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卷頭辭 金永俊
The Russo-Japanese War and the Western Powers Chung-whan Chun
A Study on the Masan-Po Case in later period of Yi Dynasty Eui-whan Kim
The Evolution of Triple Relations of Military Tie-up among Korea, U.S. and Japan Sang-koo Lee
An Essay on Power in International Politics Ki-won Lee
The Developmental Orientation of International Order Seung-hun Lee
Key Note Article Joon-kyoo Park
Politics in the 1970's Pom-mo Ku
Foreign Relations in the 1970's Jae-sok Sohn
National Security in the 1970's Young-june Kim
Economy in the 1970's Soon Cho
Hojeh Lhee, The Ideal and Reality of the Foreign Policy of Korea, 1945-53 Seong-tong Pai
Ki-pyok Cha, The Politics of Modernization Tong-suh Park
Byung-kyu Woo, The Process of Legislation Kye-soo Kim
1970 學會年度活動槪要 편집부
會員動靜 편집부
任員名單 편집부
會員名單 편집부
韓國國際政治學會定款 편집부
編輯後記 李命植

卷頭辭 朴俊圭
An Introduction to the Politics of Emerging Nations Cha Ki-Byok
The Analysis of Korean Political Pattern and Habitude of Politlcal Development Moon Chang-Joo
A Criticism on the Economic theory of Imperialism Roy Jyung-Dong
The Structure of Political Authority in Postwar Korea Han Bae Ho
An Introduction to a Comparative Study of Foreign Policy Kim Kyung-Won
The Positive Neutralism of Nasser in the Context of Egyptian Poltiics Lee Ho-Jae
A Study on Prudence Ro Jae-Bong
The Present Status of Research on the Modern Theory of Strategy Hwang Jong-Dae
James A. Stegenga, "The United Nations Force in Cyprus" Choi Jong-Ki
Stanley Hoffman, "Gulliver's Trouble, or The Setting of American Foreign Policy" Kim Yong-Koo
1969 學會年度活動槪要 편집부
會員動靜 편집부
任員名單 외 편집부
編輯後記 文昌周

머릿말 이용희
趣旨文 편집부
討論指針 편집부
學術大會順序 외 편집부
韓國近代化의 基本問題 李用熙
韓國近代化에 있어서의 葛藤(報告) 盧在鳳
韓國近代化에 있어서의 調和(報告) 禹炳奎
第一部 韓國近代化에 있어서의 葛藤 朴奉植, 李用熙, 申一澈, 廬在鳳, 高泳復, 車基璧, 張源宗, 林鐘哲
第二部 韓國近代化에 있어서의 調和 朴奉植, 禹炳奎, 河璟根, 車基璧, 李用熙, 林鐘哲, 張源宗, 高永復, 金永俊, 文昌周, 孫製錫
「淸光緖朝中日交涉史料」 李用熙, 金容九
一九六八年 本學會年度 主要活動槪要 외 편집부

Seminar on “Contemporary Japan” 편집부
쎄미나 日程 편집부
쎄미나 參加者 편집부
第一部 日本의 治政 朴奉植, 李用熙, 金相浹, 權五琦, 梁好民, 具範謨, 李基遠, 金雲泰, 柳正烈, 金圭南
第二部 日本의 經濟 朴奉植, 李昌烈, 金宗炫, 吳智澤, 林鍾哲, 鄭道泳, 崔昌洛, 朱宗桓, 李用熙
第三部 韓國과 日本 朴奉植, 閔丙岐, 朴俊圭, 孫製錫, 李命植, 林鍾哲, 薛漢俊, 李甲燮, 車基璧, 申基碩, 朴觀淑, 崔鍾起
第四部 綜合質疑 朴奉植, 李用熙, 文定昌, 朴俊圭, 金宗炫, 李甲燮, 吳智澤, 林鐘哲, 閔丙崎, 孫製錫, 權五琦, 金圭南, 李基遠, 鄭道泳, 具範謨, 朱宗恒, 薛漢俊, 崔鍾起, 車基璧, 金雲泰, 李命植
北傀의 對南(統一)戰略과 戰術 俞完植
韓國外交의 方向 文昌周
分斷國家의 統一問題 類型比較 李承憲
共産圈에 있어서의 北韓의 地位 金榮培
越南戰에 對한 主要國의 立場 閔丙天
韓日關係에 있어서의 美國의 役割 金玉烈
一九六七年本學會年度 主要 活動槪要 외 편집부
編輯後記 禹炳奎
『論業』 第七輯을 내면서 李用熙
趣旨文 편집부

「論業」第六輯을 내면서 李用熙
趣旨文 편집부
大심포지움 主題와 發表者 외 편집부
The Problems Facing Korean Nationalism Lee Yong-Hee
The Historical Character of Korean Nationalism Hong I-Sop
The Korean nationalism and Economic Development Plan Pak Hi-Pom
Nationalism and Leadership Ko Yong-Bok
The Trails and Challenges of Korean Nationalism Cha Ki-Byok
United States Foreign Policy and Korean Nationalism Park Bong-sik
基調演說 禹炳奎, 李用熙
第一部 韓國民族主義의 歷史的 性格 申一澈, 洪以燮, 李瑄根, 咸錫憲, 朴鍾鴻, 閔錫泓, 姜尙雲, 李用熙, 申基碩, 孫寶基, 金龍德
第二部 經濟開發計劃과 韓國의 民族主義 李甲燮, 朴喜範, 鄭海水, 申永澈, 朴辰煥, 劉彰順, 金洪喆, 呂井東, 朴壽範, 李用熙, 李永憲, 鄭海永, 李承憲
第三部 韓國 民族主義의 主導層과 리더슆 洪承勉, 高永復, 李效再, 黃性模, 姜元龍, 具範謨, 金容九, 崔錫采, 李用熙, 鄭一享, 朴鍾鴻, 姜秉奎
第四部 韓國民族主義에의 挑戰과 試鍊 朴俊圭, 車基璧, 閔丙台, 徐仁錫, 文昌周, 李箕永, 河環根, 洪淳鈺, 鄭賀恩, 梁好民, 禹在昇
第五部 美國의 外交政策과 韓國의 民族主義 禹炳奎, 閔丙岐, 朴奉植, 李範俊, 李基遠, 吳炳憲, 李用熙, 金鮎坤, 金正均, 金明會, 李瑄根, 孫寶基
討論經過報告 金點坤, 金永俊, 崔昌洛, 金景熙, 柳正烈, 李命植, 禹炳圭, 李用熙, 申一澈, 박영기, 孫寶基, 朴喜範, 車基璧
一九六七年學會年度活動槪要 편집부
韓國 國際政治學會 槪況과 現任員 외 편집부
編輯後記 禹炳奎
Symposium on Nationalism in Korea: its Character and Trend etc. 편집부

Nationalism in Underdeveloped Countries Kyoung Kun Har
Developments of International Politics in the U.N. Chong Ki Choi
American States in the United Nation Man Shik Min
The Weakening of the Soviet Bloc and the Disunity in the International Communist Movement Myung Sik Lee
Role of Red China in International Politics Il Pyung Kim,
Byung Choon Ahn
The Secretariat of the United Nations, by Sydney D.Bailey, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York, 1962, 113 pp Woon Chang Chung
Paix et Guerrer entre les Nations, Raymond Aron, Calmann-Levy, Paris, 1962 Sung Bae Chung
Witness For Aid, Frank M. Coffin, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1964, 273 pp Chong Ki Choi
The Politics of Foreign Aid, by John D. Montgomery, Frederick A. Prager, New York, 1962. pp. 336 Bong Ki Kim
The Middle East in World Affairs, George. Lenczowski, (Revised Edition.) Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1963. 470 p Chun Yul Yoo
Latin American Politics in Perspective, by Martin C. Needler, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J. 1963. pp. 192 Man Shik Min
Las Constituciones de Honduras, Luis Mariñas. Otero, 온드라스(혼드라스)憲政史 Tae Hyun Yun
The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, by Herbert Hoover, Popular Library, New York, 1961, 316 pp Chung Dong Yeu
The Instruments of America’s Foreign Policy, by H. Bradford Westerfield, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1963. p. 538 Ki Hoon Kim
Politics and Geographic Relationships, by W. A. Douglas Jackson, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliff, N. T. 1964, 411 pp Chul Kyun Shin
International Stratiflcation and Underdeveloped Countries, by Gustavo Lagos. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1963. pp. 302 Yung Jin Tak
Treaties and Agreements Between the Republic of Korea and Japan 편집부
List of Publications in the Field on International Relations in Korea 편집부
Activities of the Korean Association of International Relations in 1965 편집부
News and Notes 편집부
Editorial Nate 편집부

On the Use of Game Models in International Politics Yong Pil Rhee
Problems in the Politics of Underdeveloped Countries Kyung Kun Har
Korea-Japan Relations Viewed from International Politics Jyoon Kyoo Park
Current Trends on the Study of International Relation in Australia Seung Hun Lee
Sang Hyub Kim, On Thoughts of 'Mao Tse Tung' Yung Chul Shin
Chong Ki Choi, The United Nations Kwan Sook Park
He Kyung Song, An Early Korean Mission to Japan. No Song Dang's Memoir Sang Woon Kang
An Uncertain Tradition: American Secretaries of State in the Twentieth Century (ed.) by Norman A. Grabner, McGrawn-Hill, 1961 Jung Kyun Kim
The Nature and Functions of Internatoinal Organization, by Stephen S. Goodspeed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. pp, 676 Jong Soo Kim
The Arabs and the World: Nasser’s Arab Nationalist Policy, By Charles D. Cremeans, Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1963, 336 pp Chong Ki Choi
Edwin Liewmen, Arms and Politics in Latin America Man Shik Min
International Politics in the Atomic age By John H. Herz, N. Y.: Columbia Univercity Press, 1959 Byung Ik Yun
Chronology on the Foreign Relations of Korea under the Military Regime (from May 16, 1961 to Dec. 16, 1963) 편집부
List of the Ph. D. Dissertation and M.A. Thesis in the Field on International Relations in Korea (Ⅱ) 편집부
Activities of the Korean Association of International Relations in 1964 편집부
News and Notes etc. 편집부
Editorial Note 崔鍾起

Problems Involved in the Korea-Japan Relations Byung Ki Min
A Historical Background on the Korea-Japan Relations Sung Keun Lee
A Economical Viewpoint of the Korea-Japan Relations Tong Pil Cho
A Cultural Aspect on the Korea-Japan Relations Yi Sup Hong
Current Trends on the Study of International Relations in the U.S.A. Chai Suk Sohn
A Report of the Round Table Conference on Teaching of International Law and Relations Myong Whai Kim
Chong Ki Choi, International Administration Myong Whai Kim
Joseph Frankel, The Making of Foreign Policy Bong Shik Park
Benjamin Higgins, United Nations and U.S. Foreign Economic Policy Chong Ki Choi
United Nations, United Nation and U.S. Foreign Ecomomic Policy Cheun Ho Chung
Selected Documents on the Korea-Japan Relations 편집부
A Chronology of the Korea-Japan Negotiations 편집부
Professors and Subjects in the Field of International Relations in Korea 편집부
Activities of The Korean Association of International Relations in 1963 etc. 편집부
Editorial Note 崔鍾起

Foreword Myong Whai Kim
Congratulations Ki Suk Shin
The International Relations of Korean in 1880's Jyoon Kyoo Park
A Study on Apartheid Policy of the Republic of South Africa Kyung Keun Ha
Yong Hee Lee, A General Theory of International Politics In Relation with its Historical Aspects Sang Woon Kang
A. Vandenbosh and W.N. Hogan, Toward World Order Chong Ki Choi
Eurpoean Integration Ok Yul Kim
A Brief History of the Korean Association of International Relations 편집부
List of the Ph. D. Dissertation and M.A. Thesis in the Field on International Relations in Korea 편집부
The Constitution of the Korean Association of International Relations 편집부
Editorial Note 최종기

새로운 국제정치이론을 찾아서 하영선
國際政治와 外交政策分析 申正鉉
귀납적 게임이론과 국제분쟁분석 李慶淑
美國의 80年代 東北亞政策 朴稚榮
中共의 對아시아 外交政策 鄭鍾旭
80年代 蘇聯의 對東北亞政策 崔昌潤
南北關係의 葛藤 朴慶緖
弱小國에 있어서 國內政治와 外交政策과의 關係 许在萬
非同盟運動과 韓國 河璟根
國際政治理論과 「새로운 世界秩序運動」 安淸市
아시아 太平洋地域의 新國際秩序를 위한 太平洋地域共同體 構想 魚秀永
中進工業國(NICS)의 發展과 世界經濟秩序 朴乙鏞
Force and International Politics in the 1980s Hedley Bull
Choice and Conseuence in Sino-American Relations Thomas W. Robinson
U.S.-Japan-PRC Security Cooperation Ahn Byung-joon
Military Strategy of North Korea Choi Young
Japan's Security Role in Asia Masashi Nishihara
The Strategic Environment in the 1980s Robert O"Neill
Northeast Asia : the Nuclear Complication George H. Quester
Forces Shaping the Long-run Future and the Implications for Global Political and Security Issues Roger Hilsman
UN 事務總長의 政治的役割에 관한 硏究 吳淇坪
日露講和交涉의 國際政治力學 申熙錫
韓相一著, 「日本帝國主義의 한 硏究」(서울 : 까치사, 1980) 車基璧
具永祿編著, 「國際政治의 主要槪念」(서울 : 法文社, 1987) 閔萬植
廉弘喆編著, 「제3세계와 종속이론」(서울 : 한길사, 1980) 朴尙植
Chong-Wook Chung, Maoism and Development: The Politics of Industrial Management in China(Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 1980) 崔明
韓昇洲編, Soviet Policy in Asia: Expansion or Accommodation?(서울 : 汎文社, 1980)(英文) 金周鳳
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부

Forward Joung Yole Rew
Changes in Political Consciousness and the Third World Kyoung Kun Har
The Arabs and the Political Economy of Third World Solidarity Ali A. Mazrui
The Non-alignment Movement and its Impact to World Order Jong Hae Yoo
Soviet Strategy in the Asian Third World Yu-Nam Kim
An Ideology of Welfare and the Asian Community Hong Koo Lee
Afro-Arab Cooperation Achievements, Problems and Prospects M. O. Beshir
The Third World in the United Nations : An Analysis of the Roll Call Votes at the 28th Session of the General Assembly Sang-Seek Park
The Caribbean Within the Third World and in the Non-aligned Movement Locksley Edmondson
Southeast Asia and Resource Nationalism Zakaria Haji Ahmad
The External Shock: The Oil Price Rise and the Adjustment of Non-oil Advanced Developing Countries In June Kim
The Soviet Union and Independent Africa Michael Chege
Multinational Corporation and National Economy Sang kee Min
New Trends in India's Foreign Policy Nirmal Bose
The Impact Of Multinational Corporations On The Third World's Political Development Myung Hwa Han
Asian Regionalism: Needs, Growth, and Shape of Asian Regional Organizations Kook-Chin Kim
The Dependency Approach to Political Integration in Third World Nations: An Appraisal Ho-Jin Kim
The Dependency Theory and its Applicability to Korean Development Odong Kim
East Europe and The Third World Ahn Byung-Young
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 閔丙天, 盧明濬

卷頭言 金玉烈
第一部 平和研究의 事相ㆍ理論ㆍ方法 편집부
平和의 思想 廬在鳳
平和의 認識 崔相龍
歐美에서의 平和硏究 李鍾律
平和硏究의 心理學的 接近方法 鄭鍾旭
南北韓軍縮과 韓國의 安保戰略體系 朴庸玉
世界平和維持에 있어서의 「유엔」의 役割 朴稚榮
世界暴力抑制에 관련된 規範의 轉換에 관한 經驗的 硏究 李慶淑
韓半島의 平和定着을 위한 經濟政策 金基桓
經濟發展과 政治暴力의 關係에 대한 實證的 硏究 安淸市
第二部 韓半島平和의 理論ㆍ條件ㆍ方案 편집부
統一의 意味變化와 새로운 理論的 課題 李相禹
韓國人의 韓半島 平和觀 李永鎬
南北韓 平和戰略 比較 李承憲
韓半島 平和를 위한 유엔平和維持軍 活用 金達中
韓半島 平和定着建設의 軍事的 課題와 條件 金洪喆
韓半島平和의 國際的 條件 金學俊
軍縮과 平和 李洪九
韓半島의 非核地帶化에 관한 試論 吳淇坪
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 閔丙天

〈卷頭言〉 弱小國의 視角에서 金玉烈
弱小國視角에서 본 國際平和秩序 李相禹
國際地域紛爭과 弱小國 金學俊
第三世界의 政治리더쉽 金裕南
國際政治에 있어서 非同盟의 意義 金相俊
新興國의 民族主義 崔相龍
韓國人의 民族意識 李永鎬
核武器와 國際體制의 變化 崔敬洛
東北亞國際秩序, 核武器, 그리고 韓國 李昊宰
强大國政治 속에서의 弱小國政治 朴庸玉
東北亞國際秩序와 韓國 朴奉植
經濟的 相互交流와 UN投票性向 崔昌潤
韓國史에 있어서의 國際秩序觀念에 관한 小考 朴忠錫
梁好民, 韓培浩, 盧在鳳, 文丞益, 崔相龍 共著, 韓國民族主義의 理念, (서울 : 亞細亞政策硏究院, 1977) 李洪九
高秉喆, 金世珍, 朴在圭, 李永鎬, 崔昌澗 共著, 北韓外交論, (서울 : 慶南大學校 極東問題硏究所 硏究씨리즈 9, 1977) 劉英俊
1977年度 事業活動 외 편집부
編輯後記 李相禹, 崔昌澗

日本의 對아시아政策 金玉烈
Zionism과 中東戰爭 金用基
“Linkage Framework에 의한 北韓政體 硏究모델” 金裕南
國際體系의 構造的 性格에 關한 槪念的 考察 朴庸玉
近代日本의 對外政策決定機構와 外交의 一元化 申熙錫
韓半島 國際秩序機能의 再考 吳淇坪
中共ㆍ北韓의 權力鬪爭比較 柳世熙
弱小國의 防禦能力과 「고슴도치」理論 李相禹
合理主義와 現代政治思想 鄭鎭午
日本의 對潜哨戒機選定에 關한 論爭 韓昇洲
具永祿 著, 人間과 戰爭: 國際政治理論의 體系(法文社, 1977) 崔昌潤
金學俊 著, 蘇聯政治論 (一志社, 1976) 李命植
裵成東著, 日本近代政治史 (法文社, 1976) 朴忠錫
任員名單(1976年度) 외 편집부

卷頭辭 具永祿
葛藤과 國際政治 : 葛藤理論의 硏究 具永祿
NATO 諸國間의 戰略觀에 對한 葛藤 權文術
國際關係에 있어서의 協商 金達中
第2共和國時代의 「統一論議」 金學俊
Georg Lukacs 의 實證科學批判 金弘宇
韓國動亂勃發과 土耳其의 外交政策 徐在萬
UN 과 國際政治體制 李光鎬
認識距離와 國際關係理論 李相禹
亞細亞太平洋 協調體制의 特性 李承憲
現代國際體制에 있어서의 國家들의 階層構造 崔昌潤
戰後 日本의 防衛政策 韓相一
金玉烈著, 韓國과 美日關係論 (서울: 一潮閣, 1974) 盧明濬
金學俊著, 韓國問題와 國際政治(서울: 博英社, 1975) 崔相龍
Ⅰ. 國際政治一般 편집부
Ⅱ.地域硏究 편집부
1975年度學會活動槪要 외 편집부
編輯後記 崔明

統合理論에 관한 硏究 : 統合의 類型과 葛藤 具永祿
統一모델과 平和共存모델 李相禹
獨ㆍ「쏘」 開戰과 日ㆍ獨ㆍ「쏘」 關係硏究 徐仲錫
韓國戰爭勃發以前의 北韓과 中共關係 金學俊
自我準據的 政治學 文丞益
李昊宰著「弱小國外交政策論」 (法文社刊, 1973) 裵成東
崔明著, 「現代中國의 政治- 全體主義政治體制의 現實과 特色」(法文社刊, 1974) 趙在瓘
閔萬植 著 「中南美政治論」 - 國際關係를 中心으로 (一潮閣 刊, 1974) 盧明濬
항공기의 불법납치 억제를 위한 협약 편집부
대한민국과 일본국간의 양국에 인접한 대륙붕 북부구역 경계획정에 관한 협정 편집부
대한민국과 일본국간의 양국에 인접한 대륙붕 남부구역 공동개발에 관한 협정 편집부
굴착의무에 관한 각서교환 편집부
해상충돌 방지에 관한 각서교환 편집부
해수오염의 방지 및 제거에 관한 각서교환 편집부
大統領 慶祝辭 편집부
1974年度學會活動槪要 외 편집부
卷頭辭 李命植

卷頭辭 朴奉植
A Study on the Conceptions relating to the International Relations and International Law in European Continent Since World War Il Kwang-Won Kim
On the Conceptions of Contemporary "State of War" Hong-Cheol Kim
Challenge to the "Mare Liberum" Jae-Seung Wu
The Historical Background of Communism in Asia Bong-Hee Lee
Fundamentals of Chinese Foreign Policy Jae-Kwan Jo
The Purge of Lin Piao and Politics of Communist China Myoung Choi
Chong-Ki Choi, A Study on the Theory and Practice of the United Nations Forces, The Korean Institute of International Studies, Seoul, 250pp Myoung-Hoe Kim
Chang Ju Moon, Political Development of Korea in World Politics In-Heung Jeong
Young Kook Kim, A Study of Political Theory of Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and Critique of Scientific Study of Politics Ki-Byeok Cha
Agreements between the Government of the United States and the Government of the Union of Sov iet Socialist Republics on Cooperation in the Fields of Science and Technology, signed May 편집부
Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, signed May 24 편집부
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Prevention of Incidents on and over the Sea 편집부
Treaty between the United States of America and the Union Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems 편집부
Interim Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms 편집부
Basic Principles of Relations between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 편집부
Joint U.S.-Soviet Communique 편집부
1972學會年度活動槪要 외 편집부
編輯後記 金光源

卷頭辭 朴奉植
中ㆍ소對立關係의 展開와 그것이 韓國統一에 미치는 영향 朴奉植
「네루」의 國際政治思想 金悳
七十年代의 國際法秩序 盧明濬
L'Introduction à I'Etude des Relations Internationales en France Objet-Méthode-Théorie Moune Hie-sou
日本所在 韓國外交史關係 主要未刋文書目錄 金容九
河璟根著 (一潮閣刊) 아프리카 政治論 金永俊
李命植著(法文社 刊) 소련의 東南亞政策 -理論과 實際- 李昊宰
李用熙 博士編, 近世韓國 外交文書 總目(外國編)(韓國國會圖書館 刊, 一九六六年) 姜周鎭
L. F. Richardson : 「Arms and Insecurity」 edited by N. Rashevsky and N. Truco, Boxwood Press, 1960 韓完相
Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 편집부
Vertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Volksrepublik Polen 편집부
Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Co-operation between the Soviet Union and the Republic of India 편집부
Quadripartite Agreement 편집부
Joint Communique, Issued at Shanghai, February 27 편집부
總目次 외 편집부

Volume30, Number2
The Studies of International Relations in Korea 1990s : Its Problems and Prospects Park Kyoung-Suh
Theories and New Directions in the Comparative Study of Foreign Policy Paek Kwang Il
The Main Points in International Political Economy and Present Conditions in Korea Kim Dong-Soo
A New Prologue of International Organizations and the Nature of the United Nations System Kang Sung-Hack
Trends and Issues of the Studies in the Korea's Diplomatic History Hong Soohn-Ho
The Peace Studies in Euro-America and Their Application in Korea Hwang Byung-Moo
International Politics and Strategy Studies Kim Hyun-Ki
Peace Policies and Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia: The Past and the Future Jo Myung Hyun
The Appraisal of South Korea's Nordpolitik Lee Hyock-Sup
Human & Social Science in North Korea Kwon Tae-Eok
Civilian Control of the United States during the Korean War : Relations between Truman and MacArthur Kim Soo-Nam
The Chinese Road to Socialism : China's Reform Politics Chang Kong-Ja
The Political Thought of Deng Hsiao-ping Kim Young-Moon
The Americans and the Russians in East Asia Nathaniel B. Thayer
New Changes in International Order and USSR-USA Relation Valery Mazing
New Changes in the International Order and the Unification of East and West Germany Karl-Heinz Röder
Soviet-German Relations and German Unification Wolfgang Pfeiler
United States Policy Toward Northeast Asia Samuel S. Kim
New Changes in the International Order and Japanese Policy toward Norheast Asia Shinichiro Nagano
Soviet Policy toward the Korean Peninsula in the 1990s Oleg Davidov
The Changing Perspectives of North Korea in the Emerging International Order Jo Yung-Hwan
The Korean Question and Three Democratic Propositions Yang Sung-Chul
A View on North Korean Unification Strategy Yim Yong-Soon
Perspectives of South Korea Kim Hakjoon
Chinese Policy toward the Korean Peninsula Jin Jen Ji
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 姜太勳, 鄭用吉, 金善宗, 金泳植, 朴英鎬, 裵肯燦, 李政熙, 李昌訓

<Special Issue> 韓國戰爭의 歷史的 再照明
한국전쟁의 국내적 원인 김진웅
韓國戰爭의 起源 : 回顧와 反省 朴鍾晟
韓國戰爭의 國際的 起源 鄭光湧
韓國戰爭의 國際的 起源 朴雄鎭
「얄타」體制의 形成과 韓半島分斷 要因 李暎煥
미국의 한국점령정책의 기본성격 차상철
韓國戰爭의 國內的 要因 分析 金在泳
韓國戰爭의 內爭的 起源 金益度
“韓國戰爭 : 美國과 UN의 役割” 趙鏞㫾
한국전쟁과 참전국들의 역할 홍성후
蘇聯ㆍ中國 및 共産國家의 役割 劉哲鍾
韓國戰爭과 蘇ㆍ中 役割 白奉鍾
중국의 한국전 개입과 그 영향 李炳柱
한국전쟁과 강대국 정치 李昌訓
美國ㆍ英國 및 自由陣營國家의 役割 崔泳琯
韓國戰爭에 대한 自由陣營國家의 役割 박홍식
韓國戰爭의 社會經濟的 影響 李大根
한국전쟁의 국내적 의의 양병기
한국전쟁의 현대사적 의의 辛起鉉
國際戰으로서의 韓國戰爭과 東西冷戰 金泰希
6ㆍ25戰爭의 軍事的 意義 宋寅榮
한국전쟁이 남ㆍ북한의 대외관계에 미친 영향 崔秀慶
한국전쟁 직후 국내정치의 특성 안철현
韓國戰爭의 歷史的 評價 徐元燮
韓國戰爭의 硏究視角 및 接近方式 許漫
한국전쟁참전 체험담 이인철

