year). and Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Fill it out in order.
5) Arneson, Richard J. "Marxism and Secular Faith." American Political Science Review 79-3 (September, 1985).
6) Kim, Tae-Hyung. "South Korea’s Strategic Relationships with Sub-Saharan Africa: Energy Security and Beyond," The Korean Journal of International Studies 8-1 (June 2010).

Ph.D. Dissertation

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. “Thesis title.” Degree-granting University, Degree conferred year. Fill it out in order.
7) 이용희. “국제정치에 관한 이론적 및 력사적 연구.” 서울대학교 박사학위논문, 1963.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. “Thesis title.” Degree-granting University, Degree conferred year. Fill it out in order.
8) Malesky, Edmund J. "At Provincial Gates: The Impact of Locally Concentrated Foreign Direct Investment on Provincial Autonomy and Economic Reform." Ph. D. Dissertation, Duke University, 2003.

Conference Papers

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. “title of paper.” conference information (presentation date). Fill it out in order.
9) 최영종. “북한의 개혁개방 전략과 국내정치적 동학: 구속력 명제를 중심으로.” 한국국제정치학회 연례학술대회 발표 논문 (2018. 12. 01).
10) 이진영·김석우. “아세안(ASEAN) 지역주의와 한국의 대 아세안 ODA 정책.” 한국국제정치학회 하계학술대회 발표 논문 (2020. 07. 02).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. “title of paper.” conference information (presentation date). Fill it out in order.
11) Hymans, Jacques E. "Between Principle and Self-Interest: Explaining Britain's Decision to Recognize the Sovereignty of Imperial Japan." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Korean Association of International Studies (December 5, 2013).
12) Lee, Hochul. "Denuclearization and Peace Process with Regional Implications." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Korean Association of International Studies (June 22, 2018).

Research Papers / Working Papers

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. “Title: Subtitle.” 『name of Publication』 제0권(집) 0호 (issue date). web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
13) 문정인. “침몰하는 발전국가의 ‘신화’.” 『시사IN』 351호 (2014년 06월 10일). (검색일: 2014. 06. 11).
14) 오윤미. “대만의 코로나19 사태 대응과 시사점.” 『KIEP 세계경제 포커스』 제3권 18호 (2020년 06월 19일). (검색일: 2020. 06. 20).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. “Title: Subtitle.” name of Publication Vol.-No. (issue date). at web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
15) Kim, Dongsoo. "A Systemic Analysis of the U.S.-China Trade War: Origins and Prospects." RINSA FORUM 60 (February 28, 2019) at (검색일: 2019. 03. 01).


In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. “Title: Subtitle.” name of Publication (issue date). at web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
16) 청와대 국가안보실. “국가 사이버안보 전략.” 청와대 (2019년 04월 03일). (검색일: 2019. 04. 04).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. “Title: Subtitle.” name of Publication (issue date). at web address (search date). Fill it out in order.
17) Office of the Secretary of Defense. “Nuclear Posture Review Roport.” US Department of Defense (April 6, 2010). at

Edited volumes / Chapter in a Book

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, the author's name. “the author’s chapter.” editor’s name(eds.). 『Title: Subtitle』 Publication place: Publisher, year of publication. Fill it out in order.
18) 이홍구. “마르크스와 정치이론.” 이홍구(편). 『마르크시즘 100년』 서울: 문학과 지성사, 1984.

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, the author's name. “the author’s chapter.” in editor’s name(eds.) Title: Subtitle. Publication place: Publisher, year of publication. Fill it out in order.
19) Strange, Susan. "IMF: Monetary Managers." in Cox, Robert W. and Harold Jacobson(eds.). The Anatomy of Influence. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1973.

Internet Source Citation

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, original author. “Title.” website name (issue date). web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
20) 중소벤처기업부. “자영업자 현황.” e-나라지표 (2021년 05월 14일). https://www.index. (검색일: 2021. 09. 23).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, original author. “Title.” website name (issue date). at web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
21) Pifer, Steven. “Nuclear Weapons: It’s Time for Sole Purpose.” Stanford freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (September 15, 2020) at (검색일: 2021. 12. 01).

Newspaper Articles

In the case of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Chinese characters, writer. “Title of article.” 『newspaper name』 (issue date). web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
22) 김경희. “중, 핵미사일 격납고 건설 빠르게 진척…‘역대급 군비 증강’.” 『연합뉴스』 (2021년 11월 03일). (검색일: 2021. 11. 04).

In the case of Western languages written in Roman characters, writer. “Title of article.” newspaper name (issue date). at web address (search date). Fill it out in the order.
23) Walsh, Nick Paton. “The Wuhan files: Leaked documents reveal China’s mishandling of the early stages of Covid-19.” CNN (December 1, 2020). at (검색일: 2020. 12. 02).