Volume30, Number1
Inter-Korean Cooperation under the US-Soviet Detent Kim Chae-Han
The Structural Linkages between the Changes in US-Soviet Relations and the Two Koreas Kim Yu-Nam
The Impact of South Korea-USSR Detent on the Seoul-Pyungyang Relations Kim Euikon
Sino-Korean Relations in the Deng Era - Change and Prospects - Lee Hong-Pyo
Political Transformation of East-West Germany and Its Impart on the Korea Unification Chung Young-Kil
Improvement of ROK-Eastern Europe Relations and Its Impact on South and North Korea Seo Byung-Chul
The Role of South and North Korea for Tension Reduction in the Korean Peninsula Lee Chang
The Arms Control Policies of the Two Koreas - Ideal and Reality - Hong Jong-Mahn
A Reflection on the Dictionary oj Politics Published by DPRK Hong Guang-Yob
An Introduction to the A Short History of the Korean Workers Party Jeong Se-Hyun
Book Review: A Series of The Great Chuche Idea Kim Cahb-Chol
On the Methodology of Political Economy and the Theory of Socialist Economic Construction of North Korea - An Introductory Inquiry to a Dictionary of Political Economy Published in North Korea - Chung Il-Yong
A Critical Review of The Dictionary of Philosophy Published by the Academy of Social Sciences Song Young-Bae
On Jihad : A Treatise on Its Conceptual Understanding and the Idea of War and Peace in Islamic Society Kihm Hong-Chul
Political Economy Approaches to the Comparative Study of Foreign Policy Park Kyoung-Suh
Structural Conditions of the World-System and Foreign Policy-Making - A Search for Theoretical Framework of U. S. Foreign Policy toward Korea. 1901~1905 - Kim Ki-Jung
In the Shadow of Aristotle - A Cornmunitarian Moral Theory of Individuality and Community - Hwang Ju-Hong
The Developmental Process toward the German Reunification Its Diplomatic Historical Meaning Kim Sang-Kyu
1990年度 韓國國際政治學會 任員陣 외 편집부
編輯後記 姜大勳, 鄭用吉, 金善宗, 金泳植, 朴英鎬, 裵肯燦, 李政熙, 李昌訓

Volume29, Number2
An Analysis of the Vietnamese-Soviet Russian Alliance Lee Bum-Joon
Nordpolitik : Its Concept, Objects and Background Kim Dal-Choong
The Ostpolitik of the West Germany and South Korea's Policy toward the Communist Countries Chung Yong- Kil
China's Diplomacy toward the Korean Penninsula and the Korean-Chinese Relations Park Doo-Bok
The Northern Diplomacy and the South Korea-Soviet Union Relationship Kwon Hee-Young
Nordpolitik and the Relations of South Korea to the Eastern European Countries Seo Bung-Chul
Nordpolitik and Korean Relations with the U.S. and Japan Park Hong- Kyoo
Nordpolitik and North Korea's Foreign Relations Park Young-Ho
North Korea's Reactions to Nordpolitik Jeong Se-Hyun
Nordpolitik and Reunification Policy Kim Se-Kyun
Korea's Economic Promotion Policy toward the Socialist Countries Noh Hee-Mock
Problems of the Modern Theories of Socialism Kim Se-Kyun
Background and Objectives of Perestroika Kim Boo-Ki
The Soviet Socialism and Nationalisms of the Ethnic Minorities Kwon Hee-Young
The Changing Socialist Countries in Eastearn Europe Yoon Duk- Hee
Problems of the European Communism Hawang Byung-Duck
The European Socialism and the Idea of Welfare State Na Byung-Kyun
Chinese Traditions and Mao Tse-tung's Thought Hong Guaung-Yob
The Theory of Primary Stage in Socialism and Chinese Socialism Suh Jin-Young
Socialism in Postwar Japan Kil Soong-Hoom
The "Juche-ism" and the Reality of North Korea Kim Gahb-Chol
On the Study of "the Juche-ism" of North Korea : A Proposal for a New Research Orientation Sohn Ho-Chul
On the Historical Character of the Popular Movement in South Korea Sohn Hak-Kyu
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 梁承兌, 金永明, 金成桂, 朴虎聲, 李政熙, 李鍾殷, 趙顯錫, 河龍出

Volume29, Number1
International Relations of Korea during Japanese Colonial Period: with Special Reference to Anglo-Japanese Relations and British Perception of Korean Problems Ku Dae-Yeol
The Foreign Policy Issue in Korea's Presidential Election Park Chi-Young
A Theoretical View of Arms Control and Disarmament Nam Joo-Hong
An Examination on the Relevance of the Disarmament Theory in the Korean Peninsula: the Possibility and Limitation of Disarmament in the Korean Peninsula Song Dae-Sung
Military Powers of South and North Korea: Its Truth and Falsehood Jung Byeong-Ho
駐韓美軍과 韓半島 統一 Kim Kook-Chin
Nuclear Deterrence and Reunification of Korea On Chang-Il
A Disarmament Program for South and North Korea Ahn Byung-Joon
Arms Control Policy of North Korea Lee Suck-Ho
North-East Asian International System and Conditions for the Korean Reunification Lhee Ho-Jeh
Changes in Political Environment of Unification: The Case of South Korea Kim Yung-Myung
Integration Theory and Its Empirical Models Chung Yong-Kil
A Study on the Modern Literature in North Korea: with Special Reference to Its Perspective and Method in the History of Literature Kwon Young-Min
South and North Korean Disparateness: Understanding Political Glossaries Lee Bong-Cheol
A Study on North Korea's Plan for National Unification Yoon Byung-Yik
An Analysis of Nation Unification Politcs: with a Particular Reference to the Proposal of Chaejaeyonhap (National Community between South and North) Choi Dai- Kwon
Lhee Ho-jeh 「Toward the Peace on the Korean Peninsula」 Kim Kook-Chin
Chung Yong-Kil 「unification of Divided Nations」 Lee Soong-Hee
Chung Hee, Lee, Foreign Lobbying in American Politics Baek Kwong Il

Volume28, Number2
Studies on Analytic Framework of Korean Foreign Policy Ha Young-Sun
Change of Regime and Foreign Policy Chung Woong
Democratization and Critics on the Decision Making Process in the Foreign Policy Park Keun
Demorcratization and Making the Security Policy Chung Joon-Ho
Making the Foreign Economic Policy in the Era of Democratization Park Kyung-Suh
Korean-Japan Relation in the Era of Democratization Kim Ho-Sup
The Changing Process and Determinants of Korean Nothern-Policy Lee Suck-Ho
Korean Foreign Policy Toward the 3rd World Suh Jae-Mahn
The Pacific Corporative Diplomacy of Korea Kim Kook-Chin
Democratization and the Reunification Policy Ko Seong-Joon
Democratization and Security Policy Nam Joo-Hong
Studies on the Change of Analytic Perspective of International Organization Oh Kie-Pyung
Preconditions of Korean Reunification and it's Policy Yang Dae-Hyun
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
序文 安秉俊

Volume28, Number1
Clashing Views on East-West International Order and the Formation of a New View Ku Dae-Yeol
Studies on International Politics in Korea and Introduction of Foreign Theories Park Sang-Sop
Intellectual Reflection on International Politics in a historical perspective Ro Jai-Bong
Discussion 金容九, 孫浩哲, 具汏列, 朴相燮, 金東成, 李崇熙, 金京壽, 河英善
Studies on International Relations in USSR Ha Yong-Chool
Introduction and Critique on International Political Theory in the Third World Kim Ho-Jin
Discussion 文首彥, 孫浩哲, 金浩鎭, 河龍出, 崔相龍, 白尙昌
Status and Problems of the Study on the Big Four Han Sung-Joo
South-North Korean Relations and Unification Problem Jeong Se-Hyun
Status and Problems of the Study on North Korea Kim Nam-Sik
Discussion 柳錫烈, 金南植, 申正鉉, 韓昇州, 丁世鉉
Status and Problems of the Study on Eastern Europe Yoon Duk-Hee
Status and Problems of the Study on Western Europe Lee Soong-Hee
Status and Problems of the Study on the Third World Yough Syng-Nam
Discussion 廉弘喆, 金顯東, 李基榮, 尹德熙, 李崇熙, 柳勝男, 崔英植, 白奉欽
New Direction for Development of International politics in Korea Lhee Ho-Jae
Discussion 金東成, 金國振, 河英善, 李崇熙, 具汏列, 白奉欽, 朴斗福, 高昇均, 曺淮煥, 李昊宰
Recent Trend of Terrorism in International Aviation and its Countermeasures Choi Wan-Sik
Ecological Demension of Korean National Security Lee Min-Yong
Kim Sang-Jun, Theory of International PoliticsⅠ, Ⅱ Kwak Tae-Hwan
附錄 외 편집부
編輯後記 朴斗福, 張公子, 朴俊英, 鄭千九, 文首彥
序文 安秉俊

Volume27, Number2
Theories of Hegemonic Stability and Reciprocity Moon Chung-In
On Interdependence Kim Jin-Chul
International Political Economy: A Dependencia Perspective Yum Hong-Chul
ROK-US Textile Negotiations, 1969-1972 and State Sovereignty Lee Hwock-Sup
The US Policy of Export Control towards Communist Bloc Song Young-Sun
Lobbying Strategy for American Market Baek Kwang-Il
The Political Economy of Korea-Japan Economic Conflict Kim Hosup
Korean-European Economic Transaction Shin Yong-Dai
The Role of US and Japan in Korea's Economic Relationship with Communist Bloc Lee Kie-Young
Korea's Economic Relations with USSR and PRC Chung Han-Ku
The North-South Issues and Korea Han Myung-Hwa
The Role of Governmental and Private Sectors in Korea's Economic Diplomacy Yoo Young
Park Joon-Kyoo, Essays on Diplomatic History of Korea Kim Yong-Koo
Shin Myung-Soon, Third World Politics Park Kwangjoo
Lee Myung-Sik and Shin Jung-Hyun (eds.), Comparative Studies in Contemporary Communist Political Systems Choi Chong-Ki
Choi Chong-Ki, Modern Soviet Politics An Taeg-Won
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 朴相燮, 崔章集, 金永明, 朴光周, 朴虎聲, 梁承兌, 李石湖

Volume27, Number1
Domestic and Foreign Factors of the Division of Korean Peninsula Kim Hak Joon
Some Characteristics and Problems in the Studies of Korean Division Lhee Ho-Jeh
A Case of Unification in World History: The Case of Austria Ahn Byung-Young
The Arab Idea of Unification and the United Arab Republic, 1958-1961 Hong Soon-Nam
South Korea's Policy of Unification Yu Suk Ryul
North Korea's Policy of Unification, 1945-1950 Kyoto San
統一을 위하여 韓半島를 中立化할 것인가? François Joyaux
Functionalist Models for Korean Unification Michael Haas
Korean Reunification : A Comparative Perspective Yang Sung Chul
The Global Environment of Korean Unification Allen S. Whiting
Domestic Environment for Korean Unification Suh Dae-Sook
Case of Germany : The German Problem in European and World Politics Christial Hacke
Korean Foreign Policy and the Problem of Nationalism Kim Dong-Sung
U.S. Policy of Military Base in the Western Pacific: The Philippines and South Korea Song Young-Sun
編輯後記 朴相燮, 崔章集, 金英命, 朴光周, 朴虎聲, 梁承兌, 李錫浩

Volume26, Number2
越南參戰과 韓國 朴俊英
蘇ㆍ北韓 關係의 背景과 決定要因 分析 柳錫烈
東獨과 北韓의 外交政策 比較 崔秀慶
社會主義 經濟體制의 改革政策 徐丙喆
美ㆍ中ㆍ蘇의 三角關係와 東南아시아의 安保(1975~1984) 金成柱
韓半島 軍備縮小問題의 限界와 可能性 李昊宰
軍備統制와 政治經濟 : 北韓의 境遇 李石湖
韓半島의 軍備管理 武貞秀士
Arms Control Proposals of North and South Korea and Their Implications for Korean Security Byung-joon Ahn
The Arms Race, Competition, and Coexistence between the Two Koreas Tong-Whan Park,
Se Hyun Jeong
The US-USSR Arms Race in Northeast Asia Edward A. Olsen
Japan's Arms Control Policy : Moving Away from Unilateralism Masashi Nishihara
國際커뮤니케이션에 있어서의 南北葛藤과 南北協力增進方案 朴尙植
李昊宰 著, 「韓國外交政策의 理想과 現實」 - 解放 8年 民族葛藤期의 反省, 서울 ; 法文社, 1986 黃炳茂
安澤源 著, 「蘇聯政治의 体系的 理解」, 慶南大 極東問題研究所, 1986 金富起
Nam Joo-Hong 著, America's Commitment to South Korea, Cambridge University Press, 1986 Lawrence Freedman
韓國 國際 政治學會 定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 金東成, 申命淳, 金雄鎭, 朴相燮, 安澤源, 李淑子, 林孝善

Volume26, Number1
東아시아國家의 對美로비戰略 比較硏究 具永祿
現代 가톨릭 敎界의 平和觀-核문제와 관련된 美國 主敎團의 敎書(Pastoral Letter) 吉炡宇
從屬理論의 視覺에서 본 現國際情報커뮤니케이션 秩序 金相俊
美國의 輸入規制의 法的ㆍ行政的 節次에 관한 硏究 朴慶緖, 金東成
韓日通交와 對馬島 申基碩
韓國에서 발생한 政治示威의 原因 申命淳
두 帝國主義 사이에서 : 露日紛糾에 직면한 韓國 1895-1910 李昌訓
北方外交에 관한 硏究 許漫
The Impact of World War Ⅰ on the Budgets of Three Western Democracies Yong-Chool Ha
白鍾天編著, 『國家防衛論』, 서울 : 博英社, 1985 金周洪
魚秀永 著, 『現代日本政治論』, 서울 : 法文社, 1986 吉昇欽
Dal-Joong Chang 著, Economic Control and Political Authoritarianism: The Role of Japanese Corporations in Korean Politics 1965~1979, Sogang University Press, 1985 安淸市
全雄 著 『外交政策論』, 서울 : 法文社, 1986 朴俊英
崔鍾起 著, 『現代國際行政論』, 서울 : 法文社, 1985 金相俊
國內 政治學關係 著書目錄 및 解題 閔萬植
政治學 關係著書目錄 分類表 외 편집부
編輯後記 申命淳, 金東成, 金雄鎭, 朴相燮, 安澤源, 李淑子, 任孝善

美國의 對韓 安保介入의 基本態勢, 1945~1953 溫暢一
美國의 戰略防衛計劃(SDI)과 西方同盟國 崔榮
한국 경제발전의 주권주의적 해석 李赫燮
北韓의 統一ㆍ安保外交政策 分析 柳錫烈
解放直後 美軍政治下의 輿論動向에 關한 分析 李聖根
韓國 政策樹立過程의 특징 劉鍾烈
韓國과 美國의 議會가 外交政策決定에 미치는 影響의 比較分析 白光一
새로운 시각에서 본 소련의 對韓半島政策 金永文
중국공산화의 문화적배경과 마르크스ㆍ레닌이즘의 수용 張公子
國際機構硏究를 위한 하나의 ‘파라다임’으로서 集團善理論에 대한 考察 金國振
國際民間航空旅客機의 被擊事件으로 본 領空主權原則 崔完植
An Ambivalent Perspective on Korea-Japan Relations Jung-Suk Youn
Overview of Japan-Korea Relations Masao Okonogi
Political Change in Japan and Korea-Japan Relations Akio Watanabe
Political and Economic Development in Korea and Korea-Japan Relations Byung-joon Ahn
Korea-Japan Economic Relations Soon Cho
ROK-Japan Economic Relations Ryokichi Hirono
Third Country Views on Korea-Japan Relations C. Cameron Hurst Ⅲ
Third Country Views on Korea-Japan Relations Reinhard Drifte
Korea-Japan Relations and Its Impact on Southeast Asia Likhit Dhiravegin
PRC's Politics Towards the Korean Peninsula and Prospects of PRC-ROK Relations Mineo Nakajima
The Soviet Union and Korea-Japan Relations Hiromi Teratani
North Korea and South Korea-Japan Relations Jung Hyun Shin
The Role of Korea in pacific Regional Cooperation Tong Whan Park,
Chung-Si Ahn
Indispensable but Uneasy Partnership Seizaburo Sato
河璟根 著 「現代 中東 政治論」, 法文社, 1985 崔宜喆
柳錫烈 著 「남북한 관계론」, 정음사, 1985 申正鉉
朴慶緖 著 「國際政治經濟論-理論 및 實際」, 法文社, 1985 金國振
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 柳錫烈, 張達重, 김홍우, 박영규, 백광일, 양승태, 유재갑, 이가종, 이숙자, 최장집

Volume24, Number2
國家安保, 國家防衛 및 軍事硏究 白鍾天
國際機構를 통한 紛爭(葛藤) 解決에 관한 檢討 崔鍾起
冷戰의 論理와 데땅뜨 文首彦
軍備競爭과 統制 南柱洪
核戰略의 道德的 爭點에 관한 硏究 鄭千九
인도차이나 紛爭과 ASEAN 安淸市
從屬理論 : 中南美諸國과 韓國 宋大晟
정권 형성기 (1945년 8월15일~1948년 9월 8일)와 정권 초창기 (1948년 9월 9일~1950년 6월 24일)의 북한 연구 Ⅰ 金學俊
北韓의 테러戰略 具光謨
北韓과 中共의 體制發展比較硏究 金南植
아프리카의 政治文化와 이 地域의 共產勢力 受容現況과의 相關性 分析 姜致遠
金河龍 著 「中國政治論」(博英社, 1984) 李容弼
李昊宰 著 「北方外交의 길」(흥사단 출판부, 1984) 鄭鍾旭
金甲喆 著, 「北韓共産主義 理論과 實際」(文佑社, 1984) 申正鉉
李愚振 著, 「東南亞政治論」(法文社, 1984) 金學俊
洪亮杓 著 「戰爭原因論」(螢雪出版社, 1984) 盧東一
1984年度 學會活動 편집부
編輯後記 편집부

Volume24, Number1
한국의 UN 加入에 관련된 문제들에 관한 硏究 吳淇坪
北韓의 軍事戰略에 관한 考察 許漫
韓ㆍ蘇 關係 金裕南
東北亞 政治體系의 緊張度 硏究 金伍東
「印度民族主義와 非同盟路線」 金京壽
Sino-North Korean Relations, 1945-1984 Kim Hak joon
U.S. Withdrawal Decision from Korea, 1945-1949 Kim Chull Baum
US-Japan Automobile Negotiations of 1967-1969 and Interest Variable in Economic Confrontation Park Young-Kyu
Diplomatic Recognition Problems of a Divided Choi Sukyong
The Current State of Political Science Research in Korea Chang Dal-joong
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
輯編後記 魚秀永, 李正夏, 具汰列, 朴弘圭, 白光一, 宋二郞, 禹澈九, 劉哲鍾, 李淑子, 李正馥, 金浩鎭

韓國民族主義運動과 學生과의 關係 韓貞一
民族主義와 韓半島 安秉俊
마르크스주의의 민족관과 민족주의 인식논리 진덕규
Nationalism의 原理와 國內政治 및 國際政治上의 位相 金榮作
The European Nexus of Asian and Korean Security Philip Towle
Die Rolle Europas in Einer Sich Wandelnden Welt Peter J. Opitz
Dilemmas of British Foreign Policy F.S. Northedge
Britain in Korea 1919-1920 : Human Rights Diplomacy of Britain During the March First Movement Ku Dae-Yeol
Political Settlement in Korea Ra Jong-yil
Global Security and Domestic Stability versus National Unity in Germany and Korea Eberhard Schulz
韓ㆍ獨修交 100年關係史硏究 Hong Soohn-Ho
Die Rezeption des deutschen Rechts in Korea Choi Chongko
The Issue of German Reunification Jens Hacker
Das Problem der Deutschen Teilung In Den 80er Jahren Henning Behrens
Probleme der Wiedervereinigung der geteilten Länder-Korea und Deutschland Seo Byung-Chul
Die innen-und außenpolitischen Umstände der Entstehung des Grundlagenvertrags von 1972 Paik Kyong Nam
The Problem of Perception and Ideology in International Relations K. W. Watkins
The End of Multilateralism? Susan Strange
韓國休戰會談과 美國의 對韓政策 梁大鉉
分斷問題에 對한 東西獨과 南北韓의 態度比較分析 全得柱
韓國 勞動組合 연구의 政治學的 接近 崔章集
Tae-Hwan Kwak, Wayne Patterson, Edward A. Olson, eds.; 「The Two Koreas in World Politics」, Kyungnam University Press, 1983 朴俊英
具永祿 外, 韓國과 美國, 서울 : 박영사, 1983 張達重
金學俊 著, 韓國政治論 : 硏究의 現況과 方向, 서울 : 한길사, 1983 安淸市
閔丙天 著, 韓國防衛論, 서울 ; 高麗苑, 1983 全正煥
李基鐸 著, 「國際政治史」, 서울 : 日新社, 1983 魚秀永
Ha Young-Sun 著; Nuclear Proliferation, World Order and Korea 李昊宰
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 申正鉉, 白鍾天, 朴俊英, 申命淳, 李正馥, 全寅永

新國際秩序와 第3世界 河璟根
국제구조와 제3세계 朴俊英
非同盟과 第3世界의 構造 嚴基文
蘇聯ㆍ東歐下部體制에서의 自主化運動比較 李淑子
美國과 第3世界 朴稚榮
第3世界에 대한 蘇聯의 外交政策 金學俊
한국과 제3세계 金漢植
한국과 중동 徐在萬
韓國과 中南美 金伍東
韓國의 非同盟政策方向에 관한 硏究 劉鐘海
United States-Korean Relations Ralph N. Clough
The Evolution of U.S.-Korean Relations in the Cold War Era John K. C. Oh
The Korean-American Treaty of 1882 and U.S. Far Eastern Policy Dong Deok-Mo
American Decisions on the Korean Provisional Government, 1945 Won Sui Lee
U.S.-Korean Municipal Relations and Comparisons George O. Totten
The Ambiguous Conflict : The Korean War in American Strategic Policies K. J. Holsti
U.S. Military Policy in Korea: Changing Alliance Politics Chae-Jin Lee
Sino-American Relations and the Korean Peninsula Ahn Byung-Joon
The German Formula and Its Relevance to Korean Unification Dalchoong Kim
貿易不平等 交換論에 對한 考察 金相俊
非同盟運動으로서 의 아세안 李愚振
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 安淸市, 朴忠錫, 白光一, 柳錫烈, 柳勝男, 柳在甲

새로운 국제정치이론을 찾아서 하영선
非同盟 運動의 特性과 그 展望 劉鍾海
世界秩序에의 理論的ㆍ實際的 接近 李承憲
世界民間航空政策의 최근 動向과 航空法의 發達 崔完植
共產主義 國際體制의 國力評價 洪亮杓
現代 日本의 外交政策決定要人 申熙錫
日本의 防衛政策과 輿論 魚秀永
럼 멜의 葛藤理論으로 본 南北韓戰爭 可能性 李相禹
產業構造와 外資企業의 持分率 兪煐
The New International Order Candido Mendes
Prospects for U.S.-Soviet Relations Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
Whither the State Jai Bong Ro
The Sino-Soviet Dispute : Reassessment and Prospects Harry Harding
Post-Mao Chinese Foreign Policy and Asian International Relations Byron S.J. Weng
North Korea's Relations with the PRC and the USSR Chin-wee Chung
The Economic Crisis in the CMEA Region Friedrich Levcik
Inter-German Relations Gottfried-Karl Kindermann
Economic Development Strategies of Korea and The PRC Ungsuh K. Park
Japan's Search for Post-War Diplomacy-Facing the Challenge of the 1980s Yoshiyuki Hagiwara
The Politice of Community-Building in the Pacific Region Sung-joo Han
New International Economic Order and Korea Seung-Yun Lee
Conflict, Alliance, and the Political Economy of Access to Strategic Materials Bruce Russett
美ㆍ中共協力關係와 그 展望 朴河一
中共의 東아시아政策과 韓半島 吳洙烈
朴尙植 著, 「國際政治學」(서울 : 集文堂, 1981) 閔萬植
成滉鏞 著, 「日本의 對韓政策」(서울 : 明知社, 1981) 吉昇欽
崔鍾起編, 「各國外交政策論 : 外交의 理論과 實際」(서울 : 韓國國際關係硏究所, 1981) 盧明濬
李昊宰著, 「核의 世界와 韓國核政策」(서울 : 法文社, 1981) 河英善
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後記 盧明濬, 韓相一, 吉昇欽, 朴忠錫, 鄭埈昊

Volume40, Number4
The Future of the U.S.- China Relations and East Asian Regional Security Order Kim Woo-sang
Hegemonic Stability Theory Viewed from the Perspective of Public Good Theory: Its Limits and Alternatives Kim Wook
The End of the Cold War and the American Hegemonic Security Discourse: The New York Times Coverage on US National Security Park Ihn-hwi
Ideas on East Asian Nuclear Cooperation and Korea Park Hahn-kyu
The Clinton Administration's New Technology Policy and A Prospect for the Change in Government-Business Relations Yune Hong-Keun
Between Race and Nation: Racial, National and Regional Identities in the Discourse of East Asian Solidarity Jang In-Sung
Democracy and International Trade Policy: Case of Developing Countries Kim Seok-woo
A Study on the Japanese Pacifism in the Post-War era Kim Joon-Sub
Let's Review!: South Korea's Involvement in Vietnam 1961-1966 Park Hong-Young
Party Politics in Thailand and Democratic Consolidation Jin Young-Jae
From Cleavages to Accommodation: The Political Economy of Consociational Democracy and Neo-Corporatism in the Netherlands and Austria Kim In-Young
Distribution of Power and Institutionalization of International Cooperation: Institutional Underdevelopment of ASEM Choi Jin-woo
Russia's Policy toward the Korean Peninsula: Focused on the Russo-North Korean Relations Ha Sang-Sik
An Analysis of North Korean International Negotiating Behavior Kim Yong-Ho
North-South Rapproachement and The Structure of Domestic Political Conflicts Kim Hyung-Joon,
Kim Doh-Jong
South-North Korean Relationship and NGOs Pursuing for Unification of Korea: A Typology and the Future Direction of Their Activities Chung Youn-chung
The Kim Dae-jung Government's Foreign Policy and the Media: Analysis on the Patterns and Cases Kim Ki-Jung,
Kim Yong-ho,
Jeong Byung-Seok
The Formation of Party Systems in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Case Study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland Lee Choong-Mook
A Study on the Ethnic Policy in China Park Byung-Kwang
China's elections and the state-social relations Kim Do-Hee
Modern Permanent Envoy in Chosun: With Special Emphasis on the Residence of Japanese Envoy and Full Power Kim Soo-Am
Foreign Ownership of Korean Domestic Banks and Financial Reform: A Comparative Case Study on Korea First and Seoul Bank Lim Sung-hack
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부

Volume40, Number3
The Current State of Theoretical Debates on International Relations: Toward a New Synthesis? Jin-Young Chung
The Influence of Power Gap on a Choice of a Strategy for Promoting Cooperation and a Success and a Failure of a Cooperation Effort Jae-Min Park
Globalization and the Decline of the State?: China's Quest for Sovereignty Jae Cheol Kim
Dynamics of Environment, Institution and Effect of Foreign Policy: Case of 'Northern Policy' of Sixth Republic of South Korea Sung Chull Kim
A Comparative Analysis of Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism: With Special Focus upon their Historical Evolution and Characteristics Jung In Kang,
Woi-Soon Ahn
Initiation and Reduction of the Reform under Khrushchev: The Case of the 1957 Sovnarkhoz Reform Soo-Heon Park
Intervention of Soviet Union in Korean War Kwang Seo Kee
Perestroika and Military Reform of Soviet Russia Byoung Woon Choi
The New Political Order in Russia: The Relationship between Center and Siberia/Russian Far East Woo-Jun Kim
Ideological Distribution and Value Orientations of the Contemporary Russian Political Movements Beom-Shik Shin
Former Soviet and Russian Negotiating Behavior: The Western View Jong Hwan Song
A Comparative Study on Industrial District between US and Japan Sangjoon Kim
A Janus-Faced Change of Stateness in Britain Hoon Jaung,
Won-Tack Kang,
Young-Soon Kim,
Kap-Woo Koo
Democratization of Indonesia: Dynamics between the Military and the Islamic Forces Jinpyo Yoon,Daesik Je
The Transformation of Party Politics in India: From Predominance to Pluralism Kyoung Hee Koh
The WTO Negotiation on Agriculture and the Direction of Korea's Agricultural Diplomacy in the 21st Century Young Soo Park
Restructuring Arrangements of the ROK-U.S. Security System Soo Hyong Lee
A Study on the Origins of the Korean War Kyu Chul Chae
A Study on the Factors Affecting Korean Military Expenditure Sangtu Ko
Division and War in the Korean Peninsula: National Division and International Intervention-Conflict Myong-Sob Kim
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume40, Number2
A TimeSpatial Understanding of Global Culture Kwang-Bin Im
Crisis in East Asia: East Asian Model and Regional Cooperation Haeran Lim
Natural Gas Cooperation Regime Building in Northeast Asia: Korea's Multilateral Strategy Soon Cheol An
German Foreign Policy toward the Kosovo War: Changes in the Continuity Ickpyo Hong
Internationalization of the Yen: Issue Area, Deregulation, and Foreign Economic Policy Kee-seok Kim
The Defense Policy and Security of Korea Jin Shin
Legislative Supervision of China's Local People's Congresses in Reform Era Young Nam Cho
Russia's New Security Strategy in the 21st Century Bong-Koo Kang
Nationalist Problems and Conflicts in former Yugoslavia Duk Hee Yoon
The State System and Politico-Economic Reform in Russia: The State Variable Revisited In-Sung Lee
Labor Policy and Civil War in Socialist Countries: Comparative Study of the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea Munseok Cha
The Privatization of the French State-Enterprises and the Role of the State Jeajung Park,
Changhak Shim
A Study on the Development of Political Culture of Germany Hyun Mo Yang
An Empirical Studies of the Joint Government in Korea Deuk-Pyo Hong
Consolidating Democracy in South Korea edited by Larry Diamond and Byung-Kook Kim, (Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner, 2000) Soon Cheol An
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume40, Number1
Analyzing Factors Determining Process and Outcome of International Cooperation: A Comparative Study of US-Japan Automobile Trade Negotiations Kwanok Kim
Alliance Norms and U.S.-Japanese Security System in the Post-Cold War Era Gon Namkung
Regional Integration in East Asia from a Comparative Perspective Young Jong Choi
Congressional Challenge to the U. S. Administration's International Economic Policy: Its Consequences and Limitations Seong-Ho Lim
The Logic of Campaign Finance by Political Action Committees: The Case of Trade / Professional Association Sungdai Cho
EU's Regional Policies and Multi-level Governance Won-Taek Kang
Economic Reform and Systemic Transformation in the Former Soviet Union: A Comparative Study on the Reforms of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev Hong Sub Lee
Postsocialism and the Rediscovery of the 'Mitteleuropa/Central Europe' Kyu- Young Lee
Women's Issues in the old East German Area during the Transition since 1989 Bok-Hee Chun
The Emerging Trends of Northwest Sub-regional Economic Cooperation Circle and Its Implications for the Foreign Strategy in China: The Case of Xinjiang Province Dong Ryul Lee
DPRK's Special Economic Zone Policy: Management and Performance Young Namkoong
Grain Shortage in North Korea: Internal-External Changes and New Groping Seong In Bae
Politico-Social Implications of North Korea's Economic Crisis in the 1990s Sei-Jin Jeong
편집후기 편집부
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume39, Number3
A New Regional Political System for Balance of Power in the 21st Century: the Five Powers System of Northeast Asia Thee Ho-Jeh
The International System in the 21st Century and U.S. Preparation Yoo Chan Yul
Missile Technology Control Regime and US missile policy: Theories of international institutions and practical implication on North Korean missile issue Chun Chaesung
From the Crisis of Fordism to Post-Fordism in World Capitalism: Reconsidering the Change of Regime of Accumulation From the Political Economic Perspective Ahn Seung-Gook
A Study on the Interaction between NGO and Government: Cooperation and Conflict Kim Young Rae
The Third Way: Thatcherism with a Human Face or the Only Way for the Renewal of Social Democracy? Kim Yeong-Soon
Developmental State Thesis: Rethinking its Origins, Structures, and Defects Park Eunhong
The Nation-State Change and State Capacity: With Focus on State Legitimation and State Institutionalization Kim Suk Joon,
Kim Hyung Kook
Two-pronged Nuclear Policy and Options for Nuclear Armament in Japan Cho Seong-Ryoul
Change of the Relationship Between the Party and the State-owned Enterprises in China Keum Hieyeon
The Mechanism in the Occurrence of Deportation and it's Influence on the Ethnic Relations: in the Case of Soviet Union Sim Heon-Yong
The Shock and Transition of Social Movements in the Philippines Park Sa-Myung
The Linkage between Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics in Rhee Government Kim Il-Young
The ROK-U.S. Combined Crisis Management System: Practice, Problems, and Suggestions Yoon Taeyoung
The North Korean Question in Transition and Comprehensive Approach Kwon Manhak
The Ideology and the Characteristics of the Kim Chong-Il Regime: The 'Ideology of Red Flag' and the Metamorphosis of the Regime Cheong Seong-Chang
U.S. Congressional Hearings on North Korean's Nuclear Issue Yoon Jeongwon
Engagement Policy of the Kim Dae Jung Government Toward North Korea: Its Realities and Problems Kim Sung-Joo
Searching for a New Theoretical Approach to Social Integration after Korean Unification Hong Ki Joon
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 이기종, 이춘근

Volume39, Number2
The Theoretical Fundamentals and Methodological Characteristics of World Political Economy Analysis Im Kwang-Bin
A Shift in UNESCO's Political Structure following the U.S. Withdrawal Chung U Tak
The End of the Cold War Period and the Reform of the United States Intelligence Community Shin You-Seop
Analysis on the Power Relation between China's National People's Congress, Chinese Communist Party, and State Council in the Reform Era(1978-1998) Cho Young Nam
China's Policy toward the Korean Peninsula and Sino-ROK Relationsin the 21st Century Moon Heung-ho
Construction of the Pan-European Security System and the Strategyof the United States and France Lee Seung Keun
Dissension between the US and European Countries in the Process of Bosnian Conflict Resolution and Its Implication on the Korean Peninsula Chun Dong-jin
A Mightier European Parliament-A Solution to EU's Democratic Deficit? Choi Jinwoo
Pak Yǒng-Hyo's Independent Diplomacy Activities "Utilizing Japan" Kim Hyun-Chul
Rhee Syngman Regime's Ideas of Pacific Alliance and the Asian People Anti-Communist League's Birth Choi Youngho
A Study on Stalin's Strategic Aims in the Korean War Song Jong Hwan
Groping Korea-China for Unification Base on the Korean Peninsula Hwang O Yeon
North Korean Provocations and the Engagement Policy of the South Korea - focused on the invasion of the North Korean submarine in the East Sea and the military intrusion of the North Korean vessels in the West sea- Choi Yong Sup
The Development of North Korea's WMD and the South Korean Policy Measures for Crisis Management Hwang Jin-Hwoan
Russian-Japanese Relations at the Threshold of the 21st Century - A Study of the Territorial Issue - Choi Tai-Kang
A Study on the Political Consciousness of the Korean Residents in the U.S.A Hong Deuk-Pyo
Linguistic Identity and National Consciousness of the Koreans in Central Asia Lim Chae-Wan
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume39, Number1
Defect and Relative Gain in the National Cooperation: Debate between Realists and Neo-liberal Institutionalists Kim Euikon,
Kwon Kyung Hee
Alliance Security Dilemma and the Cycle of Abandonment-Entrapment Lee Soo Hyong
Delegation of Decision Making Power: The Case of LDP's Tax System Research Council Kim Kee-Seok
Japan and the Security of Korean Peninsula: A Geopolitical Discourse Park Hongsuk
U.S.-Japan Burden-Sharing and Two-Level Games Choi Woondo
Japanese Public Opinion of US-Japanese Trade-and-Security Relations Namkung Gon
The change of Japan-North Korean relations in the post Cold War and Japan's 'engagement & coercion' policy toward North Korea Bae Jung Ho
The Formation and Prospect of Security Regimes in Northeast Asia: With a Reference to the Structure of Multilateral Security Cooperation Kim Yu-Nam,
Roh Byung-Ryul
A Critique of the Wedge Theory in the Study of the Korean War Kim Youngho
The Cause of the Korean War: An Organic Interpretation Lee Wan-Bom
North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Development Policy: Goals and Reality Park Joon Young
Policies of South and North Koreas' New Administrations Towards the Other Koreas Kim Young Jae,
Lee Seung Hyun
The China and ASEAN on the Spratly Islands Dispute: Conflict Dimensions and Settlement Efforts Chun Hwang-Soo
The Thought of Slavic Integration of Slavophils in 19th Century Russia after Crimean War Jung Hee-Suk
Russia and the Caspian "Oil Politics" : Russian Options and the Limit of "the Foreign Policy of great Power" Moon Soo-Eon
EMU and the International Political Economy Lee Sahng-gyoun
Politics of the Formation of a Transnational Policy Network: A Comparative Analysis of the EV's Telecommunications Policy Process Koo Kab-Woo
Information Revolution, Citizenship, Sovereignty, and International Relations Hong Sung Gul
A Study on the Development of Party Politics in Cameroon Lee Han-Kyu
A Search for a Rational Solution to Hutu Tutsi Ethnic Conflict Han Yang-hwan
U.S. Environmental NGOs: Their Evolution and Influencing Activities Oh Kyungtaek
The Rise and Fall of the UN Peace-Keeping Operations: SrtuctualCauses and Behavior Causes Kim Yeoul-Soo
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume38, Number3
A Reinterpretation of Thucydides' Peloponnesian War: Thymos and Political Realism Yang Chun Hee
Methodological meditation for the cultural study in International relation: Research note for the knowledge-transfer's effect in international relation Hong Sungmin
Fascism and its popular basis Yi Guk Yueng
Korean Politics and Publicity(1): Politics of Confucian Publicity and the Public sphere Kim Yong-Jick
A Search for the lost history of the Soviet Cousulate in Korea: Its Activities and Withdrawl in the Post-Liberation Era Kim Doh-Jong
Inter-Korean CBMs : Dissymmetry and multi-dimensional compensation Heo Man-Ho
The Reorganization of Power Structure in North Korea and the Development Strategy of the Kim Jong-il Regime Koh Yu-Hwan
Study on Women's Policy Integration in Unified Korea: Political Participation Chun Kyung Ock
Korea-United States Military Cooperation Kim Kang-Nyeong
Proposing an East Asian Peace Zone Kim Taewoo
A Study on New Social Class & Groups in Mainland China Kim Dohee
Sino-Japanese Economic Cooperation and the Change of Economic Policy in China: the Era of Hu Yaobang Ahn Yinhay
A Study on the Policy of GHQ/SCAP toward Koreans in Japan during Occupation Period Kim Tae Gi
System Transition and Political Culture: Implications of the Post-Communist Countries' Experiences for the Korean Reunification Ha Sang-Sik
A Working through of GDR's History in United Germany Jeong Heung-Mo
Transition to Democracy in Argentina and its Implications for Korea Hong Deuk-Pyo
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 박병원, 유석진

Volume38, Number2
The Variables and Typology of Relation between Freedom and Power Lee Myong Nam
An Essay on the Significance of Adam Smith's Political Theory in 『A Theory of Moral Sentiments』and『Wealth of Nations』 Joe Hyeon-Soo
Relations between Sovereign States and International Organizations Reflected in Decision-Making Methods Park Jae Young
Early Warning of North Korean Refugees: A Framework for Inquiry Applied to the Term "Environmental Refugees" Lee Shin-Wha
A New North Korea Policy Park Kun Young
Worldwide Island Territorial Disputes and Tokto Bae Chinsoo
A Study on the Changes of Korean Labor Relations Yu Hyun-Seok
Market Reform and the Party in China's Villages : Exploring Regional Variation Kim Jae-Cheol
Civilian Collective Leadership and Economic Policy under Jiang Zemin Kim Young Mun
The Role of Political Entrepreneur in Public Policy Change : A Japanese Case Choi Taewook
Foreign Cultural Policy of Contemporary Japan : In Relation to Japanese Ideological Characteristics Park Choong Seok
The Change of the European Security Environment and the Enlargement of NATO Lee Seung-Keun
Nationalism and the Dissolution of Socialist Federation : The Case of Czechoslovakia Park Jungwon
British Foreign Policy, 1979-97 : Ruling Conservative Government's Foreign Relationship towards USA, the Commonwealth, and Europe Kim Young Jun
The Pushing Factors and Processes of Mongolian Democratization : Focusing on the 1990 Election and the 1992 Election Yang Gil-Hyun
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume38, Number1
Causal Inference in Comparative and Area Studies: Methodological Issues and the Search for the Alternative Research Strategy Ahn Seung-Gook
Comparative Studies on Korean Political Science Review and Korean Journal of International Relations : Analysis and Evaluation Lee Sang-Hwan
A Study of International Cooperation in Science and Technology: With Emphasis on International Big Science Projects Cho Hyun Suk
Security Regime Formation: The Case of CSCE/OSCE Hong Ki-Joon
NATO's Security Dilemma in the Cold War: With particular Emphasis on the Abandonment-Entrapment Model Lee Soo Hyong
Invisible Influence, Visible Conflicts: Epistemic Community Perspective and Kyoto Conference on Global Warming Lee Geun
International Human Rights Regime and the Role of NGOs Lee Won-Woong
Environmental Improvement in North Korea through Support for Agricultural Sector Son Gi-Woong
The Evolving Process of the Relationship between North Korea and Japan in Terms of Types of Contact Choi Young-Ho
'Diverse Ownerships with Public Ownership as the Core' in China Park Sa-Myung
Third Party Support in Britain : The Liberal Democratic Party 1983-1992 Kang Won-Taek
Retrospect for German Unification Policy Suh Zun-Weon
Socio-Economic Factors in Russian Politics: An Analysis of Party Support Groups from Parliamentary Elections of '93 and '95 Chun Hongchan
Role of Trade Unions in Russia : Cases of Trade Unions of Gorikii Auto Factory and Georgievsk Vegetable Oil Factory Kang Hea-Ryon
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume37, Number3
Topos and Identity : Korean and Japanese Intellectuals' Views of the World in the Nineteenth Century In-Sung Jang
A Managerial Approach to Uncertainty : Focusing of Foreign Policy Yoon Jeong Won
International Politics of Korean Unification and Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia Soo-Eon Moon,
Jae-Cheol Kim,
Taehyun Kim,
Chang Jae Baik,
Myon Woo Lee
U.S. Policy Toward Northeast Asia and North Korean-American Relations Lee Jae-Bong
ASEAN's Multilateral Approach toward the South China Sea Disputes : Utilities and Limits Byun Chnang-Ku
International Nuclear Nonproliferation Pressure and Japan's Plutonium Utilization Policies Hahnkyu Park
New Defense Guidelines and the Expanding Role of the Self Defense Forces Chang-Hee Nam
Elements and Organizational Structure of the Russian Democratic Forces In-Sung Lee
Origins of the Korean Financial Crisis Jong Gook Back
A Study on the Influence of Japan over the Growth of Samsung Chaebol In-Young Kim
On the "Double System" Theory of Yu Kil-Chun : In Search of Chosun's Independence from China During the 1880s Chung Young-Hwa
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부

Volume37, Number2
A Critique of Neorealism Youngho Kim
A Comparative Study on the Existing Nuclear - Weapon-Free Zone Treaties Chul-Ki Lee
A Comparative Analysis of Stalin and Kim Il-Song Regimes: Their Ruling Ideology and Power System Seong Chang Cheong
The Russian Federalism and the War in Chechnya Sangtu Ko
The Relation Between Bureaucrats and Politicians in the Postwar Japanes Policy-Making Processes Tae-Hoon Kang
A Study on the Repartition of the Competences between the Community and the Member States in the European Union Jae-Jeong Park
The Economic System Transition and Political Change: Prospect for North Korea's Reform Sang-Sik Ha
The Determining Factors and Prospect of North Korean Policy toward South Korea Kee-Jong Lee
Korean People's Perception on War and the Military Young-Tai Jeung
Traditional Military Security and Non-Military Security: A Relationship Woong Chun
Korea's Self-Defense Efforts and Advanced Defense Posture toward the 21st Century Tai Young Kwon
Korea's Military Diplomacy : Conceptual Framework and Policy Agenda Chinsoo Bae
Historical Evolution of Civil-Military Relations and its Lessons in the Republic of Korea Byung-Kie Yang
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume37, Number1
The Passing of the State-Centric Peace System Youngnok Koo
Military Capabilities of North and South Korea: Facts and Methods of Assessment Taik-young Hamm
Democratization and Party Politics in Taiwan : Election Configuration and the Dynamics of Transition Seung-Gook Ahn
"Democratic Peace" and Security Negotiation Seokwoo Kim
Transformation of Nation-State and Korea's Reform Hyung Kook Kim,
Suk Joon Kim,
Hyung Sik Kim,
Kook Young Lee,
Chong Chul Lee,
Hyo Sun Lee
Social Change and Peasant Migration during Economic Reform in China Min Ja Lee
An Analysis of Soviet Economic Reform Ideas During the Perestroika Era: From the Perspective of Collective Learning Duckjoon Chang
A Geneolosy of the Japanese-Style Competition Policy Yul Sohn
A Study on the Global Strategy of the Non-Governmental Organization in Korea Young-Rae Kim
Building the WTO System : Hegemonic Stability, Rational Choice, or Oligopolistic Stability? Hochul Lee
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume36, Number3
The Post-war Evolution of International Relations Theory and the International Environment: The Contextual Sensitivity of the Balance between Realism and Liberalism Samsung Lee
Empirical Test of Crisis Learning Theory: for the cases of minor-minor power recurrent crises Chinsoo Bae
Capital Mobility, State Autonomy, and International Cooperation Jin-Young Chung
The Political Economy of Capital Accumulation: The Structural Transformation of the World Economy and the Cases of the East Asian NICs Seung-Gook Ahn
Political Dynamics of Economic and Monetary Integration in Europe Choi Jinwoo
Foreign Direct Investment Policies as a Strategic Response to Outside Pressure(gaiatsu): Japan's "Expansionist" Neo-mercantilist Strategy for Industrial Transformation in the 1980s Joo-myung Song
The Northeast Asian Multilateral Security System in the 21st Century : About the Realism Hyock Sup Lee
National Intelligence and Security Policy Woong Chun
State Security and Regime Security: The Care of President Syngman Rhee's Security Policy, 1953~1960 Yong-Pyo Hang
Frustrated Reforms of the C.P.S.U.: A Comparison of Khrushchev and Gorbachev PARK Soo-Heon
The Issues on the Russian illegal Acquisition of Primore and Establishment of the Korean Autonomy Region LEE EEL GUL
The dynamics of intraparty democracy and policy change(Ⅰ) : The case of British Labor Party KO SE-HOON
Comparative Study on Democratization in Thailand and the Philippines Kyoungkyo Seo
Candidate Strategies in U.S. House elections Kisuk Cho
The Political Economy of Factions Kim Hyung Joon
North-South Korean Unification Model: Normative Approach in Application of Motivational Theory LEE HUN KYUNG
The Consolidating Process of Kim Jong-il's Party Leadership Jinwook Choi
A Search for a New Arms Control Policy Toward North Korea Through Economic Cooperation: The Need for a ComprehensiveㆍInformal Arms Control Jin-Hwoan Hwang
Global Education in the United States Ki-Jung Kim
Education for Globalization: The Japanese Experience CHOI EUNBONG
Educational Reform Policy in Australia KIM WANG SIK
Taiwan's Education Policy for Globalization SO-JOONG KIM
An Analysis of the Education Policy in Thailand Concerning Globalization Choon Soo Lee
Globalization and Education in Singapore Deuk-Pyo Hong
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 김성주, 백영옥, 김병국, 서경교, 이상균, 장노순, 조경근, 최진욱, 허만호, 홍관희

Volume36, Number2
Hybrid Nationalism-American Exceptionalism and its Meaning Euikyung Park
Violent Political Protest and Government Coercion Young-Bae Hwang
The Origins of the Western European Collective Security System-With Special Emphasis on the Tension between Atlanticism and Pan-Europeanism Myong-Sob Kim
A Study on Ways to promote Environmental Cooperation between South & North Korea Gi-Woong Son
Comparative Study on South and North Korean Military Policies Kang-Nyeong Kim
Adenauer's Security Policy before and after the Korean War Hyung-Sik Choi
International Competitiveness, Structural Reform, and National Strategy: The Characteristics of "Reform Policy" in Kim Yeong Sam Regime Seong-Pyoul Cho
The Characteristics of the North-Korean Negotiating Activities: A theoritical deviation or its regularity Man-Ho Heo
The Foundation of Japanese Power in the 21th Century: International Institutions and National Power Jin-Suk Byun
ASEAN's Multilateral Security Dialogues After the Cold War Chang-Ku Byun
A Comparative Study of the Military in Thailand and Indonesia with Special Emphasis on Military Strategy and Armed Forces Structure Jin-Pyo Yoon
Nationalist Political Thought of Chinese Taipingtiengus Revolution-with Korean Donghak Revolution Tae-Goo Noh
In The Post Cold War Era Changes of the Security Environment Surrounding The Korean Peninsula and Changes in Security Strategies Myung Hyun Cho
Military Policies and Strategies of the Powers Concerned: The United States, Japan, China and Russia Chang-Il Ohn
Korea's Defense Vision Toward Twenty-First Century Choon-Il Chung
New paradigm for Korean defence Industries Sung-Ki Min
Economy and Systemic Change in North Korea Sun-Song Park
Integration of South and North Korea: Theory and Practice Gye-Dong Kim
Arrangement of Legal System for Unification Myung-Bong Chang
The U.S. Perspective on the Formation of Regional Security Regime in Northeast Asia Dai-Seok Choi
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume36, Number1
World Order of the 21st Century and A Libertarian Approach Toward Peace Sang-woo Rhee
The Advent of New International Political Economic Order and the Conversion to World Democratic Community Sang-Hwan Lee
A Thymotic View of International Relations: Beyond the Third Debate Transfer Policy Chun Hee Yang
Trade-Off in the "Autonomy-Security Trade-Off Model": The Case of Asymmetric U.S.-South Korea Alliance Noh-Soon Chang
Growth Triangles in the Asia-Pacific : Prospects of Subregionalism Eun-Hee Song
An Analysis of the Institutional Change of the U.S. Trade Policy Regime Jungsoo Kim
Labor Movement in Germany and the German Government's European Policy Jinwoo Choi
Economic Reform and Change of Socio-Political Structure in Russia Sangtu Ko
Politico-Economic System and Opening Policy in Laos Sung-Joo Kim
The Origins of the Division in Korea: The Early American Project for Occupation of Korea, 1944-1945 Wan Bom Lee
Enemy Friends: Vietnam-U.S. Normalization Kyung Hee Kwon
A Review on the Military Professionalism in the Republic of Korea: Focused on the Formation Process of New Professionalism Byung-Kie Yang
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume35, Number2
The Change in Character of International Politics and Hegemony Theory Kun-Hyung Kang
The International Politics of the Green Round : Conflict and Cooperation toward the Regime Change of Free Trade Kyung-Keun Cho
Economic Development and International Conflicts in East Asia : A Granger Causality Analysis Tae-hoi Huh
Early Warning of Ethnic Conflicts and Humanitarian Crisis Shin-wha Lee
Methods for Probit/Ordered Probit and Event-Count Analysis : Comprehension and Application Meeyoung Ju,
Sang-Hwan Lee
Realistic Perception and Fictitious Solutions : Korea and International Relations Described in Novels Ki-Jung Kim
A Study on the Argentine-Brazilian Nuclear Rapprochement and its Application to the Korean Peninsula Seongwhun Cheon
Environmental Policy and Problem in North Korea Gi-Woong Sonl
The Issues on the Dominium of Kanto and the China's Korean Minority Eelgul Lee
Durability of Neo-Conservatism : Changes in U. S. Welfare & Immigration Policies Sung-Han Kim
A Normative Evaluation of the US Foreign Policy of Human Rights under the Reagan Administration Young-Ho Park,
Sungeun Choi
United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region and the Security of Republic of Korea Jung-Ik Kim
Japan's Economic Cooperation Policy toward ASEAN : Objectives and Outcomes of ODA Hwang-Soo Chun
A Political Evaluation of the Russian Economic Reforms Sang-Sik Ha
Ideology and Political Forces on European Integration Hong Sik Cho
European Integration and its Security Implications : in terms of Europe's Efforts to Build an Independent Security System Sahng Gyoun Lee
The Eastern Europe and Enlargement of the European Union : Consensus and Competition Doo-Jin Kim
Characteristics and Evaluation of African Military Regimes He-Young Lee
Challenges of and Responses to the Era of Globalization, Internationalization, Regionalization, and Localization : New Status and Role of Nation-State Jae-Kap Ryoo
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 玄仁澤

Volume35, Number1
The Theory of Public Goods and the Efficiency of World Government Wook Kim
The United States' Trade Conflict with the Northeast Asian Countries : An Examination of Hegemonic Stability and Surplus Capacity Sang Hwan Lee
The Current Issues and Problems of the NPT Kang Nyeong Kim
Japan's Policy of Regionalism in Asia-Pacific Region : Dual Structure and Japan's Strategy Jin Suk Byun
Changes of Foreign Policy in Russia Hyon Sik Yon
The Background of 38th Parallel : The Potsdam Conference and Truman Wan Bom Lee
The Political Economy of Protection in Developing Countries Seok Woo Kim
Hybrid Democracy : Democratic Transition in East-Central Europe Jung Won Park
Contradictions between Economic Growth and Peasants' Interests : The Role of Local Governments in China's Rural Industrialization Sung Heung Chun
Party Politics in Post-Industrial Society : The Case of Germany Jin Min Chung
Liberal Nationalism : Integrating 'Liberal' Idea and 'National' Value Eui Kyung Park
A Comparative Study on the Institutionalization of Interest Confilct Resolution Young Rae Kim,
Young Kug Chung,
Tae Hoon Moon,
Hyeok Rae Kim
The Failure of Authoritarianism and the Prospect for Democratic Consolidation in Korea : Institution, Political Culture, Elite Hyug Baeg Im
The Study of International Relations : Current State of Art in the United States and Korea Sang Sop Park,
Young Sun Ha
Current Situation of Education and Curriculum of International Relations in Korea Wang Sik Kim,
Yong Jick Kim
The KAIS Members' Perception and Evaluation Overall the Education of International Political Science Hyun Kun Yoon,
Jong Chul Choi
International Studies Education in Korea : Assessments from Outside Seung Ik Yoo,
Jong Sung Hwang
Research Note on a New Direction for International Studies Curriculum Doh Jong Kim
각주 작성요령 외 편집부

Volume34, Number2
The Current State of North Korean Studies Yang Sung Chul
North Korean Security Policy and Military Strategy Kang Sung-Hack
North Korea's Southern Policy : Evaluating Pyongyang's Efforts to Upgrade the Relations with Countries in Southeast Asia Hong Kyu-Deok
North Korea-Japan Relations : Factors of Structural Change Hyun In-Taek
North Korean Policy toward the United States : Search for the Transition from Confrontation to Cooperation Kim Gye-Dong
North Korea Adrift Lho KyongSoo
North Korea's Foreign Policy Decisionmaking : Structure and Process Yoo Ho-Yeol
Dyadic Power Ratio and Escalation to War : Empirical Analysis of 102 Minor-Minor Power Crises Bae Chinsoo
A Concept of Nuclear Umbrella : Transformation and Its Causes Lee Jong-Sun
American Foreign Policy and the Press: The Case of "Koreagate" Lee Hong Jong
The North Korean Nuclear Issue and American Foreign Policy: The Nuclear Issue and the Politico-Historical Characteristics of the Clinton Diplomacy Lee Samsung
U. S. Security Policy towards Europe in the Post-Cold War Era : Maintaing Its Leadership through Burden-sharing Chun Dong-jin
A Study on World Revolution Strategy of the Soviet Union Youn Haisu
Revisiting Soviet Involvement in the Korean Problem at the End of World War Ⅱ Ku Daeyeol
US-DPRK Relations and China's Korean Policy Ahn Yinhay
The European Policy-Making Structure of the Federal Republic of Germany Lee Sahng-Gyoun
The Vietnamese Invasion Into Kampuchea : Realpolitik Expansionism or Defense? Kwon Kyung-hee
State Autonomy of South Korea in North-east Asia's New International Order Kim Chang-hee
Post-Fordist Regulations and State-forms Kim Se-Yeon
A Study of the Conflict between Nation-Statism and Europeanism in the European Parliament Park Jae-Jeong
Elections in the Process of Democratic Transition in Poland Shin Myungsoon
The Political Consequences of Solidarno in Polish Crisis : 1980~1981 Kim Ihn Hyuck
Bureaucratic Authoritarianism and Party Politics in Taiwan and South Korea Choi Jinwook
A Study on the Changing Process of Military Policy in North Korea : Focused on its Principles and Reality Yang Byung-Kie
The Conceptualization for the Study of Korean Nationalism and its Application Kim Hea-seung
The Implication of the Type of Regimes in Korea : the Civil Society and the State-led Models Yeo Hyeon Deok
Puzzle-solving, Outlaw Science, and the Scientific Development : A Methodological Approach Kim Ungjin
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부

Volume34, Number1
Korea's National Interest and Economic Policy Youngnok Koo
Technonationalism and the New International Political Economic Order Euikon Kim,
Chung-In Moon,
Kyung-Suh Park,
Byungwon Park,
Kwang-Il Baek
The Formation of NAFTA and Its Impact on Korean Trade Policy Woong Chun
An Institutional Explanation of the Decline of International Competitiveness of the South Korean Economy in the High-Technological Industrialization Era: South Korea and Taiwan in Comparative Political Economic Perspective Hoon Tark Park
Limitation of UN Role as an International Peace Organization : Evaluation of UN Intervention in the Korean War Gye-Dong Kim
An Ecological Perspective on Nuclear Disarmament Gi-Woong Son
The Environmental Problems and Policies in South and North Korea Kang-Nyeong Kim
Delphi Methods and Expected utility Models in Forecasting the Policy Issues of Unified Korea Chae-Han Kim,
Young-Kug Chung
Civil-Military Relationship and Socio-Economic Reform in the Phlippines Kie-Duck Park
Spencer's Social Darwinism and the Tradition of Free Thought Yeon-Jai Shin
Sung Chul Yang, The North and South Korean Political Systems Yong-Pil Rhee
Jong-Yil Ra, Unending War: Korean and Great Power Politics(1950-1954) Chang Il Ohn
Henry Alfred Kissinger, Diplomacy Eun sung Chung

Volume33, Number2
한반도의 평화와 안전을 위한 다자간 안보체제 曺明鉉
新國際秩序와 東北亞地域 國際機構形成의 現況 吳洙烈
유럽연합기구의 조직 및 기능에 관한 고찰 金廷基
국제환경정치의 소망과 현실 曺暻根
신국제질서와 국제연합이 개편방향 金裕殷
北韓ㆍ美國 關係의 變化와 展望 尹龍熙
합리적선택이론에 의한 통합정치변동모형 趙己淑
美國의 日本非難과 對外經濟政策의 修正主義 朴鴻錫
일본의 駐캄보디아 PKO 연구 南昌熙
10년 국가발전 전략과 8ㆍ5 계획속에 나타난 중국지도부의 노선투쟁에 관한 연구 金永文
후르시초프와 고르바초프의 改革政策 比較硏究 尹海水
내각구성에 관한 이론과 실제 朴贊郁
독ㆍ불관계를 통해 본 유럽통합과 유럽안보 全東震
사단법인 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 朴英圭, 李淑子, 金斗鎭, 金東暎, 金雄鎭, 文興鎬, 沈敬旭, 崔秀慶

Volume33, Number1
Change in East-Central Europe and New International Order Kim Dalchoong,
Jeong Kap-Young,
Sung Baik Nam
The Socialist Experience in Ethiopia Lee Bum-Joon
The Transformation of U.S. Hegemony and U.S. Arms Transfer Policy Choi Jong-Chul
The Development of European Fordism and Its Crisis Chung Goog-Heon
Modem Japanese Politics and Liberal Democratic Party Lee Sang-Shick
A Study of the Modem Political Thought of Korea with Special Reference to Political Equality Cho Chan-Rai
International Division of Labor and South Korean Automobile Industry: Debating State-Led Industrialization Thesis Lew Seok-Jin
Rational Choice Theory and Nuclear Deterrence Park Jusik
A Study of the Causes of War and Conflict: In the Context of Environmental Resources Son Gi-Woong
An Assessment of the Boolean Algorithms for Comparative Sociopolitical Inquiry: Premises, Theorems, and Procedures Kim Ungjin
Kim, Gye-Dong, Foreign Intervention in Korea Ra Jong-Yil
Sung, Hwang- Yong, Diplomatic History of East Asia Since 19th Century Ku Dae Yeol
1993年度 韓國國際政治學會 任員陣 편집부

Volume32, Number2
Democratization and Foreign Policy-Making: Looking for a New Theoritical Framework Kim Ki Jung,
Lee Heng
All the Way with the Americans: Reflections on the ROK's Foreign Policy during the 1960s Hong Kyudok
Future of the ROK-US Security Relationship in the Post-Cold War Era: Prospects for Change and Structural Adjustment Chung Choon-Il
Korea's Trade Diplomacy: A New Dimension of Korean Foreign Policy Kil Jeong Woo
Korea-Japanese Relationship in the Post-Cold War Kim Hosup
Formation of the European Modern State: Focused on the Historical Relations of the State Types to the Development of the Production Types in the Economic Sphere Hwang Tai- Youn
Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy Perspectives: A Framework for Post-Cold War Era Lee Samsung
Party Politics and 1992 Presidential Election in the Philippines Chung Young-Kug
The Dynamics of Patron-Client State Relations in East Asia: External/Geopolitical Sources of State Transformation Shin Wookhee
A Modified Neo-Mercantilistic Perspective of IPE Park Kun Y.
The Political Economy of Russian Policy toward the Korean Peninsula Yang Seung Ham
Elite Competition on China's Foreign Economic Policy Ahn Inhae
Foreign Policy-making and Political Risk Analysis Hong Deuk-Pyo
The Political Conditions for an Economic System Transition: The Economic Reforms under Gorbachev Ha Sang-Sik
Decentralization as a Palliative Political Reform: The Case of Peru (l985-1990) Kim Sung-Han
Open Skies over the Korean Peninsula: Breaking the Impasse Cheon Seong W.,
Amy E. Smithson
Hwang, Byung Moo, The Study of Modern Chinese Military Affairs Suh Jin- Young
사단법인 한국국제정치확회 정관 외 편집부
編輯後記 張公子, 金啓東, 權萬學, 尹德敏, 尹眞杓, 李行, 洪圭德, 黃柱洪

Volume32, Number1
Industrialization and Political Change in Latin America: Rise and Decline in Comparative Political Economic Perspective Lim Hyun-Jin
The Irony of State Strength in Mexico: Regime Stability and Economic Performance Kim Byung-Kook
The Regime Change and Economic Crises in Mexico Back Jong-Gook
Democracy and the Crisis of Foreign Debt in Venezuela Hong Uk-Heon
Democratization and Economic Policy in Brazil Chung jin-Young
The Fiscal Crisis and Inflation in Populist Brazil Lee Young-Jo
The Crisis of Foreign Debt and Democratization in Argentina Rhee Sung-Hyoung
A Comparative Study of International Regime Change Theories: Hegemonic Stability Theory and Game-theoretic Approaches Kim You-En
Prospects for Northeast Asian Economic Integration: Its Feasibility and Limits Chun Woong
Perestroika's Policy toward Northeast Asia: In the Context of Policy Resources Kim Eui-Kon
Russian Debate on Economic Reform and Democratization: A New Pattern of Political Development? Lee In-Sung
The Political Economic Factors of U.S. Trade Policy toward Korea Park Hong-Suk
The impact of the Cuban crisis on the U.S. -Soviet image interaction Kim Jong-Pyo
The Influence of the Superpower Military Intervention on the Domestic Politics: The U.S. plan to topple Syngman Rhee during the Korean War Kim Gye-Dong
A Comparative Study of the Korean and Japanese Student Movements: Their Historical Evolutions and Characteristics Kim Doh-Jong
社團法人 韓國國際政治學會 定款 외 편집부

On the Disciplinary Reform of the International Politics Rhee Sang-Woo
National Interest in Korea's Foreign Policy Koo Youngnok
Policy Implications of Arms Control in the Korean Peninsula Baek Jong-Chun
The Deciding Factors of Korean Troop's Participation in the Vietnam War and Change of the International Relations Lee Kee-Jong
The Growth Effects of Defense Spending in Developing Countries : An International Political Economic Perspective with Application to Korea Park Kun-Young
Korean Response to U.S. -Japanese Negotiation of Okinawa Reversion: ROK-US-Japan Policy for Korean Security Issues in Relation to Okinawa Reversion Yun Duk-Min
A Study for Essence of Change in the Socialist Systems: With a Special Emphasis on Application of the Political Pluralism Ahn Sung-Ho
Changes in North Korea in a New Regional Order Kim Duc-Joong
The Changes in North Korea's Unification Policy Choi Wan-Kyu
The Change of Japan's Foreign Policy: The Existing Debates and the Need of a new Approach Cho Kyung-Keun
The Crisis and Transformation of State: A Comparison of Indonesia and the Philippines Park Sa-Myoung
On the Dilemma of Populist Revolution and Development : The Mexican Case Baek Jong-Gook
Presidental Policies toward the Legislature in South America Uk Heon Hong
South-North Korea's UN Entry and Relationship Kim Kang-Nyeong
Arms Control as Renovation Process of Unification of Korean Peninsula Kim Chong-Hon
The Effect of Socio-economic Development on Riots : A Cross-sectional and Time-series Analysis Yoo Seungik
Young O, Yoon, Korean Legislative Behavior - A Longitudinal Analysis in Comparative Perspective - (Seoul: Kookmin University Press, 1991), 244 p. Donald S. Macdonald
韓國國際政治學會定款 외 편집부
編輯後期 孫鶴圭, 文首彦, 金啓東, 金炯局, 裵肯燦, 尹永寬, 李承元, 李春根, 趙仁源, 陳美卿

Volume50, Number5
A Comparative Study of the Security Dilemma in the Israel-US and North Korea-China Alliance : Focusing on Political-led Security Partnership Model Hyeongho Yoon
The Collapse of Asian Version of NATO Idea : Focusing on the APATO Idea of Park Jeonghee Regime during the 60’s Sanghyun Lee
The Success Factors of the DPNI from the Perspective of Social Movement Theory Tae Yon Kim
Examining the Potentialities of Civil Society Development in Central Asia : with an Analysis on the Civil Society Environmental Organization - ‘Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan (EMU, Ekoharakat)’ Ji-Eun Lee
German Reunification in the Context of European Integration : Reunification Progress related to European Integration Progress and Difference of Community Accession Procedure between East Germany and East European Countries Sang Wuk Ahn
Its Current Status and South Korea’s Policy Choice Young Ho Kim
편집후기 최진우

Volume50, Number4
Inherent Hypocrisy? : A Realist Interpretation of ‘the Chinese World Order’ Hongseo Park
Liberalism and Imperialism of J. S. Mill with a View to Expediency Dong-chun Park
Japanese Post-War Intellectuals’ Experiences in Korea and its Impacts on their Attitudes toward Asia Ki Jeong Nam
The US Carter Administration and Korea in the 12/12 Incident : Concession of Moral Diplomacy Won Gon Park
Who host the secretariats of regional integration associations? Young Jong Choi
The Evolution of the Common Heritage of Mankind in the Management of International Seabed Dong-Joon Jo
Study on the Formation and Deterioration of Labor Culture in North Korea : The Industrialization Era Keunwoo Nam
The Debate on Methodology in International Political Economy Wang Hwi Lee

Volume50, Number3
The Impacts of Inconsistent Status Quo Evaluations on Regional War Wooksung Kim,
Choong-Nam Kang
Foreign Policy Formation of Authoritarian States in Central Asia Since 1991 Ji-Eun Lee
How Has Korea Imagined Its Region? Keeseok Kim
South Korea’s Strategic Relationships with Sub-Saharan Africa Tae-Hyung Kim
Recognition of Estranged Other Gibung Kwon
Coping with Money Byoung-Inn Bai
For Authors etc. 편집부

Volume50, Number2
Epistemologies in the Study of International Relations : A Meta-Theory of Alexander Wendt’s Scientific Realism Byoung Won Min
Debating constructivism from the perspectives of post-modernism and realism Chaesung Chun
An Empirical Study On U.S. Foreign Aid Policy Regarding Human Rights Woongjo You
The U.S.-China relations around East Asia : Focusing on China’s Seeking for Great Naval Power Jeong Kyung Seo
Foreign Policy of King Jangsu of Goguryeo : Two faces of Goguryeo’s Independent Diplomacy Daeyeol Ku
An Analysis of the ASAT missile test competition between China and the U.S. : Focusing on the Security Dilemma Jongpil Chung,
Ju Jin Park
Changes in the relations between Russia and Mongolia in Post-Cold War Era : A Geopolitical Perspective Sung Hoon Jeh
French Immigration and Nicolas Sarkozy (2002-2008) Sun-Hee Park
Immigration Policy-Making in Germany : Focusing on the German Immigration Law of 2004 Sook-Ran Yoo
Political Scientists' Contributions to the Southeast Asian Studies in Korea Je Seong JEON
A World Free Of Nuclear Weapons: Ideal or Reality Yong-Sup Han

Volume50, Number1
The Moral Foundations of Foreign Aid Joon Suk Kim
China’s idea of East Asian Order : A Comparative Study of ‘Harmonious World Theory’ and Sino-centric Tributary System Jung Nam Lee
Determinants of U.S. Security Policy : International Environment and Domestic Policy Consensus Bong-Jun Ko
Historical Legacies and Practices of Obama Administration’s Foreign Policy Ideology of Internationalism Gon Namkung
A Study on Verification for North Korea Nuclear Negotiation Tong Hyong Park
Improving North Korean Human Rights regarding the Interdependence between North Korea and International Society Yoojin Rhee
An Analysis of UN PKO activity and a suggested Pragmatic Direction of Korean PKO Yong Marn Cho
Meaning of South Korean Participating in Proliferation Security Initiative(PSI) and Guidelines for Future PSI Cooperation Eun Seok Jang
Theoretical Problems and Reality of 4GW : On the Critique of Insurgency HanSeung Cho
Soft Power and Mega Sport Events : A Critical Review on the Assumption of Instrumental Relations Giwoong Jung
Cultural Rights as Universal Human Rights? : From UDHR to UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity Nam-Kook Kim
Knowledge exchange in contemporary Japan-Korea relations : Formation and Diffusion of Consensual Knowledge Hiroki Miura
The Path dependency of Japanese pacific constitution Ki-Sung Choi,
Jin-Sung Hu
The World Social Forums and Korean Social Movements : From Seattle to Belém Suk-Ki Kong,
Hyun-Chin Lim
Research on the changes in peasants’ income in Heilongjiang after the tax reform in rural China Eun Ha Yoo
Diffusion of Political Reform and Failure of Internalization in Thailand : With Focus on the Amendment of the Constitution in 1997 Dong-Yoon Lee
Change of the German Citizenship in a Multicultural Era : Nationality and Immigration Law in Germany Sangtu KO,
Myeongshin HA
The multiculturalism and the political participation of immigrants in Australia Kyu Young LEE,
Kyung-Mi KIM
현대 국제정치학에서의 권력논쟁과 한국 김태현
지구시민사회 : 연구동향과 쟁점 김의영
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Volume49, Number6
Do IMF Programs Discipline Budget Deficit? Hye Jee Cho
Conditions for Peaceful Resolution in Territorial Disputes of Northeast Asia Woondo Choi
Face-Saving, Reference Point, and North Korea’s Strategic Assessments Jihwan Hwang
Political Practice for Peaceful Reunification : Dialectical Strategy & Tactics Tae-Goo Noh
Online Processing, Memory-based Processing, and an Integrated Model of Candidate Evaluation Sung-youn Kim
The Divisiveness of a Political Party’s Nomination Process and Its Effect on U.S. Presidential Elections Youseop Shin
Protest-State Interaction : A VAR Analysis of the French Labor Movement Jaekwon Cha
An Empirical Study of the Types of Democratic Processes Citizens Really Want Ganghoon Kim
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Volume49, Number5
Modern Transition of European Regional Order : Theoretical Analysis of Overlapping, and Complex Process of Early Modernity in European International Relations Chaesung Chun
Security in Liberal International Relations Theory Geunwook Lee
The Continuing Relevance of Realism for Contemporary International Security Dong Sun Lee
Epistemological Contribution of Constructivism to Security Studies Jong Kun Choi
Arms Control Approach to Security Issues on the Korean Peninsula : Theory, Evaluation, and Prospects Yong-Sup Han
The strategic triangle among U.S., China and North Korea during the 2nd nuclear crisis : Focusing on the crisis diplomacy of North Korea Sangsook Lee
An Empirical Study on North Korea’s Strategic Culture and Negotiating Strategy Hwa Sung Cho
Keynes, International Monetary System and Global Financial Crisis : Keynes’ Revenge and His Return? Jin-Young Chung
Taxation and the Economic Role of the State in East Asia : A Comparative Perspective Mi-Kyung Kim
Historical Rectification in New Democracies : Comparative Analysis of May 18 Uprising and 2.28 Incident Eunju Chi,
Sy-Chi Doong
Korean Government’s Policy on North Korean Defectors in China : with the emphasis on the Administration of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun Sookja Lee
China’s Tibet Policy(1949-2008) : Based on the Perception by Chinese Communist Party on national minority issues Ji Young Choi
Politico-Economic Analysis on Resurrection of Province-Managing County in China Sangkuk Lee
Sketching Multicultralism with the Legal-institutional Federalism and Party System in Switzerland Okyeon Yi
The Development and Characteristics of the Soviet Environmental Movement : A Profile of Soviet Environmental Organizations YoonHee Kang
The Rise of China: Between Prudence and Arrogance Jaeho Hwang
Networked International Relations: Theory, Methods, and Their Limits Byoung Won Min
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편집후기 조한승

Volume49, Number4
Critical Understanding of the Concept of Smart Power : A Perspective of Middle-Power’s Network Power Sangbae Kim
The Tragic Worldview and Athenian Democracy Young Jin Choi
A Comparative Study on Alliance Policy of Japan and South Korea on the U.S. : The Case of Compliance with American Military Transformation Strategy Sun-Tae Kim,
Chung-In Moon,
Ki-Jung Kim
Congressional Criticism and Implications for Sino-U.S. Relations Jae Cheol Kim
Political Economic Analysis of Korea’s choice of its FTA negotiating partners in case of Chile, EFTA, the US, and the EU Sungwook Yoon
The Assessment of the Utility of Covert Action as a Means of Foreign Policy : The U.S. Cases Woong Chun
Electoral System Reform in Russia : Power Relations, Diffusion, and Institutional Change Jin-Sook Ju
Why Russia’s Stance regarding the Formation of Gas Cartel Has Changed? Yusin Lee
Why does illegal land development last so long? : Central Government’s Interest and Land Regime Design during the Reform era in China Kihyun Lee
Constitutional Making and the State Identity of the Two Koreas : A Comparative and Relational Approach Myung-Lim Park
America's Place and Its Role in the World : Between the Atlantic and the Pacific Myongsob Kim
Current Issues of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Seongwhun Cheon
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Volume49, Number3
Adaptational Pressure, Domestic Politics and the Evolution of the European Monetary System Bai Byoung-Inn
No Smoking in the European Parliament Jun Hae-Won
External Contestation in the European Union Hans Schattle
Conventional and Critical Constructivist Approaches to National Security Cho Young Chul
Evaluating the Role of Regional Expert Network in Regional Security Institution Building Yu Hyun Seok
Information Effects Conditioned by Partisanship in Electoral Participation Lee So Young
Political Orientations of Chinese Metropolitan Residents Joo Jang-Hwan
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume49, Number2
The Path of the Institutionalization of Multilateral Security Cooperation : A Study of the Application of C/OSCE Case into Northeast Asia Suh Bo-hyuk
The Japan’s Diplomatic Strategic on Asia in the 2000’s : From Immanent Approach to External Approach Choi Hee-Sik
A Study on Development of American Military Innovation Concept : For transforming transformation Lee Sung-Man
How Could So Hui Bring the War with the Khitan to an End?: A Study of His Negotiation Leadership at the Anyungjin Talks in 993 Park Hyun Mo
Party politics and European Integration in Central Europe : Focus on Partisan Relations Yoon Duk Hee
The Role of Think Tanks to Make a Smaller and More Effective Government : Anglo-American cases and their application to the Korean case Lee Yeonho
International Relations of Energy and Climate Change : Competition versus Cooperation, Norm versus Reality Lee Jae-Seung
The Political Economy of Global Financial Crisis Choi Young Jong
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Volume49, Number1
Middle Power as a Unit of Analysis of International Relations: Its Conceptualization and Implications Kim Chi Wook
When Does A Hegemon Weaken International Law? : The US Policy to the Climate Change Regime Byun Jinsuk
Birth of the U.S. Containment Strategy in the Early Cold War: Was George F. Kennan the Only Mastermind? Kim Myongsob
Authority Shift in the U.S. Federalism: Legislative Process of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 Namkung Goo,
Lee Seulhan
The Effects of Power Transition Between America and China on the Cross-Strait Relations Between China and Taiwan Woo Byeong-Gug
U.S.-China economic cooperation from the view of Neoliberalism: the case of Strategic Economic Dialogue Seo Jeong-Kyung
China Rediscover the Africa's Strategic Value Kim Aekyung
The effect of improved relations between China and Taiwan on Northeast Asia: Focusing on the Power Transition theory Chun Ka-Lim
The Internalization of China's Northeast Project, Strategic Implications of Infrastructure Development in Northeast China Won Dong Wook
Research on the Role Choices of Villagers' Committee Cadres in Rural China Lee Dong-Young
Constitutionalism of the Korean Provisional Government: Its Legitimation and Dilemma as Constitutional State Oh HyangMi
Japan's $4 billion Aid Policy to Korea in 1981-1983 Son Kisup
Domestic Politics and Regional Governance: A Case Study of Regional Cooperation for Counter-Terrorism in Southeast Asia Lee Dong-Yoon
The Influence of the Institution on the Increase of the Women's Political Representation: Around Argentine Law of Quota Son HyeHyun
The Transfer of Wartime Operational Control and Conduct of War: Re-establishment of Concept and Tasks Park Hwee Rhak
Book Review: International Organizations and Onternational Institutions Park Heung-Soon
Research Note on Main Issus: A Comparison between Policy of Mutual Benefits and common Prosperity & The Engagement Policy Park Jong Chul
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Volume48, Number5
Revisiting Tilly's Thesis Yoon Tae-Ryong
Rawls and Natural Justice Jang Dong-Jin
Portrait of Global Civil Society at the Bretton Woods Institutions Robert E. Kelly
The Nature of Cooperation and Conflict Events Yi Seong-Woo
Blunt Instruments Jun Hae-Won
Why Have Attempts to Settle Inter-Korean Conflict Failed? Hong Yong-Pyo
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume48, Number4
Regionalism and Multilateral Alliance : An Analysis on Their Possible Coexistence in East Asia Kim Sung-han
Questing for the Network Theory of World Politics : Beyond Three Assumptions in the Realist Theory of International Politics Kim Sangbae
In Search of the Origins of Korean Foreign Behavior Ku Daeyeol
Messages from Quantum Physics to International Relations: Going Beyond Alexander Wendt's Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Consciousness Hypothesis Yang Chun Hee
Globalization and the Study of Security Lyu Jae Hyun
An Approach of the Regulation Theory to the Making of the Euro-Capitalism Koo Choon-Kweon
American Neoconservatism and Its Limits Chang Euikwan
Institutional Aspects of Political Representation in the European Union: Focusing on Codecision Procedure Han JeongHun
Path Dependency and Emergent Property in European Integration Hong Ki-Joon
Direct Democracy of Swiss Federation: Based on the Volksabstimmung of 1. July 2008 Chang Jun-Ho
The Politics of the Institutionalisation of the Italian-style Welfare Model Kim Hye Ran
Critical Review of Occidental-Centered Political Development Theory: Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory Shin Bongsu
Can Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Country Image? : A Study of Overseas Korean Firms in China Lim Suk-Jun,
Choi Sung-ho
Polarized Competition of Party System and Parties’ Ideologies in Taiwan after Democratic Transition Chi Eunju
영유권 문제를 둘러싼 한일갈등의 규범 확산 Park Chang-Gun
동아시아 지역주의론 : 백영서외 지음. 『동아시아의 지역질서: 제국을 넘어 공동체로』(서울: 창비, 2005), 손열 엮음. 『동아시아와 지역주의: 지역의 인식ㆍ구상ㆍ전략ㆍ전략』(서울: 지식마당, 2006), 하영선 편. 『동아시아공동체: 신화와 현실』(서울: 동아시아연구원, 2008) 전재성
(사단법인) 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 홍규덕

Volume48, Number3
Limits and Alternatives of "Reading Thucydides" in the Realist Paradigm of IR Theories Park Sungwoo
Can the WTO Control Regionalism? Moon Don
The Age of Imperialism in East Asia and Its Periodization : Conceptualizing the Modern International Order of East Asia in Terms of 'Imperialist Cartel' Lee Samsung
Changing Security Order in Northeast Asia and Korean Strategic Choice : Evaluating the Arguments over 'Balancer in Northeast Asia' and Its Theoretical Alternatives Bae Jong-Yun
North Korea's Alliance Dilemma vis-á-vis China and Its 'Calculated Adventurism' in the 1960's Choi Myeong-hae
The Rise of the New Christian Rights and the Realigning Republican Party Yoo Sung-jin
How to Draw the Boundaries of Demos? : The Issue of Inclusion and Exclusion in a Multicultural Democracy Kim Bumsoo
A Study on the Foundation of Hezbollah Park Chan-Ki
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Volume48, Number2
Rivalry among Major Powers in East Asia and Power Transition: China's Policies towards Japan in the 21st Century Kang Taek Goo
Cultural Expansionism of China: The Analysis of China's Intention toward the Northeast Asian Regional Order Lee Jangwon,
Hong Wootaek
Political Transaction Costs and Delegation to Supranational Institutions: A Critique of Neoliberal Institutionalism Bai Byoung-Inn
Asian Regionalism and the U.S. Diplomacy: A Historical Analysis of Establishing the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Jo Yanghyeon
Evolutionary Expectancy Theory and Inter-Korean Reconciliation in the Detente Period Woo Seonggi
A Comparative Study on the Normalization of U.S.-DPRK Relations Suh Bo-hyuk
Strategic Voting in South Korea: Voting Behavior of Minor Party Supporters in Presidential and Legislative Elections Jhee Byong-Kuen
Internet and Governance: Focusing on the role of ccTLDs in the formation of ccNSO of ICANN Kim Eui Young,
Lee Young-eun
A Cross-National Analysis of Maintenance and Change of European Party System and Parties Jin Youngjae,
Seo Myungho
German Chancellor Leadership and Party: Institution and Strategy Ju Jin-Sook
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume48, Number1
The Academic Dependence on the US in International Political Economy Studies in Korea Kim Haknoh
The Limitations in Using Historical Analogy for Foreign Policy Making Yoon Jeongwon
The Public Perceptions of the Rise of China in the U.S. and Asian Countries Suh Jin-Young,
Kang Su-Jeong
Globalization and the Change of Political Community: A Critical Understanding of ‘New Medievalism’ Lee Hwa-Yong
Globalization and Political Institutions: Roles of Consensus Democracy and its Political Institutions Hong Jae Woo
Rethinking Confederation: The United States, Germany, the Netherlands and the European Union Kim Joon Suk
Ukraine's EU Membership Prospects: Possibilities and Limits Hong Wansuk
Russians’ Perceptions of the State and Civil Society: Based on a Survey of Moscow Residents Chang Duckjoon,
Shin Donghyug
‘State Capture’ Vs. ‘State Autonomy’: A Comparative Case Study on the Power Struggle Relating to Oligarchy in Russia Kang Bong-koo
The Trans-National Activities of Diaspora and their Motherlands in the era of Globalization: The Comparison of Overseas Chinese in South-east Asia and Korean-Chinese in China Lim Chae Wan
The Politics of Multiculturalism in Australia: Making National Identity, and Racial and Cultural Conflicts Moon Kyoung-Hee
A Study on Governance of North Korea Support Policy through Policy-Network Analysis: Focusing on Policy Decision Making Process Kang Dong Wan
The Intermediate Evaluation on Achievement and Anti-corruption Strategy of Yudhoyono’s government in Indonesia Choi Kyung-Hee
The Change of the Status of the UN Security Council after the Cold War: Focused on the Use of Forces Kim Yeoul-Soo
A Study on Meaning of ‘Songun Idea’ and Appearance of ‘Songun’ into North Korea Chin Hee-Gwan
Legislative Experience and Reelections of the Freshmen of the Republican Party in the 104th Congress Ka Sangjoon
Constitution, Economic Reform, and Presidential Leadership: South Korea’s ‘National Founding Constitution’(1948) and ‘Post-Korean War Constitution’(1954) in Comparison Park Myung-Lim
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume47, Number5
Why Should We Help the Poor Foreigners? Kim Bumsoo
Where is the Framing Effect? Ryu Jaesung
What Should a Good Feminist Theory of Equality Be? A Critique of Ronald Dworkin Kim Hee-Kang
A Neo-Classical Realist Account on External Security Behaviors of Weak Power towards Great Power Choi Jong Kun
Northeast Asian Regional Integration Choi Young Jong
Revisiting Missile Defense of the United States Ko Bong-Jun
Responding to Public Han JeongHun
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume47, Number4
Free Trade and Proportional Representation: Examining the Natural Affinity Between Trade Openness and PR Kim Mi-Kyung
An Empirical Analysis on the Cooperative and Conflictual Relationships between Korea and the United States Yi Seong-Woo
Understanding North Korean Perception of International Relations in the Kim Jong Il Era: A First Cut Woo Seongji
Trollope Playas a Lie, a "Myth", and a Manual Jo Dong-Joon
South Korea's Left-Right Coalition Committee in World Politics, 1946-1947 Lee Wan Bom
Japan's FTA Strategies towards East Asia: Multi-complex Regionalism Park Chang-Gun
Italia On The Political Converting Era: Concentrating on the Italian Foreign Policy through the Gulf War and Bosnia/Kosovo Conflict Kim JongBub
An Analysis of Russia's Gas Trade Lee Yusin
Migration and Russkii Nationalism in Contemporary Russia: With Focus on Relations with the Former Soviet Republics Kim Tae Yon
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편집후기 편집부

Volume47, Number3
A Realist Interpretation of Prospect Theory: Theorizing Status-Quo Bias and Relative Losses in International Relations Hwang Ji Hwan
A Critical Theory Approach to the International Anti -corruption Regime's nature: The institutionalization and strategies of Neo-liberal anti-corruption norms Kim You Kyoung
Veto Players, Policy Credibility and Stock Market Development in the World Kim Chi Wook
A Emerging Sino-U.S. Concert System after the Cold War? : China-U.S. Cooperation over North Korea's Nuclear Diplomacy Park Hongseo
Korea-U.S. FTA and the Gaesong Industrial Complex: Conflict and Issues Namkoong Young
The U.S.-USSR Joint Commission and U.S. and USSR's Policy for The Interim Government in Korea Nam Kwangkyu
The Military Space Strategies of the U. S. - China and Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space Nah Youngju
Legacy of the Red-Green Coalition and Reform Projects of the Grand Coalition: Recent Trend of the German Reform Politics Koo Choon-Kweon
Diverging Continental Welfare States under Globalization: Comparison between Germany and the Netherlands Kwon Hyeong-ki
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume47, Number2
The Internalization of Global Governance: Changes of Global Internet Governance Jho Whasun
Is Internet Development Compatible with Authoritarian Regimes? Internet Development, Political Externalities, and the Role of the Government in china Ko Kyungmin
The Characteristics of the Change Environment of Korea After 1990s: Focusing the Cases of 'Pueblo Incident' and 'North Korea's Nuclear Crisis' Park Yong-soo
The Rise of China and North Kora's Response; Bandwagoning Strategy and Policies of Alliance, Appeasement and Issue Based Support Kim Yeikyoung
Major Background Instrumental in the Development of the Residual Welfare State in Korea since the 1990s Park Yong Soo
Confucianism and Modern International Politics in the 19th Century in the Chosun Dynasty: A Study on Kim Yoon-Sik's Political Thoughts Kim Sung Bae
The possibilities and limits of institutionalized women's movement: Focusing on Feminist Initiative in Sweden Moon Kyoung-Hee,
Chun Kyung Ok,
Kim Mi Sung
Between Consolidation and Reverse of Democracy: Thaksin Government and Debates on Democracy in Thailand Lee Dong-Yoon
The Concepts and the Levels of Analysis of Politico-Security Regionalism in Southern Africa: The Case of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Hwang Kyu Deug
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Volume47, Number1
Between Reason and Reality: The Role of Dialectics in Early Frankfurt School Critical Theory Kim Sungsoo
Influence of Relative Power on Dyadic Cooperation: Extension of Theory of War Hong Woo-Taek
Weak State Choice in Asymmetric Conflict: Falklands War in the Perspective of Prospect theory Park Sang-Hyun
Feminist IR Critique of "Security" Hoang Young-ju
ICTs and Political Parties' Adaptation: Focusing on the Political Fan Club's Role Chang Woo-Young
Mahathir's Discourse of East Asian Regionalism: A Quest for an Anti-West Developmental Coalition Asia Lee Jaehyon
Transformation Of U.S. Armed Forces and It's Implications of ROK-U.S. Alliance Park Ki Lyun
The Influence of USFK Changes On ROK's Military Build-Up Lee Pil Jung,
Kim Yong-Hui
A Critical Study of Policy toward North Korea and State Autonomy during the Kim Dae-joong Government Period Lee Kyeongho
International Human Rights Pressure and North Korea: A Critical Analysis on its Perception and Reactions Lee Won-Woong
China-India Relations in the 21st century: Its Present State, Issues, and Prospect Park Byung Kwang
Britain's Road to the Iraq War: Structure and Agency Kim Nam-Kook
Reform debate on the CDU party program: Neoliberal reform and the return to conservatism Ju Jin-Sook
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Volume46, Number5
Re-conceptualizing Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic as Diachronic Systems Theory of Inter-societal Relations Kwon Gi Bung
The Big Influence of a Small State Ahn MunSuk
Defending the National Interests? Lee Jae-Seung
The Link Between Domestic Political Institutions and Commitments to Tariff Reduction Agreements Jo Jung In
A Trilemma of Conceptual Validity, Generality, and Causality Kwon Hyeok Yong
The Politics of Regulatory Redistribution Revisited Kim Junseok
Political Competition and Financial Stability in the Developing World Choe Wongi
Towards Consolidation Lee Sangmook,
Ozymy Joshua
Food and Nationalism CHO Hong Sik
The Political Economy of Reserve Accumulation in the Developing World Han Intaek
The Role of Cognitive Engagement in Self-Censoring Process of Racial Predispositions Ryu Jaesung
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Volume46, Number4
The Studies of Intelligence in the Post Cold War: Scope and Approaches Chun Woong
American Diplomatic Historiography and the Semantic Overturn of the Imperial Discourse: Neoconservatism and the Essentialist Diplomatic History Writing of John L. Gaddis Lee Samsung
Making States Federatively: A Reexamination of State Formation Process in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany Kim Joon Suk
Culture and Politics: EU Cultural Policy and Identity Politics in Europe Choi Jinwoo
Institutionalization of International Finance Choi Young Jong
Power Relations in the IMF: An Analysis of the September 2006 Quota Increase Han Intaek
ROK-US Alliance and Strategic Flexibility: Issues and Prospects Lee Sang-Hyun
The Rise of Regional Governance For Sub-Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia: The Case of Tumen River Area Development Programme' Jeon Hyung kwon
An Analysis on Legislator's Incentive to Bill Proposal: In-Depth Interview Kim Jang Su
Preference Change, Strategic Voting, and the Abandonment of Third Place Candidates Choi Jungug
Transformation of Corporatism and Europization of Labor Relations Koo Choon-Kweon
Italia Standing at the Crossroad of Changes and Splits: The General Election of 2006 year KIM JongBub
Convergence toward International Norms?: Sovereignty in Chinese Perspective Shin Bongsu
The Political Economy of Business Group's Emergence in China Lee Hong Gyoo
The Urban Innovation and Governance in Osaka Metropolitan Area Park Jae-Wook
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Volume46, Number3
Searching for the Network Knowledge State: A Conceptualization of State Transformation in the Information Age Kim Sangbae
21 st Century Information Revolution and Network - Terrorism: Critical Review of Limits of "Scale-free Network" Terrorism Sheen Seong-Ho
An Analysis of the CSCE Regime Dynamics (1972-1994) : Focusing on Power, Interests and Knowledge Hong Ki-Joon
Trade Liberalization and Domestic Political Institutions: A Cross-National Data Analysis Kim Mi-Kyung
Relationship between Economic Interdependence and International Conflicts: Does the Measure of Economic Interdependence Matter? Lee Jaechul
The Efficiency Improvement Effect of the WTO DS System: Evaluating 10 Years Experiences Moon Don
Deepening U.S.-China hegemonic competition and comparison between their mutual response strategies Kim Jaekwan
Explaining US Foreign Policy Toward Iraq and North Korea Kim Jae chun,
Jo Young Kyu
On the Study of North Korea's Human Rights Issues: Controversies and Tasks Woo Seongji
The change of Japanese politics and Komeito's line shifts Lee Ki Wan
Government Instability of Russian Semi-Presidential System: Empirical Analysis of Government Change Eom Gu Ho,
Kim Youn Kyoo
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume46, Number2
WTO National Treatment Principle and Its Implications for the State's Regulatory Sovereignty: With Reference to Alcoholic Beverages Dispute Cases Chung Jin-Young
Methodological Identity of Comparative Method Ahn Jae-Hung
State-identity of Korea and Cultural Analysis: The Theoretical Research for the Establishment of Cultural Studies in Korea Hong Seong Min
Strategic Competitor or Stakeholder?, Reviewing U.S-China Military Exchange Cha Chang Hoon
The Perception of the United States People towards Foreign Nations Kim Chae-Han
The Philosophical Origins of the Declaration of Independence and Jeffersonian Republicanism Kim Hee-Kang
The Relationship between the Attribute of Industrial Policy and Policy Performance in the Era of China's Economic Transition: A Case Study of Industrial Policy for Automobile and Telecommunication Equipment Industry Joo Jang Hwan
Theoretical Implications of the Early Development Process of European Union Social Policy Park Yong Soo
The Limitations of Active Labour Market Policy in Liberal Market Economy: The Role of Employers in the New Deal Programs in Britain Kim Yeong-Soon
A Deep Factor Analysis on Relation Development of Russia and China: on Focusing Energy Resources Lee Yong-Kwon,
Lee Sung-Kyoo
From a "Minimal Democracy" to Constitutional Liberty: The Long-term Path of Russian Democratization? Kang Bong-gu
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume46, Number1
International Relations of Culture: Understanding Its Networks Min Byoung Won
Consideration by a philosophy of law for the foundation of the International Norm Chang Jun-Ho
The Ideas of Regionalism toward East Asia in Modern Korea Chung Yong-Hwa
Prospect Theory and North Korea's Nuclear Policy: The First and Second North Korean Nuclear Crises Hwang Ji Hwan
China's Management of Alliance Dilemma over the Nuclear Crisis in the Korean Peninsula: Its Theory and Practice Park Hongseo
Building Process of the Critical Mass and the Gender Equal Structure: Centering on the Political Representation after the Democratization of Korea Yoo Sook-Ran
Left-Right Wing's Struggle in Political Party Coalition Movement and Their Circumstances in Restrains of the Provisional Government(1945.09-11) Nam Kwangkyu
Global Governance of the Cyberspace: U.S.-EU conflict on transborder transaction of personal information in the cyberspace Jho Whasun
Transformation of the R.O.K-U.S. Alliance and Korean Public Opinion Kim Sung-han,
Jeong Han-Wool
Exchange Network Analysis about Changing Central-Provincial level government relations in China: Application of Resource Essentiality, Substitutability and Network Centrality Lee Jong Hwa
Reforming China's State-Owned Commercial Banks: A 'Double Game' Between 'Market' and 'Plan' Lee Hochul
British foreign policy change and the limit of cognitive perception of political elite group Kim Young Jun
Democratization in Britain(1832-1880): Politics, Church, Democracy Lee Hwa Yong
New Trends in the Putin's Foreign Policy and the Liberalist Paradigm Moon Soo-Eon
Development of Liberal Parties in Transitional Societies: Comparison between Russia and Eastern European Countries Ju Jin-Sook
한국국제정치학회 편집규정 외 편집부

Volume46, Special
International Relations Studies in Korea: Retrospects and Prospects Kim Hyung Kook
International Relations Theories and Korea: A Critical Review and Some Suggestions Min Byoung Won
Historical Trends and Future Tasks in the Diplomatic History Studies in Korea Lee WanBom
Retrospects and Prospects of International Relations Studies in Korea: Analyses of Development Processes and Characteristics of the International Political Economy Kim Seokwoo
Analyzing Korean Foreign Policy Kim Tae-Hyo
Review of Inter-Korean Relations Research Woo Seongji
Foreign Policy Studies in Korea Jo Dong-Joon
Global Issue and International Relations in the 21st Century Lee Shin-wha
Future Tasks for Developing the Field of International Relations in South Korea Chun Chaesung
International Relations Education in Korea: Beyond Repeated Self-Criticism Chung Jin-Young
2006年度 任員名單 외 편집부

Volume45, Number5
Power-Sharing Solutions on Ethnic Conflicts Hong Jae Woo
Back to the Basics Kim Jangho
Change of International Aviation Order Lee Jong-Sik
Resolving International Conflict in the Cultural and Identity Context Cho Yun Young
Interests and Identity in European Monetary Integration CHO Hong Sik
The Nongovernmental Nature of Korean Businesses' Economic Exchanges with China prior to the Normalization of 1992 Cheon Kyung-Hee
The Issue of North Korean women by examining gender awareness of female defectors Lee Mi-kyung
An Empirical Discourse on Pork Barrel Politics, the Japanese Style Yi Okyeon
The Origins of Korean Chaebols and their Roots in the Korean War Rhyu Sang-young
Neither Gridlock nor Moderation, but Administrative Recharge Lim Seong-Ho
『國際政治論叢』제45집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume45, Number4
The Due between Dragon and Samurai: A Strategic Assessment of the Sino-Japanese War(1894-1895) Kang Sung-Hack
The Name-Changing Program and the Response of Koreans under the Japanese Colonial Government Koo Kwang-mo
“Liberal”Powers and Liberated Korea(1945-1950) Ku Daeyeol
The State-Building in South Korea under the Occupation Policy and the Division Process: Compared with West Germany Oh Hyang Mi
Citizen in the Multicultural Era: A Case of Korean Society Kim Nam-Kook
A Causal Analysis of Koreans' Intention to Participate in Anti-American Protests; The US Image and Self-Image of Korea Kim Yong Cheol,
Choi Jong Kun
Party-line Polarization in Perception: Mechanism and Moderator Kim Jangsu
Changes and Characteristics of North Korean Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Relations after the Demise of Kim Il-Sung: Focusing on Editorials of Rodong Shinmum from 1995 to 204 Baek Seong-Ho
Central-Local Relations in North Korea: Comparative Analysis on China's Case Lee Moo Chul
A Study on the Rise and Fall of the Theory of 'Peaceful Rise' in China: Focused on controversies and implications Kim Ae-Kyung
The Structural Conversion of Japan-China Relations in the Koizumi Cabinet Son Kisup
Man, the State, International System and Japan's Wars: Reassessing Japanese Security Policy viewed from the Origins of Japan's Modern Wars Park Young-June
Reshuffles of the Russian Government in Yeltsin and Putin's Administrations: Determinants, Trends and Implications Suh Dong-Joo
A Study on the Party Democracy of Germany Lee Kyeong Ho
Production and Policy Regime Linkage, Politics of Welfare Reform, and Changes in the State-Capital-Labor Relations: A Comparative Study of Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, and Austria Ahn Jae-Hung
Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Partnership(JACEP) Agreement: A Case of North-South Integration Choi Young Jong
Quebec Separatism and Neoliberalism: A Political-Economic Account of the Elective Affinity Cho Chansoo
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편집후기 편집부

Volume45, Number3
A Study on the "Classification of Friend and Enemy" in International Politics: Based on the foundation of Carl Schmitt's "The Political" Chang Jun-Ho
Structure of Global Détente in the 1960s and 1970s: Changing Policy Initiatives in Europe and East Asia Chun Chaesung
The Sino-US Dialogue in the 1970s and its Impacts upon Korea and Vietnam Jo Dong-Joon
Transformation of the R.O.K.-U.S. Alliance and Korean Public Opinion Lee Nae-Young,
Jeong Han-Wool
Comparative Analysis on Roll-Call Voting in the Korean Assembly and the U.S. House: On the Free Trade Agreement Lee Hyeon-Woo
The Creation of ODNI and the Characteristics and Prospects of the Reform of American Intelligence Community Shin Youseop
Research on the Identity between the Provisional Government and the People's Republic and a Cause of Confrontation each other(1945. 8~11) Nam Kwangkyu
Korean Units' Entry into North Korea from China in 1945~1950 Lee Jae Hoon
Empirical Nuclear Weapon Dismantles and Searching for Managing Fissile Materials of North Korea Peacefully Cho Soon-Goo
Transforming the Control System for China's Social Association Ha Do Hyung
Reactive State Hypothesis and the Study of Japanese Foreign Economic Policies Kim Keeseok
Bandwagoning and Balancing: The World Politics and Russia-U.S. Relations in the 21st Century Kang Bong-koo
Energy Policy of Germany for the Prevention of Global Warming Leem Sung-Jin
Women's Issues in the French Second Wave Women's Movement Kim Minjeoung
A Study on the Social and Political Participation of the African Women under Colonization: The Case of Cameroon Lee Hankyu
The Way of Improvement in High School International Relations Education: Text Contents Analysis and Redefinition of Main Concepts Jin Siwon
『國際政治論叢』제45집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume45, Number2
Western European Integration and East Asian Division: Focusing on the U.S. Geostrategy in the Early Cold War Era Myongsob Kim
The Influence of Relative Power upon Dyadic Militarized Conflicts: From the Escalatory Perspective Hanseung Cho
Tai wan's Democratization and the Changes of the Cross-Strait Relations: Applying Democratic Peace Theory Bum Suk Kim
Evaluation of the President Roh, Moo Hyun's Policy toward Japan Focusing on His First Two Years' Term Hosup Kim
Reassessing Chinese Political Studies in Korea: On Source Materials, Methodologies, and Discourse Structures Jae Ho Chung,
Chi-young Ahn,
Man-joon Park,
Yoon-mi Chang,
Changhoon Cha,
Byung-kwang Park
The New Chinese Leadership's Korean Policy and Views on Korean Unification Jaekwan Kim
Change of Social Welfare Policy of Japan from the view of Gender: focused on Countermeasures against Decreasing in Birth Rate and Aging after 1990's Miae Jung
Reexamination of the Relationship between a Production Regime and a Welfare Regime Focusing on the British Experience from 1945 to 1979 Yeong-Soon Kim
The Development of Russian Environmental NGOs: With focus on NGO Resources and Networks of the Regional NGOs in Siberia and the Russian Far East Yoonhee Kang
Civil Society and Global Governance: Canadian Perspective Euiyoung Kim
『國際政治論叢』제45집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume45, Number1
Asset Specificity and Varieties of Political Economies Ha-Lyong Jung
Transnational Semiconductor Production Network and Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia Young-Ja Bae
Technology, Knowledge and Technoledge; -Conceptual Foundations for Exploring the Information Revolution from the Perspective of International Relations- Sangbae Kim
The Nationalism and Woman in North Korea: Focusing on the change of nationalism discourse and woman policy Young Ja Park
Transformation of French economic diplomacy, Focused on Organizational Reforms and Recruitments of elites Seong-Hyun Kim
Presidential Coattail on Senatorial Election in 2004 -Turnout and Voting Choice in Senatorial Election- Jinha Kim
Presidential Approval Ratings and 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: -Based on 1952-2000 Presidential Elections Results- Sangjoon Ka
Six-Party Talks and China's Diplomatic Dilemma Suk Hee Han
System Transformation and Search for a New Ideology in the Post Deng xiaoping Era Heeok Lee
Grass-root Unit Elections and the Appearance of Political Citizenship in China Jungnam Lee
Russia's 'High' and 'Low' Geopolitics: -The Establishment of Geopolitical Eurasianism and Its Realization- June-mo Woo
『國際政治論叢』제45집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume44, Number5
Elaborating Two Issues Regarding Constructivism Yusin Lee
The End of Cold War and Thereafter Jong Young Ye
United States Foreign Policy and United Nations Changok Soh
Risk Considerations in Legalized Dispute Settlement (DS) Mechanisms Don Moon
East Asian Regionalism and South Korea's FTA Strategy Young Jong Choi
The Cultural Indentity of East Asia in the Age of Globalization Jung In Kang
The Transformation of Northeast Asian States in the Era of Globalization Seung-Gook Ahn
Security and Democratization in East Asia Kent E. Calder
Asian Perspectives on Liberal Democracy Dong-Jin Jang
The Potentialities and Limitations for Chinese Democracy Dingping Guo
Democratization in the World and Challenges to European Democracies Tatu Vanhanen
North Korea in the 1950s Yong-Pyo Hong
『國際政治論叢』제44집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume44, Number4
A Study on the Change of Foreign Policy under the In-law Government Joseon, 1800-1863 Park Hyunmo
Evolutionary World Politics: A Review on the Possibility of Evolutionary Approaches to World Politics Ye Jong Young
A Study on Karl Polanyi's Methodology of Economic Anthropology: In Search of an Alternative to Market Economy Kim Young Jin
A Study on the Security Community in Northeast Asia: A Constructivist Approach Kim Youen
Change of U. S. Military Strategy after 9.11 Terror Attacks: Aspect of End, Mean, Way Park Ki Lyun
China's Recognition and Practice on Multilateral Security Cooperation: Focused on SCO Ryu Dongwon
A Study of Scenarios of and Solutions to North Korean Nuclear Issues Chae Kyu-Chul
Market Opening, Structural Adjustment, and the Political Economy of Social Compensation: The Case of Korean Trade Politics Chung Jin-Young
Moderates Alliance: Trilateral Policy Coordination for North Korea's Nuclear Crisis Kim Young Jae,
Park Ihn-hwi
A Study of Trade Conflicts between Korea and the United States: A Case of US Countervailing Duties on DRAMs from Korea Kim Seokwoo
The Analysis of the Developmental Process of Anti-Americanism in South Korea Lee Kang Ro
Personal Characteristics of Women Candidates and Party Nomination in the 17th Korean Congressional Election Seo Hyun-Jin
The European Union and Transformation of Stateness: A Regulation Theory Approach enlarged by Neogramscianism Koo Choon-Kweon
Comparing the American and Canadian Federalism in the Context of a Nation-Building Process and Constitutional Ratification Sohn Byoung-Kwon,
Yi Okyeon
Politics and Religion in Britain and France: Rushdie & Headscarf Affairs Nam-Kook Kim
(사단법인) 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부
편집후기 편집부

Volume44, Number3
Shift from Alliance to a Powerful State: Unitary Function of Law in Shang Yang's Reform Program Youn Dae Shik
The Oxymoron of Defense Self-Reliance in the Inter-Korean Relationship Jo Dong-Joon
Significances and Limits of the Chinese Theory of Reform in the early 19th Century Kim Jung Ho
Information Revolution and Foreign Policy: Building and Using Event Data Systems Min Byoung Won
The Global Political Economy of TRON: The Frustration of Japanese Computer Standards and an Origin of Ubiquitous Discourse Kim Sangbae
East Asian Railway Networks: Origin and History Jin Siwon
Evaluation and Prospect of the Putin's Political Reform in Russia Suh Dong-Joo
Evolution of China's telecommunications liberalization policy and its characteristics: From state monopoly to competition among SOEs Lee Moon ki
Transformation of Corporatism in the Period of Globalization: Cases of Germany and Netherlands Jung Byungkee
A Comparative Study of Federalism: Searching for a New Paradigm based on 'Subsidiarity' Kim Young-Il
A Critical Review of the British State-Society Relation through Discourse Configuration for Policy-making Yang Oh Suk
North Korea's South Korea Policy in the 1960's: Analysis of 'Rodong Sinmun' Jeon mi yeong
『國際政治論叢』 제44집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume44, Number2
"Alliance for Progress" and American Enlargement Policy to Promote Democracy: A Case Study of the US Foreign Policy toward Dominican Republic Kim Jaechun
North Korea-U.S. Relations in the Early 1970s: Under the Linkage with North-South Korea Talks and US-PRC Relations Hong Seuk-ryule
International Terrorism and Military Response Chae Jae Byung
Change of German Role in International Arena after the Unification: Debate and Implementation Ko Sangtu
'Active Internationalism' and 'Non-privileged Co-operation': Denmark's Approach on Common Foreign & Security Policy of EU(1993-99) Hoang Young-ju
China's Environmental Diplomacy: history, principle, practice Won Dongwook
Unravelling Japan-North Korea Relation: An Economic Re-interpretation on 'The Missing Link' Rhyu Sang-Young
A Study of Idealism and Realism of Modern Japanese Political Thought: Lessons from Past Japanese Foreign Policy Yagasaki Hedenori
Militarization and the Change in the North Korean Political System in the 1960s Lee Seong Bong
The Change of the French Political Party System in 2002 Kim Min-jeoung
Emerging Smart Mob and Digital Participation Chung Younchung
『國際政治論叢』 제44집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume44, Number1
National Security and Human Security Chun Woong
Culture and Conflict in International Relations: Analysis of Culture in Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Cho Yun Young
Political Economy of International Cooperations: Korea-U.S. Telecommunications Negotiations in 1989-1992 and 1996-1997 Jho Whasun
Changing Process of Sino-centric Ideas in the late 19th Century Korea Chung Yong-Hwa
A Study on the Repatriation of War Prisoners and Abductees in Three Major Wars in Korean History: Focusing on the Cases of the ImjinㆍJeungyoo War, JeungmyoㆍByungja War and the 6ㆍ25 Korean War Kim Yong-Wook
Research on the Compromise of USA, USSR and China's in the Trusteeship for the Korea and Decline of the Provincial Government: Focused on International Coordination and the Provincial Government's Confrontation in Dec, 1945, - Jan, 1946 - Nam Kwangkyu
From Exclusive Defense to Active Defense: Changes in US-Japan Alliance, threat Perception and the Politics of Japanese Defense Policy Change Park Cheol Hee
The Rise of China and the Responsible Great Power: Comparative Approach to Perceptional Difference between the West and China Han Sukhee
Chinese Energy Policy and Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation Choo Jaewoo
Issues and Prospects of Humanitarian Policies of the Rho Administration Toward North Korea Choi Dai-Seok
Humanitarian Assistance to DPRK of International Community Bae Seong In
European Integration and the Deficit of Democracy Kim Nam-Kook
The Reform of Industrial Relations in the UK and the Netherlands: Conditions of Success Lee Yeonho
The sustainability of the German Model: A critical approach to the 'german disease' debate Kim Myeoun-Hoei
The Development of Russia's Regional Political Parties: the Case of Sverdlovsk Region Lee Yong Kwon
An Empirical Test of the Conditional Party Government Theory Choi Jun Young
A Comparative Study of Congressional Support Organizations between Korea and the United States Hahm Sung Deuk,
Kim Hyok,
Cho jun-woo
China's Policymaking and Democratic Centralism: Consensus-building Process and Institutionalization in 1980s Kim Heung-kyu
Study on the governance of grass-roots in urban China Kim Do hee
『國際政治論叢』 제44집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume43, Number5
The Causality and Elasticity of Defense Okyeon Yi Hong
The Bush Doctrine Heajeong Lee
A Study on Multilateral Approaches to Resolve the North Korean Nuclear Maze Inbae Lee
Trajectory of European Integration and Lessons for Regional Cooperation in East Asia Jinwoo Choi
Wriggling into Regionalism? Political Economy of Free Trade Agreement in Northeast Asia Sang Hwa Chung
EU Trade Protectionism and Korean Overseas Investment Doo Jin Kim
Unilateral versus Multilateral Strategies in the U.S. Exchange Rate Policy Ajin Choi
Who Adjusts? Winners and Losers in the British Financial Policy Community in the 1980s Oh Suk Yang
Subnational Elections and the Degree of Multipartism in Parliamentary Elections MyoungHo Park
Building an Environmental Regime in the Yellow Sea Sphere Kyung-Keun Cho
『國際政治論叢』 제43집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume43, Number4
A Constructive Approach to Traditional East Asian Order Namkung Gon
Information Technology and International Relations Theories: Searching for a Constitutive Understanding of Technology and Global Politics in the Information Age Kim Sangbae
9.11 Terror and the US Foreign Policy: Continuity and Discontinuity From Clinton To Bush Administration Ahn Byongjin
Reform of American Intelligence Community After 9/11: Its Characteristics and Prospects Shin Youseop
Sea Power Transition and Regional Order in East Asia Kim Woosang,
Kim Hyun-il
The Policy Toward North Korea between South Korea and US : Its prospect Rhee Byounghee
The Division of the Korean Peninsula and A New Peace Regime Kim Young Jae
Security, Democracy and Park Chung Hee's Road: The Origins of the Yushin System Revisited Ma Sang-Yoon
North Korea's New Development Strategy in Kim Jung-Il Regime: Practical Socialism Kim Keun-sik
Reforms of the U.S. Presidency and Its Prospect Ju Meeyoung
The Partisan Realignment of the Catholic Voter in the American Politics Kim Dong-Young
Explaining the Politics of Gay Rights in the United States Seo Hyun-Jin
Geopolitical Changes in Eurasia and Russia's Pursuit of Combined Geostrategy Shin Beom Shik
A Study on Russian Federalism: Focusing on its Origins and Developments Chang Duckjoon
Revitalization of Russian Women's Movement: With focus on Women's NGOs Kang Yoonhee
A Study on the characteristics of Japanese Foreign Aid Diplomacy Park Hong-Young
A Study on the Generative Process of the Japanese Parties Lee Shin Il
Online Activities and Internet Election Campaigns of Political Parties in Japan Go Seon Gyu
State-Building Thought of Weimar Republic in Germany: Federal System and Principle of Parliamentary Democracy Oh Hyang Mi
Internal Conflict and Cooperation in the Process of Palestinian State-building: The inter-relationships between PLO and Hamas Choi Young Chol,
Jung Sang Ryul
The Independence Club's Thought in Building the Nation-State: Focused on the words and deeds of Suh Jai-Pil and Yun Chi-Ho Hong Won Pyo
(사단법인) 한국국제정치학회 정관 외 편집부

Volume43, Number3
A Review on Toegye's Idea of Peace Kim Byung-Wook
Understanding Eurocentrism: With Special Focus upon Its Similar Concepts and Conceptual Analysis Kang Jung In
A Study on the Political Symbols of Sports and the Mechanism of Political Symbol Manipulation through Sports Yang Soon Chang
An Empirical Study on the National Assembly Size: Comparing with the Cases of the OECD Member Countries Kim Dohjong,
Kim Hyungjoon
Bi-multilateral Approach to the ROK-U.S. Security Cooperation and Peace and Security System in the Northeast Asia Ryoo Jae-Kap
A Historical Examination On The Changing International Security System: Focusing On The European Security System Lee Soo Hyung
Social Constructivist Approach to European Identities Jin Siwon
Political Economy of the U.S.-Korea Automotive Issues: Comparative Analysis of Trade Negotiations in 1995 and 1997 Lim Haeran
Financial Globalization and European Response: Origin, Role and Limit of the European Central Bank Sung Taegyu,
Jung Byungkee
A Suggestion for Peaceful Settlement of Tension on the Korean Peninsula Kim Kyung Ho
Continuity and Change in North Korean Foreign Policy Toward Southeast Asia Park Sungkwan
Characteristics of North Korea's Tactics toward South Korea since the South-North Summit Talk and Its Countermeasures Oh Il-Whan
Turnover of the Japanese politics and the Japan Socialist Party in the 1990s: An analysis of its platform shift Lee Ki Wan
Critical Analysis to the Japanese Peace Consciousness in the Post World War Ear: Focused on a Formative process, Characteristics and change Lee Sang-Bong
Separatism in Xinjiang: its realities and impacts Lee Dong-Ryul
Evaluating the U.S. House and Its Members: Discrepancy and Simultaneous Relation Ka Sangjoon
Republican Party's Victory in the 2002 Midterm Election: the Effect of Redistricting Sohn Byoung-Kwon
Reforms of Local Governments in Britain Kang Won-Taek
The British Response To The Financial Liberalization In The 1980s And 1990s: West European Countries' Strategic Choices Looking For The Structural Power In International Political Economy Yang Oh Suk
Social Capital and Informal Networks in Russia: the Case of Novosibirsk Bae Jung Han
The Changes of Yeltsin's Policy towards the Korean Peninsula and Identifying Its Basic Nature Youn Ik Joong
Is Transitology Unable to Explain the Post-Communist Transition in Russia? Leem Kyung Hoon
『國際政治論叢』 제43집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume43, Number2
The Reliability of Peace Indexes and the Concept of Peace and Security in the 21st Century Yang Seung Ham,
Bae Jong-Yun
Overcoming of the Cold War System and the Lost Decade of the Collective Security: A Critical Reconstruction from the Perspective of Peace Research Koo Choon-Kweon
International Legalization Phenomena and a Legalized Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Understanding the Causes and Effects Moon Don
The Prospect and Problems of Constructivism as a 'Progressive' Research Program Suh Bo-Hyuk
Analysis on the Suggestions of One Korea via Permanent Neutralization by Mike Mansfield, Kim Sam-Kyu, and Kim Yong-Jeung under the 2nd Republic of Korea Eom Sang-Yoon
Anti-Americanism & the Media in South Korea Kim Yongho,
Kim Hyun-Jong
A Comparative Study of Coalition Government Under the Presidential and Parliamentary System: Korea and Japan in the 1990s Kim Kee-Seok
The Korea-Japan Economic Relations and the Flying-Geese Model Rhyu Sang-Young,
Lee Seungjoo
The Concept and Conditions of Autonomous Diplomacy in Transition Period: Theoretical Review of Korean Diplomacy to Ching China During the late 19th Century Chung Yong-Hwa
China's Korea Watchers: A Preliminary Research on China's Korea Studies Han Sukhee
'Stakeholder Capitalism' as an Alternative: The Cases of Britain and South Korea Ko Se-Hoon
The Changing International Environment and North Korea's Establishment of the Independent Diplomacy in the 1960s Lee Mi-Kyung
Analysis and Prospects of the Shifting U.S. Counter-terrorism Polices Post-September 11 Cho Sung-Kwon
Japanese Civil Society and Women's Participation Chung Jeong-Sook
Political Economy of China's Decentralization and Local Leading Growth in Reform Era Chung Hwan-Woo
China's Summit Diplomacy and Adjustment of Major Power Relations Park Byung-Kwang
The Stateness of the Imperial Russia and It's Legacy Kim Chang Jin
Valueorientation, Socialization, and Its Effect on Party Support in the Unified Germany Kim Young-Tae
Financial Globalization and Financial Reform in Germany: Political Conflicts in the Process of Reform and the Role of State Hahn Youngbin
An Analysis on the Perspectives of the Postcommunist Security Relations Between Europe and Russia Bae Kyu Sung
The Change of Political Power and Political Regime in Indonesia: Political Legitimacy and Economic Effectiveness Lee Dong-Yoon
『國際政治論叢』 제43집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume43, Number1
Mencius on War and Anti-War: Focus on the argument of a just war Youn Dae Shik
Feminist IR Theory of Peace and Security Hoang Young-ju
Political Economy of IMT-2000 Technology Standard Disputes Jho Whasun
Polarity and War in International System: A Computer Simulation Min Byoung Won
The Impact of the Korean War on the Construction of the Cold War System Kim Myongsob
The Role of The Korean Middle Class in Democratic Transition: An Analyses on the Causes of Their Participation Kim Sung Soo
American Estimation of Korean Values before the Korean War Lee Chul Soon
A Comparison between Nationalism of South and North Korea: An Idea of Unification Jeon Mi yeong
The Characteristics of the Recent Economic Changes in North Korea: A Comparative Perspective on Gradualism Jeong Sei Jin
Theoretical basis of "engagement policy" and South Korea's reconciliation and cooperation policy toward the North Chun Chaesung
The Influence of the President and Public Opinion on the Decision-making Process of Northern Policy Lee Jeong-jin
North Korea's Nuclear Program and U.S. 'Coercive Diplomacy': With Special Reference to the Carrot-and-Stick Approach Yoon Taeyoung
Korea's Sunshine Policy and its Structural Limits Shin Jin
Reciprocity between North and South Korea, 1998-2002 Park Jae-Min
A Study on the Establishment Schemes of the National Crisis Management System and Its Program Development Kil Byung-ok,
Huh Tae-Hoi
Financial Liberalization and Change of Corporate Governance in Japan Kim Sangjoon
Independent Integration of Latin American Countries in the Period of Globalization Kang Kyeong-hee
From New Deal to Normalcy - How America Domesticated Embedded Liberalism Cho Chansoo
Political Change in Southern Europe: Greece, Spain, and Portugal in the Making of Modem World Jin Youngjae,
Roh Jung Ho
Russian Foreign Policy and the Understanding of Diplomatic Elites Ko Sangtu
Changes and Continuities of Regional Disparities and Their Implications for Center-Periphery Relations in the Russian Federation (1990-2000) Kim Seongjin
The Political Economy of Market Resistance in Russia's Financial Reform: "Double Movement" between Market Forces and Counter-Market Forces Kim Taehwan
『國際政治論叢』 제43집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume42, Number4
Reflections on International Relations Theories in Korea: In Search of Alternatives Chun Chaesung,
Park Kun Young
Understanding Dynamics in International Systems: Comparing the Conflict Model and the Composite Model Using Computer Simulations Min Byoung Won
Two-Face Game : An Alternative to Robert D. Putnam's Two-Level Game Theory Jung Giwoong
A Study of Non-Traditional Security Concept by Lakatos' Scientific Research Program Namkung Gon
Korean Foreign Policy with the Bureaucratic Politics Model: Its Reliability and Usefulness Bae Jong-Yun
Citizen Groups' Perceptions and Ideological Orientations on South-North Korean Relations Lee Chung-Hee
North Korean Regime Integrity and the Change of North Korea's Foreign Policy: From Encampment Diplomacy To All Directional Diplomacy Kim Keun-sik
EU's Policy towards North-Korea and the Influence of the Korean Peninsula Park Chae-Bok
The International Politics of the Korean Division, 1894-1904 Lee Wan Bom
Political Debates and Foreign Policy Decisions of Chosun Dynasty during Manchu Invasion of Korea 1672 Park Hyunmo
Globalization and Civil Society in Japan Jung Mi-Ae
Japanese Voting Behavior After the Collapse of the 1955 Party System: Focusing on the Urban-Rural Cleavage Structure Lee Hyun chool
A Study on the Inflow of New Knowledge and the Theory of State Reform in Japan Kim Jung Ho
Status Group in the Industrializing Society: Weber, Bourdieu and Pre-war Japan's 'Salaryman' Min Byung-il
Hegemony, Multipolarization, and Sino-U.S. Relations: Competition for the New World Order? Kim Jae-Cheol
Second Image Reversed: Norm's Impacts on China's Arms Control Policy Cha Chang Hoon
ARF and China: A Review on Enmeshment of China Han Sukhee
The Opportunities and Constraints on the Climate Change Negotiations for China Jeon Hyeong Kwon
A Study on the Resurrection of the Communist Successor Parties in Eastern Europe : Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria Yoon Duk Hee
Stalin's Industrialization Revolution and the Factory Party Cells' Involvement in Production in the First Five Year Plan(1928-1932: A Case Study of Leningrad Kang Yoonhee
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편집후기 편집부

Volume42, Number3
ASEAN's Operating System as an International Regimes: Challenges and Prospects Byun Chang-Ku
International Politics Approach to Economic Regionalism: Theoretical Discussion and the Application to APEC Case Yu Hyun-Seok
An Integral Analysis on The East Asian Economic Crisis: Focusing on the links between internal and external factors Ahn Seung-Gook
Conditions for Successful NGO Influence: An Comparative Analysis of U.S. NGO Policy Advocacy for International Environmental Treaties Kim Young Ho
The Proposal for the Formation of East-Asian Regional Community: Focusing on the Military-Security Area Song Byung-Rok
Military Buildup in Northeast Asia and Korea's Dual Strategy: Focusing on Reinforcement of Military Cooperation and Diversification of Arms Purchase Lee Seung-Keun
U.S. Covert War Against Nicaragua(1981-1990) Kim Jaechun
North-South Korean Reconciliation under a New International Order: A Post-Cold War Analytical Framework Kim Taehwan
Relations of Two Koreas and Some Suggestions for Peace-Regime Formation in the Korean Peninsula after the 6.15 Summit Meeting Kim Sung-Joo
Modernization Ideology and US Policy Towards South Korea: The Kennedy Administration and the 5.16 Coup d'état Ma Sang-Yoon
International Politics of the South Korean-Japanese Cooperation in the Cold-war Era: The Rise of New Military Leadership in 1980 and Japan's Political Influence Park Sun Won
Japanese Imperialism and Modern System of Political Participation in Colonial Korea Kim Dong-myung
A Neogramscian Approach to the Monetary Integration of the European Union: Crisis of the Pax Americana and Neoliberal Restructuring of Europe Koo Choon-Kweon
Executive Structures and 'Informal Institutionalization' in Strong Presidentialism: A Case from Post-Communist Russia (1989-1998) Bae Jung Han
Women's Political Representation and Political Parties Lee Hyeon-Woo
Federalism, Fiscal Centralization and Partisan Competition Okyeon Yi
『國際政治論叢』제42집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume42, Number2
A Study on Hobbes' View on International Politics Kim Youngho
Westphalia and Modernity in International Relations: A Critique of Ruggie's Modernity Problematique Lee Heajeong
A Study on the pattern of International Terrorism after the cold war and its Policy Response: Consideration of the liberal approach for fundamental solution Kim Hyok
Post-Modern Warfare and the Historical Context of RMA Park Ihn-hwi
The Correlation between International Sports Activities and Social Integration-its Possibility and reality Park Ho-Sung
The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights: The case of U.S. -Japan Disputes on Microprocess Kim Sangbae
A Study of the Duality of the Japan's Nuclear Energy Kim Jeeyeon
The Responses of Japanese Intellectuals to 9ㆍ11 Terror Attacks Cha Juho
The German Experience in the Stage of the Confederation and the Unification Program for the Korean Peninsula Han Jong-Soo
An Alternative Plan for the Korea Peninsula Peace: By the Focus of Multilateral Security and Cooperation System Kim Kyung-Ho
The political order-policy in german "order-liberalism" Sung Tae-Gyu
Divergent Paths of Democratization: Comparative Study of Taiwan and South Korea Kim Bum-Suk
『國際政治論叢』제42집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume42, Number1
Identity and International Politics Hong Seongmin
Huntington's Clash of Civilizations Questioned: A Critique Yang Chun Hee
A Critical Review of the International Financial System and a Search for Reforms: An Alternative Perspective Kim Jin-Young
MD as a New Pattern of Nuclear Policy and Its Impact on the Korean Peninsula Roh Byung-Ryul
Explaining George W. Bush's Approval Rating as a Function of Sentiment Toward George Bush Ka Sangjoon
U.S. Military Transformation after the Afghan War: Focusing on the Response to the Changing Mode of Warfare Kang Bong-Koo
A Theoretical Model for The Politics of Coalition Government-The Case of the Hosokawa Cabinet in 1993-1994- Lee Ki-Wan
The Analysis of Causes on Restructuring the Central Government Ministries and Agencies in Japan Lee Sang-Hoon
A Study on the Regional Disparity between Han Areas and Minority Nationality Areas in China Park Byung-Kwang
China's Participation to Korean War, and Its Domestic Politics: An Analysis of Internal Factors and Impacts Kim Ok-Joon
Multi-Facet of Legitimacy Crises and Political Change: A Comparative Analysis of Indonesia and Malaysia Jin Youngjae,
Lee Dong-Yoon
H. Lauterpacht's Ruled-Centric Theory of Sovereignty and Its Role in the Establishment of the European Convention on Human Rights Oh Young-Dahl
6ㆍ25 한국전쟁은 스탈린이 일으켰다 Kim Hak-joon
國際政治論叢 제42집 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume41, Number4
A Comparative Study on the Transnational Network of Non-Governmental Organization(NGO) and the Strengthening Strategy of Civil Society: Korea, Japan and America Kim Young Rae,
Lee Hwa-soo,
Yi Kiho
The Limits of Rational Deterrence Theory in Information Warfare Chang Noh-Soon
The Re-emergence of Regions and New Asia: Rethinking the Spatial Dimension of East-asian International Regionalism Lee Chul-Ho
The United Nations and Korean Foreign Policy: A Fox and a Hedgehog? Kang Sung-Hack
North Korean Diplomacy Towards the United Nations: Before and After UN Membership Kim Keun-sik
Transforming Factors and Corresponding Strategies of North Korean Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era Lim Jae Hyoung
North Korea's Military Conflictual Behavior Towards South Korea: A Psychological Model Ko Dae-Won
North Korea's IT Industry and Inter-Korean Cooperation Bae Seong In
Decision Making Process of Japanese Nuclear Policy: Correspondence to the International Nuclear Regime Jeon Jin-ho
The Hosokawa Coalition Government and Political Reform Lee Ki-Wan
Textbook Controversy in Japan: Historical Context and Political Implications Choi Eunbong
Chinese PLA's Economic Activities and the Party's Control over the Army Nah Young Joo
Property Ownership Types and Government-Business Relations in China: A Comparison between the Cases of Wuxi and Wenzhou Chun Sung-Heung
The Perception of China in Late Chosun Dynasty: The Idea and Reality of Pro-Ming and Anti-Ching Ryu Mi-Rim
The Trap of Civilization and Enlightenment Theory During Early-Modern Korea: Focusing on Yun Ch'i-ho's Diary Chung Yong-Hwa
Rawls on International Justice: An Analysis of The Law of Peoples Jang Dong-Jin
A Study of Policy Innovation: The Case of U.S. Electric Utility Deregulation Ka Sangjoon
Analyses on Empirical Research Papers of International Relations Published in Korean Journal of International Relations and Korean Political Science Review Lee Sang-Hwan
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편집후기 편집부

Volume41, Number3
Evolution of liberalism in the 20th Century and Its Problems for the 21st Century: with Special Emphasis on Nationalism, Pluralism and Democracy Kim Bi-Hwan
Wendt's Constructivism Challenges Waltz's Neorealism Yang Chun Hee
A Constructivist Understanding of Inertia in Inter-State Relations: The Case of Semiconductor Trade Disputes between the U.S. and Japan Lee Geun
The Evaluation of NATO's Strategic Concept: The Historical and Theoretical Analysis Lee Soo Hyung
ABM Issue and South Korea-U.S. Relations: Applying the 'Strategic Choice' Model Kang Bong-Koo
The American Missile Defense and its Influence over Korean Peninsular Chung Haang Sok
Contents and Improvement of Negative Security Assurances(NSA) to Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Lee Chul Ki
Congressional Challenges to the U.S. Administration's Foreign Policy Initiative: A Comparative Analysis of Their Patterns and Results Lim Seong-Ho
Military CBMs and Arms Control between South and North Korea: Issues and Trends Hwang Jin-Hwoan
Study on the Militarization of North Korea in the Kim Jung-il Era OH Il-Whan
Japan's Choice in the 21st century: expansionism or nonexpansionism Hidenori Yagasaki
Chinese Nationalism and its Implications for Foreign Relations: in terms of Sino-U.S. Relationship Lee Dong Ryul
Institutional Effects of the German Parliaments Electoral System: Its Implications for Reform of Korean Electoral System Kim Young-Tae
The Identity Crisis of the French Socialist Party since 1981 Cho Hong-Sik
Democratization and Party System Stabilization in East Central Europe Lee Hyun-chool
Between the Vanguard Party and the Working Masses: A Comparison of Lenin and Luxemburg in the Dispute on the Organizational Principles of Revolutionary Party Park Soo-Heon
The Israel/PLO Crisis in 2000: An Explanation based on a Long-Term Conflict Theory Chang Keung Ryong
Jordan's Foreign Policy during Gulf War: Based on Omnibalancing Kim Byung-moon
Transition to Democracy in Africa and its Alternatives After the Cold World LEE Hankyu
Political Participation and Power: Reevaluation of the Traditional Participation Debate and a New Understanding of Performative Participation Suhl Hahn
Social Construction of Regional Groups and Political Mechanism Choi Young-Jin
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume41, Number2
Reappraisal of the ROK-US Alliance : With the Analytical Framework of the Alliance Theory Kim Gye-Dong
Re-Evaluation of the Nature and Role of USFK Jeong Sei-Jin
An Interim Evaluation on the Policy of the Seperated Families after the Korean Summit, and the Positive Study on an Improvement Plan in Preparation for its Regularity Shin Yul
North korea's Foreign Relations And Chuche' Ideology: During The Korean War Lee Mi-kyung
A Study on the Interactions between a Institution and Actors: Focused on CSCE as a Case Multilateral Cooperative Security Lee Inbae
An Empirical Study of Global network Structures in the late of 1990s: trade, UN voting and IGO membership networks Ahn Min-ho
Political Participation and the State Control in Rural Areas in China's Transition Period: A Case Study of Village Self-government Lee Jung Nam
The Political Economy of Non-tariff Barriers: Implications for Japan's Market Opening to Korea Sohn Yul
The Supreme Court and Socio-Political Changes in American Society: A Case Study of Gay Rights Issues Kwak Jin-Young
The Labor Parry's Reform of Capitalism in the U.K. Lee Yeonho
Exchange-Rate Management in France: Redefining the Preference to European Monetary Integration Lee Jae-Seung
An Appraisal of the Neue Mine Policy of the Schroeder Government in Germany Kim Woo- Jin
Superpresidentialism in Russia: its Causes, Characteristics, and Effects Lee Hongsub
A Study on the Arabic Women's Political Participation: Focusing on the Cases of Egypt and Jordan Park Euikyung
Globalization and Associative Governance in South Korea Kim Euiyoung
May 16 Coup D'état, Military Regime and the United States Kim Il-Yong
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume41, Number1
Understanding of P.-J. Proudhon's Federalism and Democracy Kim Young-Il
Dynamics of International Institutionalization and Legalization: The case of Japan-US Economic Relations Choi Young Jong
Globalization and the Nation State: The nexus between Globalization and the Nation State as Reflected in Korea's Economic and Trade Policies Park Yong Soo
A Study of Korea's Alternative Security Preparing for the Information Age Kim Joo Hong
A Study on Korean Peninsula Reunification via Permanent Neutrality Kang Jong Il
Russia's National Strategy in Northeast Asia in the 21st Century Hong Wan-Suk
China-EU Relations: Development, Issues, and Implication Lee Jeanyoung
Majority Party Leadership and Standing Committees in the 104th United States House of Representatives: A Sea Change in the Wake of ''The Republican Revolution" Park Chan Wook
An Analysis of Vote Changes for Incumbent MPs in Britain, 1987-1992 : Focusing on the Second Time Surge Yoon Jong-Bin
Capital Accumulation, Class Structure, and Democracy: The cases of Korea and Taiwan Ahn Seung-Gook
The Role of Neo-Conservative Control between Economic Development and Political Stability in 1990's China Choi Yeon Sik
China's Urban Governance and Democratization in Market System: The Case of Shanghai Jeong Hae-yong,
Park Jae-wook
The Relationship between DGB and SPD in the Age of Globalization: with a focus on economic policy Kim Myeon-Hoe
The German Unification and the women in the old East Germany: Why do they become the 'Losers of the German Unification'? Kim Kyung-Mi
The Conflict between Liberal Economic Cooperation in Asia - Pacific and Asian Mercantilism: The Case of APEC Yu Hyun-Seok
The GATT and the Origin of Article ⅩⅩⅣ Koo Kab-Woo
국제정치논총 출판안내 외 편집부

Volume60, Number4
Escaping from “Thucydides’ Trap” situation: Re-examining Thucydides’ Teaching Jihoon Kim
How Did “Security” Become “Anbo”? : Focusing on Its Transmission Process As “Anjeon”, “Anjeonbojang”, and “Anbo” Kim,Hyun,Song,Kyungho
A Study on Norm Socialization and Norm Compliance: focusing on the case of Nepal Earthquake in 2015 Jiyoung Hong
An Analysis of National Cybersecurity Strategies using Topic Model Jungbae An,
Sinjae Kang,
Hyesu Im,
Taehee Whang
Continuity and Change of North Korea’s Nuclear Discourse under the Kim Jong-un regime Hur Jaeyoung,
Hong Yong-Pyo
US-China’s Strategic Technology Competition for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Clash of Liberal Market Economy and State Capitalist Model Lee, Jaeyoung
Changes in China’s Perception of Frontier and the Expansion of Foreign Policy Jang, Youngduk
Pandemic Crisis and Stability of the Putin’s Regime Pyung Kyun Woo
Military-Industry-University-Institute Network: Militainment of Game Jongmin Yang
Iran’s Nuclear Development Driver in the 1970s Jangho Park,
Eunbee Kim
Split-ticket Voting in Africa: The Example of Malawi Eun Kyung Kim
‘The End of Poverty’ vs ‘Dead Aid’: Intellectuals’ Debate to Eliminate Global Poverty Kyungyon Moon
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국제정치논총 제60집 제4호 목차 편집부

Volume60, Number3
Is Kant an Advocate of Liberal International Relations Theory? : Systemic and Statist Characters in Kant’s Theory of International Relations Kim, Bumsoo
Is the Liberal International Trade Order Fragmenting or Diverging?: Contested Digital Trade Regimes through Preferential Trade Agreements In Tae Yoo
WMD Elimination on the Perspective of International Politics : A Case Study on Syrian CW Elimination in 2013-14 Hanbyeol Sohn
COVID-19’s Impacts on Globalization Dong-Joon Jo
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국제정치논총 제60집 제3호 목차 편집부

Volume60, Number2
A Sufficient Condition of Hegemonic War between the U.S. and China: Tracing Catalytic Causes Led by Agents to Fill the Gap left by Deterministic Structuralism Kil Joo Ban
Critical Examination of Multilateralism in International Development Cooperation: Focusing on Institutionalization of Norms and Actors Hyuk-Sang Sohn,
Ilcheong Yi,
Subin Jung
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and High-Tech Defence Industrial Competition: Transformation of World Politics from the Theoretical Perspective of Emerging Powers Sangbae Kim
Emerging Security Risks and Sustainable Inter-Korean Cooperation Junghyun Yoon,
Kyungsook Lee
A Study on Russia’s Cyber Security Strategy and Policies Beom-shik Shin,
Minwoo Yoon
Reassessing the ‘Decision-making’ Approach in Foreign Policy Studies: ‘Decision-making’ Approach and its Application to the U.S. Foreign Policy in the Straits of Tiran Crisis Sungil Jang
European Civic Integration Policy Revisited: Intrinsic Tension, Restrictionist Governing, and the Prospect of Inclusive Turn Junsung Han
The American-Led Liberal International Order: Past, Present and Future Seonjou Kang
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Volume60, Number1
Hybrid coloniality: Questioning South Korean foreign and security policy from postcolonial theory Yongsoo Eun
Frame Competition over Womens with Disabilities Article of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Yong-il Moon
A Middle Power at a Crossroad: Research on a roller coaster change in Turkey’s middle power diplomacy through the lens of capability-willingness model Chaekwang You
India as a Global Swing State: Demystifying its Foreign Policy Doctrine and Examining the Convergence of Strategic Interests with the United States Youcheer Kim
The Effects of US and Chinese Foreign Aid on UN General Assembly Voting of Sub-Saharan African Countries Jaeyoung Lee,
Jungsub Shin
국제정치논총 제60집 제1호 목차 편집부

Volume59, Number4
Analysis of Refugee Camp Project : Focusing on Good Neighbors Tanzania's Common Market at Nyarugusu Refugee Camp Heeyul Jeong,
Sangmi Sung,
Youngwan Kim
Rethinking Cybersecurity in the AI and Blockchain Age Junghyun Yoon
Russia’s Space Strategy: The Main Tasks of the Space Programme and the Stance on the International Space Agenda Alina Shymanska
Analyzing the changing relations between North Korea and ASEAN countries during the Kim Jong-un Regime Jinyoung Lee,
Hyuk-Sang Sohn
Post-colonial International Relations Theory and Korea Chaesung Chun
국제정치논총 제59집 제4호 목차 편집부

Volume59, Number3
Are the Freedom of States and International Public Laws Compatible? Kant’s Theory of Peace and the Freedom of States Kim, Bumsoo
Structure of “Return of the Politics”, as a sovereign struggle against the world Kwangmin Pyo
The negotiation surrounding Morocco by Spain under Franco’s rule : Ontological Security and Spain’s imperial identity Heo, Sujin,Chun, Chaesung
The Process of Peace : Bosnian Peace Treaties, Sarajevo to Dayton Changbae Heo,
Soohwan Hwang,
Jinwoo Choi
A Legal Analysis on Israel’s Wall Construction at the Gaza Strip Kim, Eunbee,
Ahn, Jun-Hyeong
The Nonlinearity between Global Climate Change and Democracy : Evidence from Panel Data for 170 Countries Jaehyun Lee
Rising China’s Institutional Power and the Future of Rulesbased Liberal International Order : Focusing on the Comparative Analysis of Four Selected Cases Changrok Soh,
Youcheer Kim,
Minkeun Cho
An Analysis of Power Succession Process and Authoritarian Regime Stability in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Dowon Yun,
Wooyeal Paik
The Rise of “State” and North Korean Political Discourse on the Kim Jong Un Era : Kim Jong Il’s Patriotism and Our State First Kang, Hyesuk
A Study on Water Governance Transition in DPRK Kyunghee Lee
Some Preliminary Thoughts on New Diplomacy Seongji Woo
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Volume59, Number2
The Myth of Westphalia as the Origin of the International Relations Revisited : Discussion on Creation of Diverse Concepts of Sovereignty Embedded in Each State’s Historical Context Sunyoung Koo
Cyber Security and Normative Diplomacy of Middle Powers : Reflections of Four Models from the Perspective of International Relations Sangbae Kim
Party-based Euroscepticism from the viewpoint of antipolitical establishment Geeyoung Hong
Employment Policy Reform and Party Politics in Christian Democratic Regime: the Netherlands Case Jung Wook Son
Psychological Warfare and Authoritarian Sharp Power Attack in the Digital Age: Russia’s Cyber Propaganda and the West’s Response Tae-Eun Song
Politics of Ratification: Presidential and Legislative Choices over Approving International Agreements Bon Sang Koo,
Ajin Choi,
Junseok Kim,
Kun Sik Hong
Japanese Conservatives’ Sense of Subjectivity and their Criticism of Americanism In-Sung Jang
A. J. P. Taylor’s Modern European Diplomatic History : From the Revolution of 1848 to the Cold War Doohwan Ahn
Anti-Versailles : National Self-Determination in Western Sense and its Adaptation in Korea Soongbae KIM
Aspects and Significances of Syngman Rhee’s Public Talks during His Study Years in the United States Seo Young Han,
Myongsob KIM
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국제정치논총 제59집 제2호 목차 편집부

Volume59, Number1
“Rebuilding the Imperial State” vs. a Civilization of the “Half-Civilized State” : Political Discourse of Iwakura Tomomi and Fukuzawa Yukichi on the Meiji-State Building right after the Restoration Young-June Park
Why Did the Post-Korean War the Korean Reconstruction Program Between the R.O.K. and the U.S. Fall Apart? Joonseok YANG
A Study on Transition of North Korea’s Nuclear Policy(2009-2017) : Toward a Full-fledged Internal Balancing Jongjoo Lee
A Critical Review on the Relevance of Development Cooperation Strategy for Fragile States in North Korean Case Hyuk-Sang Sohn,
Sunjoo Kim
A Note on the Leadership Type of President Trump in the Context of U.S. Domestic Politics Byoung Kwon Sohn
국제정치논총 제59집 제1호 목차 편집부

Volume58, Number4
What Caused the Decline of Labor Unions in 16 OECD Countries?: Time-variant Effects of Globalization and Domestic Politics on Union Density Yunmin Nam
Summoning the Past, Resurrection of Extreme Right, Future Politics: Italy’s General Election in 2018 and Memorial Politics Jong Bub Kim
Main Factors of War Deterrence and Victory for the Relatively Small Power: Reserve Forces and Wartime Mobilization Min-Hyoung Park
Korea’s Foreign Policy Against North-Korea and the Strategic Triangle between North-Korea, the Unite- States, and China Dong Jin Joo
The Modern International System and East Asian International Relations (1895-1945) Jiwon Lee
Why Was the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea Established in the French Concession of Shanghai? Myongsob KIM
국제정치논총 제58집 제4호 목차 편집부

Volume58, Number3
Frustrated Ambition for EU Financial Transaction Tax : Structural Financial Power and the Political Economy of Financial Regulation Jin-Young Chung
After Bandung: The Demise of the Third World Discourse and the Politicization of South-South Cooperation Taekyoon Kim,
Ilcheong Yi
Global Value Chains, Political Risk, and Firms’ Investment Decision in Vietnam: A Firm-Level Analysis Yong Kyun Kim
The Analysis on Characteristics of the UN Forces in the Korean War Kyengho Son
Why Democracies fight Each Other? Politico - Cultural Explanation on Greek Exceptionalism in the Democratic Peace Theory Young-Jin Choi
Transformation of U.S.’s China Policies: Beginning of a New Cold War? Heung-kyu Kim
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국제정치논총 제58집 제3호 목차 편집부

Volume58, Number2
How the Early Decade of the Cold War Influenced American Political Elites’ Perceptions Regarding the Korean Minority in Japan - A Constructivist Perspective - Kiyoung Chang
North Korea’s Governmentality from the Genealogy of Body Politic Taejin Kim
Peace Tourism and Mt. Gumgang Tour Project Bo-hyuk Suh
A Cycle Model of North Korean Power Succession - Explaining the Regime’s Working Mechanism - Tae-hyo Kim,
Chae-yeon Kang
International Politics of the Comfort Women Agreement Yul Sohn
Political Process of Formation and Maintenance of Linkage between DPJ and JTUC Haeyoon Jung
An Analysis of Determinants of Aid Allocation by Asian Development Bank - Focusing on ADB’s Governance and the World Bank’s Aid - Hae In Jang,
Heon Joo Jung
European Dimension as a New Separate Political Dimension - Evidence from Vote Choices for Eurosceptic Parties in European Elections - Geeyoung Hong
From Echoes to Choices - The Choices of Political Leaders that Started to End the Cold War in the Korean Peninsula under Impossible Conditions - Hyug Baeg Im
국제정치논총 제58집 제2호 목차 편집부

Volume58, Number1
The Interactions between State and Non-State Diplomacy of South Korea in the Beginning of the South Korea and China relations in 1980’s : based on the analysis on South Korea’s diplomatic documents from 1980 through 1986 Jung-Mi CHA
Cold War Regionalism and Japan’s Asian Diplomacy : What was Japan’s involvement in the ROK led Asian and Pacific Council? Sang-Hyun Lee
Xi’s Chinese Dream and Identity Politics : OBOR, AIIB and Hegemony Kun Sik Hong
A Study of Myanmar’s Entry into ASEAN Jinyoung LEE
Labor Conditions under the Globalized Era : Are the ILO and NGOs Important for their Improvement? Hyo Won Lee,
Jihyun Ham
Research Trends in Studies of Korean Politics Published in Top 50 SSCI Journals in 1986-2017 Sunkyoung Park,
Ji Yeon Hong,
Hojun Lee
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Volume57, Number4
A Study on the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689 Myongsob KIM
How External Threat Affects Domestic Support for the ‘Comfort Women’ Agreement? Kiyoung Chang
국가주의와 디아스포라 Jeong Kyung Seo
China’s Image of World Order : Focused on the Perception of Scholars Studying International Politics Jung-Nam Lee
Changes in the US Public Diplomacy and American Reputation : American Governments’ Global Agenda and Their Perception of Foreign Public Opinion Tae-Eun Song
Causes of the Refugee Crisis, Solutions to the Crisis, and Ethics of Hospitality Byoungha Lee
International Political Economy in the Age of Uncertainty : The Crisis of the Liberal International Order? Seungjoo Lee
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Volume57, Number3
The Development of Role Theory and International Relations Dong Won Yoo
Emotion Studies in IR : Critical Review and Theoretical Suggestion Chaeyoung Yong,
Yong-Soo Eun
Global Health and International Relations : Literature Review and Future Directions Sangbum Shin
Is a U.S. Nuclear Umbrella Reliable? : A Quantitative Analysis on Nuclear Extended-General Deterrent of the U.S., 1945-2001 Jin Myoung Lee
A Study on the Theory of Armed Forces Use and the Types of the US Armed Forces Use in Africa : An Analysis Focusing on the Functional Enlargement of the US AFRICOM PYO-KYU LEE
IMF Programs and Governance in Developing Countries Hye Jee CHO
Democratization and the Reinforcement of Premodern State Coercion : Militarized Policing and the Changes of the Modern State in Mexico Kyong Jun Choi
Realizing Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe: Focusing on Lustration Law Sung-Woo LEE
Human Rights Politics in Democratic Countries : The Recognition of the Right of Conscientious Objectors in Spain and Korea Changrok Soh,
Youngsoo Yu
Analysis on Islamic State’s Statehood Focusing on Force Implementing Structure and Governing Behaviors Kyengho Son
The Evolution of Peace Discourses in South Korea and its Implication for Foreign Policy Young-June Park
Eclectic Political Compromise in Korea’s Foreign Policy Decision-Making : Roh Moo-hyun Government’s Combat Troop Dispatch to Iraq Hee Sue Lim,
Jong-Yun Bae
Japan’s National Security Strategy for the 21st Century Euisuok Han
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Volume57, Number2
Thucydides’s Double Trap - The Rise of China and Theories of International Relations - Tae Hyun Kim
Phenomenological Writing in International Relations Studies Jong Yoon DOH
The Emergence of Gesellschaft - An Analysis on the Legalization of International Relationsthrough the Legal-Sociology Theory - Youcheer Kim
Translating Hobbes’s Leviathan in Meiji Japan - How the Sovereign as Artificial Person Became a Monster - Taejin Kim
The Fifth Republic of Korea’s Diplomacy towards Japan - Empirical Analysis on the Origin of the Korea-Japan Security-Economic Cooperation - Yanghyeon Jo
John Foster Dulles’s Belief and Ambivalence of Republic of Korea–Japan Relations Soongbae Kim
Who (mis) Understands North Korea? Taehee Whang,
Youngjun Choi,
Wooseon Choi,
Hyung-min Joo
Military Effectiveness of THAAD Deployment and the Future of the Korean Peninsula Dong Yub Kim
“Comfort Women of the Empire” and the Politics of Memory Hunmi Lee
Geoeconomic Approach and Geopolitical Dilemma of Xi Government’s “Maritime Power” Concept Dong Ryul Lee
국제정치논총 제57집 제2호 목차 편집부

Volume57, Number1
A Reexamination of Critical Views on the Investiture and Tribute System in Confucian World Sunhong Kwon
Global Internet Governance in Transition : Reaffirmation of the Multistakeholder Principle through IANA Stewardship Transition In Tae Yoo,
Jeongho Baek,
Jungbae An
Greenhouse Gas Emission and Varieties of Capitalism Jae-Hyun LEE
Four Neighbouring Network-States and South Korea in Cyber Security: Network Structure of Powers and Strategies of a Middle Power Sangbae Kim
The Discursive Origins and the Process of Policy Authorization of North Korea’s Nuclear Buildup Discourses Choongkoo Lee
Analyses of the Determinants of ODA Partnership : The SIDA Case Seokwoo Kim,
Seulgi Lee
Japan’s Mixed Strategies toward China : Strategic Engagement with a Hedge Kiwoong Yang,
Jeoung-Hwa An
Transformation of Human Rights Diplomacy Network towards Myanmar: Focusing on Strategic Change of the ASEAN as a Main Actor Shihoon Lee,
Eunjung Lim
New Industrial Revolution and a Prospect for New International Order Seong Woo Yi
국제정치논총 제57집 제1호 목차 편집부

Volume56, Number4
Balance of Power in Northeast Asia : Path to Peace or Source of Disputes? Jin Myoung Lee
US Financial Sanctions Against North Korea : Legal Framework and Enforcements Jinsuk Byun
Preferential Gaps of European Integration Between French Voters and Their Parties JeongHun HAN
An Analysis of North Korea`s Unification Strategy for Keeping "The Two Regimes" : Toward a Permanent Division Based on the Strengthened ‘Suryong Authoritative System’ Kyoung Hui Choi
Two Contending Perspectives on U.S. Asia-Pacific Policy Chaekwang You
국제정치논총 제56집 제4호 목차 편집부

Volume56, Number3
Hobbes beyond Hobbes : The Abbé de Saint-Pierre’s Quadruple Theory of Perpetual Peace Doohwan AHN
`Marginalized` IR theory and Korea`s International Political Issue : Revisiting IR and Korea through Postcolonialism Yong-Soo Eun
Coordinating Foreign Policy in Korea and Its Practical Limits : The Strategic Relations between President Roh Moo-hyun and NSC Youngin Kim,
Jong-Yun Bae
China"s Identity of Superpower and Neighborhood Diplomacy : Chinese perspective and policy toward Central Asia Jeong Kyung Seo
Proactive Contribution to Peace as the Institutionalization of International Norms : Japan’s challenges and limits toward the right to collective self-defense Chang-Gun Park
A Meta Study of Korean Scholars’ Research on Japanese ODA : Focusing on Text Network Analysis of Korea Citation Index (KCI) Journals Hyuk-Sang SOHN,
Jinyoung LEE
The Abenomics and the Shelved Consumption Tax Reform Junghwan Lee
Is Democracy in Taiwan Consolidated? Eunju Chi
An International Political Implications and Outlook on the South China Sea Ruling Jae-kwan Kim
국제정치논총 제56집 제3호 목차 편집부

Volume56, Number2
Critical Discussion on Alexander Wendt’s Quantum Social Science Chaesung Chun
A New Perspective on Network Analysis in International Relations : Brokerage Power and the Evolution of Alliance Networks, 1816-2012 Jonghee Park
The Nature of a Corporation Jongchul Kim
A Critique on Nuclear Cooperation Pessimism : Role of US Bilateral Nuclear Cooperation in Nuclear Non-Proliferation EJR Cho
Whether Is a Chae’ilkyopo ‘Korean’? : An Analysis of Newspaper Articles from the 5 · 16 Coup to the October Yushin Bumsoo Kim
The State Chief’s Eternal Life and the Politics of Nostalgia : Focus on the Collective Memory of Kim Il-Sung and the Execution of the Dying Instruction Yun Hee Kim
Growth of Non-public Ownership Economy and State-centered Industrial Policy Governance in China : The SMEs Policy Case Dae-yeob YOON
Official Development Assistance and International Migration : An Analysis of the Effects of Immigrants to South Korea on Aid Allocation to Originating Recipient Countries Eun Mi KIM,
Heon Joo JUNG
Party System Institutionalization and Democracy in Africa Wonbin Cho
Will the Paris Climate Regime Work Effectively? Sungjin KIM
국제정치논총 제56집 제2호 목차 편집부

Volume56, Number1
The World Politics of Index : Producing Meta-knowledge, Reproducing Hegemonic Power Sangbae Kim,
Youjung Kim
International Tourism as an Agent for Peace : Stakeholder Relations and International Organizations HanSeung Cho
Measuring Aid Fragmentation at Aggregate and Project Levels : Donor Proliferation, Diseconomies of Scale, and Administrative Burdens Yoon Ah Oh
Park Chung Hee Administration’s Fighter Experimental(F-X) Project and Carter Administration’s Arms Transfer Policy Jungsik Um
International Political Economy of TPP Yul Sohn
국제정치논총 제56집 제1호 목차 편집부

Volume55, Number4
Political Autonomy of Scientific Enterprise: Conformity to Research Tradition and Deviation from Scientific Hegemony -Application of Q Methodology Seo Young Lee
"Struggles for Recognitio": International Relations of Northeast Asia and the Formation of a Normative Community Key-young Son
Ambiguity and Assertiveness on China`s Maritime Strategy: Focus on Official Goal, Measure and the Current Status Do Hyung HA
Analyzing U.S. War Efforts to Limit the Korean War: Focusing on The Expansion of the Role of State Department after the Intervention of the PLA Kyengho Son
The Competitive Foreign Policy Management Style of the President Kim Young-Sam in the Process of First North Korean Nuclear Crisis Yong-Soo Park
Bureaucratic Politics and Bureaucrats` Mobilizationof Power Resources: Centering on the Process of North Korea Policy Making under the Park Geun-hye Government Mun Suk Ahn
Migrants` Political Rights and Political Participation: Centering on Local Residents` Perceptions and Attitudes toward Migrants Kim, Tae Wan,
Suh, Jaekwon
Simultaneity of Non-Simultaneous, Multiple Temporalities, and Korean Politics Byoungha Lee
국제정치논총 제55집 제4호 목차 편집부

Volume55, Number3
Sino-Korean Relations during the Ming-Qing Transition : Reliability, Asymmetric Alliance and the Tribute System Hunmi Lee
A Comparative Analysis of the Realist Alliance Theory between Pre-Qin China and the Modern U.S. Boxing Pan,
Tae-Hyung Kim
Transitional Justice and Human Rights : A Framework for Causal Effect Analysis Byung-Jae Lee
Globalization and Employment Insecurity : The Determinants of Employment Protection in the OECD Countries Hyun Kyoung Kim
Exploring the nature and origin of capitalist money from a political perspective Jongchul Kim
Presidential Run-Off System and Social Conflict : Searching for Political Institutions for Social Integration Yong Heun An
The Rationality of Decision : Revisiting the Roh Moo Hyun Government`s Policy toward the Dispatch of Troops to Iraq Bo Hyuk Suh
Education and Soldiers : The Effect of a Civilian Education on the Doctrinal Choice of the U.S. Military Sangbeom Yoo
Cuba`s medical diplomacy and its implication for the soft power diplomacy Giwoong Jung
Various Mechanisms of International Law Compliance and Operation Don Moon
국제정치논총 제55집 제3호 목차 편집부

Volume55, Number2
A Study on Waltz`s Three Images and the Origins of the Division of the Korean Peninsula : Based on the Declassified Documents in the Post-Cold War Period YOO Nayoung
The Causal Complexity of War and Tragic Narrative Lee Jiwon
Revisiting the July Crisis : Incentive to Misrepresent & Bargaining Failure on the Eve of the Great War KO Kwangyoung,
LEE Geunwook
An Exploratory Study on Determinants of Allocation of the Adaptation Fund for Climate Change Adaptation KIM Jeong-won,
KIM Sungjin
Disaster Governance of ASEAN on Terrorist Bombings : Network Diplomacy of Singapore Junghyun Yoon
The Prospects for North Korea`s International Socialization : Participation in International Organizations and Changes in Foreign Policy Preferences Sang Ki Kim,
Keun-sik Kim
China`s Diplomacy from the view of Geopolitics : "One Belt, One Road` strategy Jeong-kyung Seo
The Institutional Foundation of the Medvedev-Putin Diarchy : The Potential of Semi-Presidential Operations in the Russian Form of Government LEE Sun-Woo
An Analysis on South Korean Nuclear Deterrence Strategy against North Korean Nuclear Weapons : Re-look at Defense Measures through a Deterrence by Denial Park, Hwee Rhak
국제정치논총 기고 안내 편집부
국제정치논총 제55집 2호 목차 편집부

Volume55, Number1
The Politics of Power Diffusion : International Parliamentary Networks and Global Trade Governance Chi-Wook Kim
The Causes of Conflict in Multi-Ethnic States and Integration Policy: The Impacts of Poverty and Political Exclusion on Ethnic Conflict Jae Hyeok Shin
Economic Issues, Party Realignment, and China Factor: the Case of Taiwan Eunju Chi
Popular Culture between State and Market : The Chinese Film Industry and ‘Chinese New Year Movies’ Park, Jung Soo
Theorizing Middle Powers: Issues and Debates Seonjou Kang
국제정치논총 제55집 1호 목차 편집부

Volume54, Number4
Methodological Authorization of Knowledges in the Social Sciences - A Priori Justification of Empirical Cognitions - KIM Ungjin
Revisiting the East Asian Origin of the Concept ‘Empire’ LEE Samsung
A Study on the Independent Development of International Relations Theories in South Korea, China, and Japan LEE Jongsung,
JANG Youngduk,
CHOI Youngmi
When Foucault Problematizes the Chinese World Order - The Governmentality of the Chinese World Order - PARK Hongseo
UN Charter-Based Human Rights System and East Asian Human Rights - Focusing on the Universal Periodic Review - SOH Changrok,
KIM Yooneui
Theoretical and Methodological Debates on the Effects of Audience Costs in Military Crisis, 1994-2014 KIM Jeeyong
The Effects of Conflict Outcomes on HIV KIM Yi Yeon
The Political and Diplomatic History of the Seoul Olympic Bid - How Did Seoul Win the Bid in 1981? - KIM Myongsob,
YANG Joonseok
A Comparative Study on North Korea and China’s Political System - From Political Cultural Approach - LIU Suo,
LIM Chae wan
A Proposal for the Sustainable Peace - Toward the institutionalization of peace - PARK Euikyung
국제정치논총 기고 안내 편집부
국제정치논총 제54집 4호 목차 편집부

Volume54, Number3
국제정치논총 제54집 3호 목차 편집부
Philosophical Foundation of the Concept of National Interest and Philosophical (Socratic) Pursuit of National Interest in Reading Plato’s “Alcibiades” PARK Sungwoo
Johann Caspar Bluntschli's Theory of Sovereignty : State Sovereignty as National Sovereignty OH Hyang Mi
Truman Administration’s Decision not to Use Nuclear Weapons in Korean War Based on Situational Deterrence Theory LEE Jaehak
Official Apologies in Theory and Practice in International Politics - Categorizing official apologies and analyzing Japan’s statements - CHUN Ja-hyun
19th Century Europe’s Great Power Politics and US-China New Model of Major Country Relations SHEEN Seongho
Three Properties of The Chinese Nationalism and National Identity : From The Perspective of Historical Institutionalism LEE Moon-ki
The Impact of the Sino-Soviet Conflict on North Korea’s Self-Reliance in National Defense, 1962-1966 KIM Bomi
Understanding the Institutional Characteristics of the BRICS and Its Implications : A Perspective of Network Theory KIM Chi-Wook
Analysis of the Retirement Age Gender Gap and Gender Division of Labor in Vietnam KIM Eun Kyung,
KWAK Seohee
The Past, Present and Future of Capitalism, Democracy and the State : The International Political Economy of 『Capital in the Twenty-First Century』 LEE Wang Hwi,
SONG Kihyung

Volume54, Number2
국제정치논총 제54집 2호 목차 편집부
Debates on the organizing principle of international relations and the theory of hierarchy CHUN Chaesung
A study on the mechanism of norm diffusion - The EU’s human rights policy toward North Korea - PARK Sungeun
Politics of Military Strategy - Organizational Interests and the U.S. Air Sea Battle - ROH Jin Kook,
LEE Geunwook
U.S. Policy in East Asia and Japanese Security Policy towards South Korea in Detente - U.S. Strategies of ‘Withdrawal’, ‘United Front’, and ‘Equilibrium’ and South Korea-Japan Security Cooperation LEE Kitae
A Study of the U.S. Failure to Coerce through Military power - Case of the USS Pueblo Incident - CHUNG Sung-Yoon
A study on the dilemma in the policy for the Northeast Asia of the United States from the perspective of Realism - resolution of nuclear issues in North Korea vs. checks on China - CHO Sung Bok
The Evolution of Chinese Style Democracy in China - The Meaning and Limits of Consultative Democracy - LEE Hee Ok
Asia between the United States and China - Collision between ‘the Pivot to Asia’ and ‘the Renowned Superpower Relationship’ - YI Seongwoo

Volume54, Number1
국제정치논총 제54집 1호 목차 편집부
Hardt and Negri’s Discourse on ‘Empire’ Revisited: The Multitude and Global Democracy LEE Hwa-Yong
The Signaling Game Between the Republic of Korea and Vietnam on the Repatriation of the Prisoned/Detained Diplomats, 1975-1980 JO Dong-Joon,
CHA Ji-Hyun
The Central Politics and Law Commission of the CPC: Organizations, Functions and Roles in the Party-State relations, PRC CHOI Ji young
A Cognitive Analysis on the first North Korean Nuclear Quagmire: Looking for Kim Jong-il’s Perceptional Variants KWON Hyorim,
KIM Yongho
Attitudinal Difference Between Political Elites and Public Supporters of European Parties: Focusing on the Immigration Issue in the European Union HAN JeongHun
Migrant Policy at the Level of Local Government Focusing Berlin Case KO Sangtu
Terrorism and Securitization of Refugee Migration: A Case Study of the Kenyan Government’s Refugee Policy SONG Young Hoon
The Constructivist Approach to the International Development Norm Construction: the Cases of the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) and the Post-2015 Framework SOHN Hyuk-Sang,
LEE Jeanyoung,
YEO Wonyoung
The Birth of the Korean Modern: Social Scientists’ Understanding of Modern Korean History KIM Joonsuk
Japan’s Reinterpretation of the Article 9 of the Constitution: Is it Another Threat or an Asset? NAM Chang-hee

Volume53, Number4
국제정치논총 제53집 4호 목차 편집부
Origin of Neorealism and Its Implications to Korea’s International Relations Theory: A Content Analysis of Kenneth Waltz’s Works from 1959 to 1979 CHOI Jong Kun
Question of Subject in International Politics: An Essay for Interpretive Approach DOH Jong Yoon
Psychological and Cognitive Approaches in IR EUN Yong-Soo
Analysis of Korean War Armistice Talks: Establishment of Military Demarcation Line between Strident Antagonists HEO Man-ho
Is North Korea a Status Quo Power?: North Korea’s State Orientation under Kim Jong-il WOO Seongji
North Korea’s Three Nuclear Tests and Analysis of China’s Policy Shift toward North Korea LEE Young Hak
Tax Systems and the Varieties of Capitalism KIM Mi-Kyung
Global Governance and the Accountability of International Development: The Dilemma of Acceptance and Abuse KIM Taekyoon
A Theoretical Review of South Korea’s International Development Cooperation: Focusing on a Constructivist Alternative AHN Mun Suk
Gender Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism CHUNG In-Kyoung
The Political Background and Effects of Sino-Myanmar Oil Pipeline Construction in 2013 KIM Song-Juk
Legacies of International Human Rights Pressure Against New Order Indonesia SUH Jiwon
The Change of the View of War in the Movies about the Korean War: Focused on <71-Into the Fire> and <The Front Line> JUNG Byungkee
Road to War and Tree of Peace: International Politics of ‘Lemon Tree’ PARK Euikyung
편집후기 김석우

Volume53, Number3
국제정치논총 제53집 3호 목차 편집부
Jean Bodin’s Theory of Sovereignty : The Internal Logic of Absolute Sovereignty OH Hyang Mi
Crisis of European Modern Democracy and its Transformation: Global City as Space of New Citizenship HONG Tai Young
Economic Interdependence and Conflicts in Northeast Asia: Dreaming the Same or Different Goals? LEE Jin Myoung
War as Clash of Ideas: Focusing on the Ideational Origins of the Toyotomi Hideyoshi War (1592-1598) and the Communist War in Korea (1950-1953) KIM Myongsob,
KIM Seokwon
Evaluating the Nuclear Deterrence Readiness of South Korea and Searching for a Nuclear Deterrence Strategy against North Korea Based on Nuclear Deterrence Theories PARK Hwee Rhak
20 Years of the North Korea’s Nuclear Program and ROK-US Alliance: Given Divided Structure vs.Selective Divided Structure PARK Ihn-Hwi
A New Approach to the Study of Military Build-up: the Case of South Korea’s Naval Build-up under the Blue Water Navy Initiative LEE Sangyup
An Institutional-Evolutionary Alternative to the Varieties of Capitalism Approach: Comparing Labor-Welfare Linkages in the United States and Canada CHO Chansoo
U.S.’ Millennium Challenge Account and Development in African Governance: An Empirical Analysis on Civil and Political Rights CHUNG Kuyoun
The Analysis of International Leadership in Climate Change Norms in the European Union Focused on the Interests, Ideas and Institutions JUNG Ha Yoon
Vetoing or Ratifying International Environmental Agreements: Veto Players, Government Ideology,and Green Party JUNG Soo Hyun
The Assessment of Economic Determinism and the Essay of Autonomy of Politics: The Study of Chinese Political Leader’s Thinking SHIN Bongsu
North Korea-China-Russia Trans-national Sub-region Development Cooperation and Northeast Asian Regional Politics SHIN Beom-Shik
A Study of Developing Social Integration Countermeasures for International Marriage Immigrants: Centered on a Comparative Study between Korea and German Statistical Data CHO YongMarn,
PARK SungBum
Immigrant Integration and the Refracted Consensual Party Politics in the Netherlands YI Okyeon
Reservation Policy and the Political Empowerment of the Scheduled Castes in India: A Study of Caste Politics in India CHOI Jungug
Controversial Issues and Research Trends in Cybersecurity CHANG Nohsoon,
HAN Intaek

Volume53, Number2
국제정치논총 제53집 2호 목차 편집부
Politics of International Reconciliation : Latest Developments of International Reconciliation Theories and Its Critical Application on Sino-Japan Relations CHUN Ja-hyun
A Prospect for the Outbreak of War between Japan and China on the Territorial Dispute over Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands : An Application of the Steps to War Theory and Its Implications KIM Ki-Joo,
HWANG Byung-Sun
Under the Kim Jong Un’s Regime, the Comparison Research : Focused on a Status, Authority and Elite YUN Jin Hyeong
A Comparative Study of the German 1972 Basic Treaty and Korean 1992 Basic Agreement : A Conflict Management System Approach using a ‘Divided Nation Conflict Management Model’ PARK Jeong Jin
India’s Energy Policy towards Central Asia and its International Relations : with Reference to the Energy Issue from the Comprehensive Concept of Security LEE Ji-Eon
Analysis on Southeast Asian Women’s Political Participation in Electoral System and Socio-cultural Factors : Case Studies in Cambodia and Indonesia KIM Eun Kyung,
PARK Yeon Sun
Korean Attitudes Toward Immigrants : The Product of Symbolic Politics and Economic Interests MIN Tae Eun
Influence of Trust of Government on Social Welfare Programs : Types of Welfare States, Quality of Government and Self-interest LEE Hyeon-Woo

Volume53, Number1
國際政治論叢 제53집 1호 목차 편집부
Framing Theory and Discourse Contestation of ‘Aid Effectiveness’ and ‘Development Effectiveness’ in International Development Cooperation SOHN Hyuk-Sang
The Multitude’s Foreign Policy Debates and its Collective Behavior through Social Media: The Impact of Changing Communication Environment on the Public’s Foreign Policy Attitudes SONG Tae-Eun
Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Domestic Foundations of U.S. Hegemony KIM Chi-Wook
Region and Hegemony: The Decay of US Hegemony and Japan’s Strategy for Regionalism KIM Sangjoon
Park Chung Hee Administration’s Missile Development Strategy on the US Arms Transfer Restraint Policy UM Jungsik
The Political Process of The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) about ‘Universal Welfare without a Tax Hike’ JUNG Miae
The Middle Class and the Development of Democracy in the Philippines KIM Minjeoung,
JEON Kumlim
Sino-Japanese Conflict Over the Senkaku Islands and East Asia LEE Myong Chan

Volume52, Number4
國際政治論叢 제52집 4호 목차 편집부
‘Empire’ in the Empire and a Colony : The Conceptual Functions of the Term ‘Empire’ in Japan and Korea in the First Half of the Twentieth Century Samsung Lee
The Japanese Model of FTA as a Governance of East Asia Chang-Gun Park
Limited Approach and Deferred Issue between China and Japan during the Cold War : The Negotiation Process of the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty Eunbong Choi,
Seung-hee Oh
Europeanization, Democratization and the Welfare State in Spain Hanbeom Jeong
From Gold to Diamond : Strategies and Possibilities of Myanmar’s Developmental State Jun Young Jang
Bureaucrat’s Strategic Behavior and Institutional Continuity : The Politics of Financial Regulatory Reform in Korea, 1997-2008 Seungjoo Lee,
Minjeong Lee
2012 US Presidential Election and the Prospect of the Obama Administration’s Foreign and Security Policy Sang-Yoon Ma
2012년도 상임위원회 사업보고 외 편집부

Volume52, Number3
國際政治論叢 제52집 3호 목차 편집부
The History of North-South Korean Relations and Prospect of Its Future from the Perspective of Theory of International Society Mun Suk Ahn
Democracy and Compliance with International Environmental Agreements Soo Hyun Jung
Liberal Governmentality and Human Security : A Foucauldian Critique of Human Security Hongseo Park
The Effects of Economic and Military Cooperation on International Conflicts : Using Network Perspective Hyung Min Kim
A Study on the Changes in European International Relations in the Mid-Seventeenth Century Joon Suk Kim
The Diffusion of RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) and RMA Competition between United States and China : The Diffusion of 19th Century Prussia-German Model and 21st Century North East Asian Military Order In Hyo Seol
A Critical Assessment of the Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia : Focusing on the Constraints of the Cooperation Ickpyo Hong
The Korean War and International Relations Theory : Revisiting Revisionist and Status-quo Power Debate Jihwan Hwang
Understanding S. Korea’s Participatory Democracy after 1987 onwards with Special Reference to Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought You-Kyung Suh
A Study on North Korea’s Nuclear Policy from A Neorealist Perspective (1945~2009) Yong-Woo Sohn
A Case Study on the Application of “RtoP” to Libya : Its Implications and Lessons for North Korea Tong Hyong Park
Mongolia’s Political Change and Human Rights in Five-Phase “Spiral” Model : Relevance to North Korea Man-ho Heo
Global Network Politics of Russia’s Oil and Gas Pipeline Network Construction toward Northeast Asia Beom-Shik Shin
A Critical Study on Policy Coherence for Development in South Korea Hyuk-Sang Sohn,
Young Sun Park
The Europeanization of French Politics : The 2012 French Presidential Election and the European Issue Hong Sik Cho
The Information Society Issue and the Party Politics in Europe : The Swedish Pirate Party Seonhwa Jang
Economic Openness, Income Inequality and Government Responses in Taiwan Eunju Chi
Will the Climate Change Negotiations Succeed? Kyung-Taek Oh

Volume52, Number2
國際政治論叢 제52집 2호 목차 편집부
Transformation of Modern State Concept in Korea Sung Bae Kim
The Versailles Peace System’s ‘Universal Nomos’ and the Different Dreams of Korea and Japan : Focusing on the Principle of National Self-Determination and the League of Nations’ Covenant Soongbae Kim,
Myongsob Kim
Sinocentric Nationalism and Cultural Conflicts in East Asia : Boundary Setting of History and Culture Jung Soo Park
Foreign Policy and Think Tank in the Age of Globalization : Professionalized Policy Knowledge and Global Network Ihn-hwi Park
Social Media and Public Diplomacy : U.S. Strategies from the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory Sangbae Kim
A Critical Assesment on the Obama and Myungbak Lee Administration’s Policies toward the North Korean Nuclear Issues from the Semi-Periphery Perspective Gil-Hyun Yang
A Search for a Democratic Governance in South Korea’s North Korea Policy Inhye Heo
Motivation of Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Western Europe Minjeoung Kim,
Geeyoung Hong
The Integration Modes of Immigrants in Germany : A Comparative Study of Turkish, Italian and Greek Immigrants Sangtu Ko,
Myeongshin Ha
The Impact of Migrant Policies on Women’s Migration in Japan JiYoung Lee
Activating Women’s Political Participation through Local Parties and Future Challenges : Focusing on a Japanese Local Party, ‘Seikatsusha Network’ Se Hun Ha,
E-Hwa Yoon
The Evolution and Variety of Capitalism : The Myth and Fallacy of Neo-liberalism Mi-Kyung Kim

Volume52, Number1
國際政治論叢 제52집 1호 목차 편집부
A Study on Territorial Dispute with Implication of Cognitive Science and Negotiation Theory Gi-Woong Son,
Sang-Hyun Park
The Crisis of Economics after the Global Financial Crisis : Implications for the Study of International Political Economy Wang Hwi Lee
Deterrence Failures and Coercive Diplomacy : The Cuban Missile Crisis and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis Taehyun Kim
The Rise of China and ROK’s Military Strategic Choices Min-hyoung Park
East Asian Regionalism and Australian Diplomacy during the 1960’s : Engagement of Asia through the ASPAC Sanghyun Lee
NK’s Military Provocation and Embodiment of Proactive Deterrence Jaewook Jung
A Network Analysis of the U.S.-China FTA Competition Chi-Wook Kim
Study on the Change of Types of Chinese Political Elites : From the 1st to 5th Generation Jang-Hwan Joo
Globalization of Production and Possibilities of Labor Politics : German Responses to Globalization from Comparative Perspective Hyeong-ki Kwon
State Party Funding System and Discourse : With Focus on the German Case Jin-Sook Ju
Quebec Separatism and the Dilemma of Single-Issue Parties : The Parti Quebecois and the Bloc Quebecois Chansoo Cho
America’s War in Iraq : Three Perspectives Heajeong Lee

Volume51, Number4
Non-proliferation and Network Politics : Theory and Practice Bong-Jun Ko
The Green Growth Theory and Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific Political Economic Causes and Theoretical Problems Yeonho Lee
Mutual Security Act (1951) and the U.S. Foreign Aid Debate in the 1950s Gon Namkung,
Seo Young Lee
The Evolution of Japanese Perception of International Relations and the Change of Foreign Policy toward Asia Young-June Park
A Choice between Pro-China or Anti-America : A Study on Determinants of the National Image of China among South Koreans Sang Sin Lee,
Hee Kyoung Chang
Japan’s China Policy under the Rule of LDP and the Separation of Politics and Economy, 1955-1971 : Bureaucratic Politics, Faction Politics, and Pro-Chinese Alliance Seung-won SUH
The Study on the Cultural Identity of Korean Residents in Japan : ‘Triple-boundary Cultural Identity’ of People, Attributions of One’s Homeland, Reality Keun Woo Nam
Building an Immigrant Nation under Federalism in the United States of America Okyeon Yi
French Position on the Return of Cultural Property to the Country of Origin Sunhee Park
The Characteristics and Implications of the Political Upheaval in Arab States 2011 Nam-sik In
부록 편집부

Volume51, Number3
A Critique of Neoclassical Realism Chun Hee Yang,
Kun Young Park
Waltz’s Balance of Power Theory Revisited : Implications of General Relativity Hongseo Park
Middle Power’s Diplomatic Strategies in the Perspective of Networks : Applying Theories of Structural Holes and Positional Power Sangbae Kim
An Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Foreign and Security Policy from the Perspectives of International Relations Theories Mun Suk Ahn
A New Invention and Expansion of Peace : Focused on ‘Peace Zone’ between the South Korea and the North Korea Young-Kwon Jang
20 Years North Korean Nuclear Negotiation : Major Research Issue & Problem Jae Hoon Cha
Foreign Migrant Workers and Multilevel Governance in East Asia : Analysis and Implications from a Soft Law Perspective Hiroki Miura
Women’s Movement in Poland since System Transition Kyung-Mi Kim,
Kyu Young Lee
The Crises and Changes of Japan’s Political Economy since 1990s : Outcomes, Causes, and Tasks Yong Bok Kim
The Greek Financial Crisis and the Political Economy of the Euro : The 12 Years of the Euro, from Success to Crisis? Seungjoo Lee

Volume51, Number2
Korea’s National Brand Internet Broadcast Strategy Hyung Kook Kim,
Rosa Park
The Political Economy of Modern State-owned Corporate Groups in China : The Case of Film Industry Jung Soo Park
A Study on the Ideas of Geographic Size and Structure in Early China Young Jin Kim
China’s Court Reforms and Judicial Independence : Focusing on Three Outlines of Court Reforms Young Nam Cho
The East Asian Cold War and the Quickening of the Japan-North Korea Friendship Movement : Focusing on the formation of the Japan-North Korea Association Jung-Jin Park
The Debates on Honor Killings in Sweden and Its Policy Responses Kyounghee Moon
Cinderella in International Politics : ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and International Intervention Dong-Joon Jo
International Politics of Fukushima Nuclear Accident : Nuclear Energy Safety Governance and International Cooperation Jinho Jeon

Volume51, Number1
Hatred and Reconciliation in International Politics : Theoretical Groping for Reconciliation between Korea and Japan Hak-Sung Kim
The Subdivision and Application of Security Cooperation Concepts : Implications for Security Studies and Policy Wonwoo Lee
The Concept of Empire and the Modern Japan of the Nineteenth Century Samsung Lee
Analysis of The ROK’s Military Build-Up Projects’ Effects on National Economy : Focusing on Mobile Power Projects Pil-jung Lee
The International Politics of Climate Change and U.S.-China Relations Beom-Shik Shin
Critical Evaluation of the G20 Seoul Summit Sang-Bok Moon
Research Trend and Priority Subject of Policy Research on North Korean Defector : Soul-searching and Communication beyond Quantitative Growth Dae Seok Choi,
Young Ja Park
Chinese Students’ Perception of Korea and Their Nationalism in Sino-Korean Relations Jiyoung CHOI
Domestic Political Factors Affecting the Change of the German Asylum Policy Sangtu KO,
Myeongshin HA
From Presidentialism to Parliamentarism : A New Institutional Design in Kyrgyzstan Bong-Gu Kang
Historical Sociological Perspectives on European Integration Studies: European Approaches Hong Sik CHO
G20 Summit: A Critical Review of Recent Literature and New Research Agenda Yong-Ho Kim

Volume64, Number2
An International Politics of Things: A Study of New Materialism after Anthropocentrism Byoung Won Min
New Zealand’s Normative Diplomacy: Through the Lens of Network-Role Theory Seung Hugh Shin
Challenges and Prospects for “a Liberal International Order”: A Case Study of the International Human Rights Order Hun Joon Kim
[Research Note on Main Issue]Illiberal Turn in Authoritarian States: Phenomena and Research on China Ji Yeon Hong
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Volume64, Number1
Artificial Intelligence and Future Security: A Theoretical Outlook on International Politics at the State-Societal and Individual Levels Kiyoung Chang
Mearsheimer vs. Mearsheimer: Russia’s War in Ukraine and Offensive Realism Geunwook Lee
The Rise of Status Revisionist Hegemon?: A Realist Institutionalist Analysis of the WTO's Role Crisis and De-Judicialization Youcheer Kim
Securitization of Cyberspace and the ‘Cyber Sovereignty’ Debate: Focusing on a comparison of cyber sovereignty discourses in China and the EU Jungmi Cha
China’s Gradual Financial Liberalization and the Constraints of Monetary and Financial Hegemony: A Case Study of the “New Financial Repression Regime” Lee, Yulbin
Dynamics of Korea-Russia Relations at the Level of Structure and Agency: An Examination through Morphogenetic Theory Damrin Youn
The Intensifying Global Stability/Instability Paradox and Lessons from the Indo-Pakistan Nuclear Rivalry Case Tae-Hyung Kim
A Study on the Transition of Kim Jong Un’s nuclear policy (2009-2023): Toward Radicalized Internal Balancing Jongjoo Lee
Competition of AI Weaponization and AI RMA Dae-yeob Yoon
Explaining Populist Radical Right Party Support in the European Dimension: An Analysis of the 2019 European Parliament Elections Geeyoung Hong
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Volume63, Number4
On the International Political Origins of the Word ‘宗主權’: Translationof‘suzerainty’inLate19thCentury JapanandItsEast Asian Diffusion Kim, Jong-Hak
ROK’s Security Dependency on the U.S. and Its Independent Foreign Policy Choices: TheCase oftheUNConvention ontheLawoftheSea(UNCLOS) Jae Hyun Lim·Jong-Yun Bae
Russia-Ukraine War and Mongolia’s Diplomatic Response: Focusing on modern Mongolia’s diplomatic strategy Jang, Jaehyuk
U.S.-Japan Alliance and Japan’s Seeking Structural Holes: Data Security as a Nexus of Cyber and Space Suyeon Lee
ACriticalReviewoftheIntegrationofDevelopmentAidAgencies into Ministries of Foreign Affairs: Case Studies of Canada, Australia, andtheUnitedKingdom Hyuk-Sang Sohn·Jinyoung Lee
Localizing International DevelopmentCooperationNorms and theDPRK’sAcceptanceoftheSDGs:AComparisonofVoluntary National Reviews in the DPRK and Laos Jiyoung Hong·Woochul Kang
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Volume63, Number3
On the Concept of Global Civil War and US-China Conflict: Current Implications of Carl Schmitt’s Concept of Global Civil War Kwangmin Pyo
A Study on Changes in the Ideational Factors of the ROK-US Alliance: a Structural Topic Model Kieun Sung,
Seongkyoon Shin
The Evolution of US-ROK Cyber Security Cooperation: Through the Lens of Complex Geopolitics Seung Hugh Shin
U.S.-China Relations and the Dynamics of the Inter-Korean Sovereignty Game Choong-Koo Lee
The Road to the First Sino-Japanese War: Power Struggle between the Gojong Regime and the Daewongun Faction, and Changes in Foreign Relations Hongseo Park
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Volume63, Number2
The US-China-Russia Nuclear Trilemma and the Changing Global Nuclear Order Tae-Hyung Kim
A New Conceptualization of Cyber Deterrence: In the Reflective Context on the ROK-U.S. Cybersecurity Alliance Discourse Sangbae Kim
Revisiting the Origins of the Pacific War, 1906-1941: Focusing on the multi-dimensional causes of the Hegemonic War Park Young-June
The Naval Policy of the Syngman Rhee Administration before and after the Korean Armistice of 1953 Hojun Lee,
Myongsob Kim
Development and Significance of Self-determination Norm in Korean Conf lict: A View from the Lex Pacificatoria Hiroki Miura
Construction of Turkic Collective Identity and the OTS: A Constructive Approach Joosong Lee,
Sunmi Jung
Iraq’s SSR in State-building Process Joohee Yang,
Eunbee Kim
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Volume63, Number1
The Metaphysics of Peace and Its Agonistic Conceptualization Byoung Won Min
International Theory of Serving the Great: 1636 Qing Invasion of Chosŏn as a Future-Passed Inho Choi
The Transition of the U.S. Foreign Economic Policy During the Interwar Era: The Two-Level Game Analysis of the FDR Administration Haeyong Lim
The Study on the Change of the French Diplomatic Influences on Russia in the 21th Century: Centering around the comparative analysis between the Sarkozy government(2007-2012) and the Macron governmentI(2017-2022) Taehun LIM
Security Threats and South Koreans’ Perception of Japan: Assessing Public Opinion on ROK-Japan Relations and the ROK-U.S.-Japan Security Cooperation Sangmi Jeong
Change of National Brand Image through Human Interaction: Focusing on the Case of Korean Students in Japan Hyo Yun LEE
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Volume62, Number4
Conflict between the Order and Norms in the War in Ukraine: From the Ethics of Power to Immoralismus Yoochul Lee
The US-China Strategic Competition and the Rise of Science Diplomacy Jungmi Cha
Policy Paradigm Changes in the International Monetary Fund Jaehwan Jung
IMF and the Management of International Capital Flows: The International Political Economy of 2012 IMF Institutional View Jin-Young Chung
Foreign Direct Investment and Income Inequality: Does the Relationship Vary with the Level of State Capacity? Seong Hun Yoo
A Theoretical Discussion about the Formation of the Sino-North Korean Alliance Treaty Hyon Joo Yoo
The Types and Changes of Chinese Personalist Rule: Approach through History of Political Thoughts Bongsu Shin
Maritime Threat Perception and Naval Policy of the Syngman Rhee Government before the 6/25 War in Korea, 1948-1950 Myongsob Kim,
Hojun Lee
Research Note on Main Issue Wooyeal Paik
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Volume62, Number3
The Emergence of Network State and the State Theory Byoung Won Min
Soviet/Russian Nuclear Strategy, 1950-2020 Iordanka Alexandrova,
Sunwoo Paek
Political Economy of Digital Media Content Platform: Management of Free Market VS. Protected Free Competition Jongmin Yang
Cooperation and Conflict between Korea and the US during the 7th Korea-Japan Talks: Analyzing Role Conceptions of Park Chung Hee and Role Prescriptions of the US in 1965 Yeo Rin KANG
Korea-Japan Agreement concerning Joint Development Agreement of the Continental Shelf as the Connectivity of Geoeconomics: Korea and Japan’s Positions and China Factor in Preparation for Post-2028 Chang-Gun PARK
Polishing the Concepts of Non-Traditional Warfares: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Emergence of Fusion Battlefield Kil Joo Ban
Information and Psychological Warfare of 2022 Russia-Ukraine War: Competition of Narratives, Digital Platforms, and Convening Power Tae-Eun SONG
Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 through the prism of Ukraine-Russia relations in the 1990s: The fail of middle power"s hedging strategy Alina Shymanska
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Volume62, Number2
From Theory to History: Re-reading the English School of International Relations Doohwan Ahn
Dynamics of Ontological Security: US Policy toward China and US-China Competition Eun, Yong-Soo,
The evolution of US policy on cyber security cooperation: from the perspective of Network Theory and Constitutive Institutionalism Seung Hugh Shin
Surviving through Human Rights Policy: The Politics of Refugee and Asylum in Jordan Jeonghyeon Kim
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Volume62, Number1
From the Distribution of Power to the Distribution of Capability: Exploring the Role of Relations with Balance of Power Jinseok Eun
The Role of the ‘Democratic’ Developmental State in South Korea’s COVID-19 Crisis Response: Evalutation of Institutional Evolution of State Capacities and Governance Seokdong Kim
Revisiting North Korea’s Nuclear Success: Comparison with Iraq Kyung-joo Jeon
The Emergence of Competitive Cybersecurity Multilateralism: From the 2004 UNGGE Through the 2021 OEWG In Tae Yoo
The International History of Japan Inside Out through Syngman Rhee’s Press Clippings Jungmin Kim
The Current Topography of Nuclear Weapons and International Politics Tae-Hyung Kim
Climate Change and International Relations: Research Agenda on Economy, Security, Development, and New Actors Taedong Lee
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Volume61, Number4
A Study of East Asian Regional Order: From Universal/Special to Whole/Part Wookhee Shin
The Analysis of Chinese World View with Realism: The Characteristics of Chinese Rationality in Political Leaders’s Foreign Policies Bongsu Shin
The Conditions under which the R.O.K. pursues autonomy within the R.O.K.-U.S. alliance - testing the partisan and national power hypotheses - Jaeyong Jung
The annotation of securitization: Making adjustment to discourses on North Korea’s nuclear weapons Seongwon Yoon
The Korean Independence Movement in Hawaii before and after World War I: Focusing on Syngman Rhee and Pak Yong-man Myongsob Kim,
Jae Won Park
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Volume61, Number3
The Haitian Revolution-War of Independence and the Formation of Modern International Relations: A Postcolonial Perspective of Uneven and Combined Development Theory Gyeonga Lee
China’s Sovereignty Policy in the Mao Zedong era: Focusing on the process of signing the Sino-Soviet Alliance, establishing Sino-UK and Sino-Japan diplomatic relations Aekyung Kim
Syngman Rhee’s Speech Activities and Public Diplomacy during the Pacific War, 1941–1945 Seoyoung Han
Economic-Security Nexus and the Evolutionary Dynamics of the U.S.-China Strategic Competition Seungjoo Lee
The Studies on Global Politics of Science and Technology: Current Status and Prospects Youngja Bae
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Volume61, Number2
Complex Threat Perception and Reserved Accommodation: Examination of ROK’s Foreign Security Strategy toward China Chaekwang You
Struggle for Recognition over Historical Issues: Text Network Analysis of Japanese Prime Ministers’ Statements Seung Hee Oh
US-China Drone Wars: Standard Competitions for Technology, Discourse, and Institution Yoo Kyung Ro
Reassembling ANT into ‘ANT-IR’: The Concept of Translation within International Relations Context Jinseok Eun,
Jung Tae Lee
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Volume61, Number1
Refugee Protection and Asian Civil Society’s Responses: the Paradox of Empty Promises and the International Regime Complexity Choi Won Geun
Peace Economy and the Korean Peninsula: From the Perspective of Peacebuilding in the Post-conflict State Lim Haeyong,
Suh Bo-hyuk
Analysis on the Chinese PLA’s RMA in Xi jingping Era : focusing on the PLA Army’s RMA CHA Jung-Mi
Excuse for the Japan Socialist Party: the Cold War, the formation of the JSP, and its legacy Haeyoon Jung
Subjectification between ‘Civilization’ and ‘Assimilation’: Introduction of Le Bon’s theory in modern East Asia and Lee Kwangsu’s Minjok Gaejoron LEE Kyung Mi
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